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Next Generation Xbox Reveal


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I don't agree. I already rarely buy disk games, either on steam or on the consoles. Provided you avoid day 1 releases which are expensive everywhere, the price drops quite quick for the digital downloads and plenty of bargains are to be had on XBOX live and PSN.

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I don't agree. I already rarely buy disk games, either on steam or on the consoles. Provided you avoid day 1 releases which are expensive everywhere, the price drops quite quick for the digital downloads and plenty of bargains are to be had on XBOX live and PSN.

Borderlands 2 avialable for £13 online

XBL store £49.99


Likewise on PSN store


I'll believe it when I see it


If they open up the digital platform like steam.

So I can buy codes online and have weekly sales (similar to humble bundle, green man gaming and the like.


Then I could be sold on the idea - assuming I could carry my games on to the Xbox(two?) and PS5.


Off the record I bought Skyrim digitally for Steam on release for £23; if we had reduced prices because of the DRM on the new xbox I wouldn't mind so much.


Have to wait and see I guess

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Yeah, there's bad examples for sure and it's always a danger for lock in platforms that they stiff you on price. I think the competition will keep it real though, while there's a choice of psn, xbox live or steam at the very least, they'll have to be competitive.

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So same as 360 for downloadable games, same as Steam for the majority of games, same as PSN for downloadable games?


I think MS need to make it clearer, the Xbox One is a fully digital platform, the games you buy in store are just to bypass the download portion of the install. It is functionally the same as Steam/Origin/iTunes, is this the right direction for a games console? It's hard to say but MS are getting a lot of shit for trying to move beyond physical media, a step that has been good for both music and PC games.

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So same as 360 for downloadable games, same as Steam for the majority of games, same as PSN for downloadable games?


Na. 360 if your live account is banned, you can still play your xbla/god games, you just can't play them online. As the license is for the console as well as account, you can create a new live account and play on. Steam has a fairly complex banning system, but you can be VAC banned from playing a single game and not have your whole account banned. You can also access your games if you are account locked, eg:



PSN is even less restrictive as it allows you to download psn games to multiple consoles and play them, a banned account doesn't lock you out of your games.



I think MS need to make it clearer, the Xbox One is a fully digital platform, the games you buy in store are just to bypass the download portion of the install. It is functionally the same as Steam/Origin/iTunes, is this the right direction for a games console? It's hard to say but MS are getting a lot of shit for trying to move beyond physical media, a step that has been good for both music and PC games.


Agree, but they've demonstrably gone too far by trying to apply the digital controls to disk based games. They should have just carried on and let disks die on their own, like the music/film/book industries are doing.

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So same as 360 for downloadable games, same as Steam for the majority of games, same as PSN for downloadable games?


Na. 360 if your live account is banned, you can still play your xbla/god games, you just can't play them online. As the license is for the console as well as account, you can create a new live account and play on. Steam has a fairly complex banning system, but you can be VAC banned from playing a single game and not have your whole account banned. You can also access your games if you are account locked, eg:



PSN is even less restrictive as it allows you to download psn games to multiple consoles and play them, a banned account doesn't lock you out of your games.


Fair enough, googleing around suggested that most games are inaccessible through Steam with a banned account, not just a VAC ban but a full account ban. But those results most have been pre policy change.

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Speechless, I can almost understand not working in certain countries but how can it not work in all states?


Now slightly concerned about it working over here now, before I assumed it would be fine as the 360 works now not so much.


ETA:- So feeling a little foolish as this seems to be satire, but actually I wouldn't be surprised at this point.

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Speechless, I can almost understand not working in certain countries but how can it not work in all states?


Now slightly concerned about it working over here now, before I assumed it would be fine as the 360 works now not so much.

Come along now....read it again smile.png



Though there is a chance it won't work here as they have actually stated some geographic restrictions.

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Speechless, I can almost understand not working in certain countries but how can it not work in all states?


Now slightly concerned about it working over here now, before I assumed it would be fine as the 360 works now not so much.

Come along now....read it again smile.png



Though there is a chance it won't work here as they have actually stated some geographic restrictions.


I read it again and it still sounds fairly plausible, considering all the other crazy policies.

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Though there is a chance it won't work here as they have actually stated some geographic restrictions.


@ScarBunny We don't have the info to speculate for sure, but ideally, yes, since it's within as Live-supported region. ^LB


Inconclusive tweet from Xbox Support as to if it will work on the island, I have it preordered still i'll decide if I'm going to keep it when it arrives depending on how much the Day One Editions are selling on eBay for and how all the DRM and TV stuff works.

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