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Next Generation Xbox Reveal


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I suppose it depends what they can use it for in game really, knowing everyone has one makes for more incentive for developers to add the features.


The real world fucks it up though if it's anything like current Kinnect. Bad lighting, furnature, people moving around the room etc.


Same with voice control. I'm sure it works brill if you're sat in a room by yourself, but with a room full of family? "Shh, I want to tell the xbox to change the channel". Na.

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It all comes down to the controller for me. The xbox controller fits better in my hands than the Playstation one. Assuming the PS4 one stays much the same it'll be an xbox under my telly this generation.


I'm certainly not buying both this time round.

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Which of the two new consoles are due out first?


The only reason I ask, is because although the XBOX 360 had a years head start on the PS3, some games for the PS3 still took a long time to arrive.


Still too early to tell between both consoles, and I certainly won't be buying either until they have been out for a while for the bugs to become visible on the respective consoles.

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Same with voice control. I'm sure it works brill if you're sat in a room by yourself, but with a room full of family? "Shh, I want to tell the xbox to change the channel". Na.


Exactly, and is it really that big of a pain to use a remote to press a 3 digit number to change a channel?



I've not really played console games for a while (other than the odd bit of GT5 or Jap games that aren't multi platform) - the PS3 is used as a bluray player and media streamer.


All in all with this and the PS4 being high spec, and very pc-like i hope it's the end of terrible PC games that are just 360/PS3 ports.

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Re: The 15 exclusives. Are these Kinect Party games or what though. The lack of detail was infuriating.

Could be anything.

Devs are saying the Xbox Dev environment is currently 6 months behind Sonys too.

This time around I reckon Sony will have the headstart on games

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I'd imagine so; I remember there reveal back in Feb? was it? Was so apologetic about the screw ups they'd made with the PS3 and what they'd done to fix them that if they haven't taken it into account for the launch I'd be surprised. Was so much more genuine than the Xbox one that was filled with buzz words and pausing for applause every few minutes.

I'd be quite happy with the current PS model too. Free online to play and pay for PS+ Features.
Online play is fine too now - despite the early hiccups.

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With Xbox one a single Xbox live subscription can be used by multiple accounts, plus all multiplayer games will have dedicated servers.

Much better than what you get currently, make up your own minds if the cost is worth it.

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With Xbox one a single Xbox live subscription can be used by multiple accounts, plus all multiplayer games will have dedicated servers.

Much better than what you get currently, make up your own minds if the cost is worth it.


Added to this the pointless tech spec of Xbox Live currently using 15,000 servers which is being upped to 300,000 for Xbox One and there is some serious infrastructure costs to cover.


I wish MS would offer something like PS+, I'd be willing to pay a decent amount for that.

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Will the Playstation network be more stable this time around? I know you have to pay for Xbox online, but at least its resonably stable.


There's no clarity on what's going to happen with PSN/PSN+. Some think that MS might make Live free and some think sony might require PSN+ for online games. We'll have to wait and see.


Hard to see how PSN+ can work as it is now given there's no library of games yet, but I also can't see MS trying to justify people paying a sub to watch Netflix any longer.

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Microsoft doing a good job of hyping up the new xbox




All bollocks i'm sure. Remember when Sony announced the Cell processor and how it was the most powerful CPU in the world and was like a supercomputer that would revolutionise gaming as we knew it? (and how most PS3 fans would tell you how amazing it was and how it shit all over PC x86 cpus). Turns out it was a pile of shit for gaming and part of the reason games looked like shit on the PS3 and couldn't maintain a steady framerate compared to the 360.


Personally i think the new Xbox looks woefully underpowered, and it seems Microsoft know this, and have to make up any old bullshit to get people believing its as amazing as they originally claimed ala Sony and Cell

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