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Trevor Baines

Max Power

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Don't get me wrong, I totally thought he was guilty. It's was just handy that we had someone to point at to demonstrate our 'harsh view of money launderers'. It is tricky though as the gent that Trev actually laundered the money for I don't actually think did any jail time or if he did it was significantly less than Trev got.


Ms Holt accepted money from Baines to pay her Company's invoice for his defence. What happened to her boss, and Moroney's Accountant/Anti Money Laundering officer? Surely it was their duty to check the source of funds etc before it all came out in the wash at court.


Accepting money for a bill from a man who has manipulated and taken advantage from you in a case that has been dumped on you by your boss when you are clearly over your head. Is that really money laundering? Does she really deserve to have the rest of her already short career ruined?

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Good on her. It's time our Kangaroo Courts got dragged into the real world. Drag em to the Privy Court for the first time in nearly 30 years and lets watch the fun.

It was obvious from the outset that Trev was going to be our Sacrificial Goat to the OECD and he was going to take anyone down that was associated with him.


30 years Phantom? there have been a number of cases resolved at the Privy Council http://www.judgments...erjudgments.htm


30 years since the last criminal case from the IOM was actually heard by the PC, none of those are criminal cases going to full, hearing. Frankland and Moore were the last ones i can recall.That link is just civil cases in last 10 years. Thee have been many applications to have civil and criminal cases go there, but few are allowed. I have been involved in 2 in last 24 months

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I always imagine Trevor Baines, at Jurby now for a few years in his retirement, as a Harry Grout type character. As such I am sure he is having an excellent time.


As for Ms whatsername, she is far too easy on the eye, to be locked up or career ruined, such people are not locked up in the movies, so why on the island, when we are supposed to be movie friendly? biggrin.png

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There's something not quite right about all of this case and I don't know why?

Has Harding & Goodwin got anything to do with Baines?


Don't think so. http://www.newsrt.co.uk/news/top-isle-of-man-officials-face-fraud-and-perjury-charges-843101.html


It appears to relate to a phone call in this case http://www.judgments.im/content/J1143.htm

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The Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, the highest Court of Appeal of the Isle of Man, has today quashed the convictions of Manx advocate Jenny Holt for money laundering and falsifying documents, after a four-year battle to clear her name.

Tomorrow’s Manx Independent will have more details.

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