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Flat Earth?


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What do you think?



I think you're an obvious wind-up merchant, but just in case you're not I feel it's worth keeping in mind that the intelligence services have deliberately put out and encouraged crackpot conspiracy theories to undermine and marginalise the proponents of genuine conspiracy theories. There are also genuine schizophrenics out there who push these ridiculous theories, and then there are the con artists who promote conspira-tainment to make money out of selling books and giving lectures.


A solid debunk would put my mind at ease..


Here is the definitive proof that we do not live on a flat earth.



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People knew the world was a globe millenia ago. Eratosthenes had even accurately calculated the circumference before Jesus came along. It's a myth that everybody thought it was flat until recently.


Yes, even the medieval church at the height of the Inquisition recognised that the earth was a sphere.

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Gerry, do you know that the stars are different in the Northern and Southern Hemisphere?


Do you understand that if you want to find a particular star you have to specify your longitude and latitude so you can point your telescope in the right direction?


The charts and tables for this are publicaly available - Heaven's Above


These charts involve pretty simple trigonometry to show how the position of a star viewed from say the Island will be different from it being viewed in Australia.


You can verify them very easily - honestly you could do it yourself if you were willing to spend an hour or so with a math's teacher to understand the issues.


You could then get someone in the Southern Hemisphere to use your own calculations to go and find the star whose position you've calculated. You could be both looking at a star which is directly above the equator at the same time, but your Southern Hemisphere colleague would be pointing their telescope North and you'd be pointing it South.


You can do this consistently around the world and guess what - the simple maths based on assuming the world is a sphere can be used to locate a star pretty accurately all over the world (mountains and equatorial bulges notwithstanding).


Genuinely you should do it yourself.


I suspect you've never had the wonderful feeling of using basic principles to work something out and then gone and verified it by actually seeing if your results are as expected. That's science


You don't even need to trust the star charts - just pick a star you know - say BeetleJuice (ok Betelgeuse) and point your telescope at it. Measure the stars position in a consistent manner, then do the maths and send the result to your friend anywhere in the world, they'll point their telescope in a totally different direction to yours but see the same star (assuming it's above the horizon in both locations),


The world is a globe.


Gerry, do you think I'm trying to trick you?


Do you understand this is how astronomy and science works - by people saying something, and other people verifying it for themselves.


Google Foucault Pendulum - they've been built all over the world - even at the South Pole. Just like with astronomy you need to use the fact the world is a globe to understand how they behave.


Gerry I do say I find it very difficult to understand how you verify information.


Maybe you are just taking the piss, but anyway, I hope you can appreciate that the gentleman who made the youtube video is a nutter. There is no other way of putting this. They are credulous and refuse to use or accept very simple techniques which would show they are talking rubbish.



Nice post, no I don't think you are trying to trick me at all.


Foucault pendulum is a good measure of the earth spinning, be it a disc or a globe? If the one in the south pole correlates (should calculate spin counter to its opposite pole) with the one in the north pole then it would be hard to imagine that the south pole is around the edge of the disc as in the flat earth model, Assuming the pendulums at the poles exist? So if they fake the Antarctic pendulum then this can be discounted and I wouldn't put it past them to fake it, surely as it’s a pretty inaccessible area then we just have their word for it. There is the equator one, but I am not sure if FP does without doubt prove the earth is a globe.


I get most my info from both official and unofficial sources, then weigh up and throw out what seems to be junk info, for instance take “The Bedford level experiment”, I don’t trust Wikipedia for most info (including Bedford) but this experiment has been done by many that apparently disproves the earth has curvature that “science” alludes to, also in a plane the horizon rises with you and doesn't seem curved at high altitude (to me)..


Could astronomy be a cleaver projection? A magician’s trick of a higher intelligence? The designers would have to be well beyond our level of intelligence.. It’s easy to trick your pet dog.


I am new to “Flat Earth”, I had always laughed it off, never considered it but the GPS in the southern hemisphere and plane routes are odd, the recent plane loses were in the southern hemisphere, I seem to remember the problems they have when locating plane crashes in these areas also! Yes this GPS thing is very suspicious, it seems to take weeks to find a downed plane over the southern oceans.


For people that think I am trolling, I assure you I am not, this stuff only came to my attention about 3 weeks ago. I know "flat earth" it seems ridiculous, but IF true what would that make of our perceived reality...



Talking of teachers, I once asked one what 1/3 + 1/4 was, and they started by constructing a pie chart...Good old common core teaching....

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Foucault pendulum is a good measure of the earth spinning, be it a disc or a globe?


I suspect that Terry Pratchett is currently spinning in his grave (always assuming that he wasn't cremated.)


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A solid debunk would put my mind at ease..


Here is the definitive proof that we do not live on a flat earth.





Bumpety bump for the Flat Head Society.


Surely you don't believe NASA with its creative art department do you?


I did also think that the guy that made the videos could be a "paid dis info agent" to discredit true conspiracy, and make people like me look stupid, however I found something out last week that made me think he believes what he is saying...


I've always had my doubts about the moon landings but this flat earth thing is too much for me to comprehend right now, I just wanted to see what others make of it

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