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Flat Earth?


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Surely you don't believe NASA with its creative art department do you? I did also think that the guy that made the videos could be a "paid dis info agent" to discredit true conspiracy, and make people like me look stupid, however I found something out last week that made me think he believes what he is saying...


I've always had my doubts about the moon landings but this flat earth thing is too much for me to comprehend right now, I just wanted to see what others make of it



So bascially, you're not sure if the Earth is a globe because you've not seen it with your own eyes from space? Have you ever seen a wild polar bear or tiger? Have you ever seen Diego Maradona? Have you ever been to China? If you answered no, do you doubt these things exist?

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@Gerry, it would seem you don't understand how a Foucult's Pendulum works.


At the Poles they rotate 360 degrees in 24 hours, though in different directions depending which pole you are at. At the equator it doesn't rotate. In between these two extremes the speed of rotation depends upon the latitude.




If the world was flat they'd all rotate in 24 hours no matter where you were.


You can go and see them in Australia, New Zealand and Brazil - they rotate the other way in the Southern Hemisphere (link)- really this is true.*


It is a really simple elegant experiment that not only shows the earth rotates, but also that lines of latitude mean something. You are moving on a sphere.


I've got to be frank - you clearly really have difficulties accepting things. It really doesn't come over very well.


Why don't you go and see the Foucault's Pendulum in the science museum and watch it. It takes longer than 24 hours to rotate.


All I can presume is you think this is faked in some way. Why do you think this exactly?


Garry, don't you realize that you could rig one up yourself. Do it as a community project in a Church Tower or similar. Genuinely you will find that it will rotate at a different rate to the one you can go and see in London - the Island's at a different latitude. Or do you think the thought police would come and fake your experiment for you? Madness, but that is what you get on the internet I suppose.





*Also can you explain why the sun moves left to right in the Northern Hemisphere and right to left in the South - try and think about this for yourself Gerry.

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I like Gerry.

Asking questions is good and if we all accepted what's said is actual truth, then the politicians and so called world leaders wouldn't have a problem milking the place even further.

I also like Chinahands information which one would find hard to disprove, but this is good use of facts.


I still agree that we can't take anything at face value and people should still question something if they don't feel is correct. OK, this won't be a winner and might even be seen as futile or tiresome, but hopefully the person gains sufficient information to adjust their original findings if need be.

Carry on asking the questions Gerry and I'd like to see people use facts as CH did, instead of saying you're trolling or you're stupid without giving a factual reason why. (sorry guys - I'm just reading what the comments say)

Believing what is wrote on the internet or watching youtube can be misleading and what is or isn't the truth seems to be much harder to find out than once before.

To Gerry - Don't believe everything you read and research as much as you can.

To ChinaHand - Good posts and as they say, seeing is believing.

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I agree with China Hand and Foucault's Pendulum is a very good case against the flat earth model, I am not saying that the earth is flat as a fact. but after watching those short videos and listening to a 1 1/2 hr phone call to the guy from a skeptic has made think WTF..


I once read the book "who built the moon" and the numbers for moon / sun / earth are staggering, coincidence or design is how it leaves you feeling, NASA apparently hit the moon with a large impact on purpose (as you do) and it rang like a bell for 30 mins, indicating that it was hollow..Seems to me, what, who the hell do you believe these days.

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Gerry, a Foucault Pendulum is an obscure and rather off beat experiment showing the Earth is a sphere. I chose it to give you a a different angle to think about.


The most basic proofs come from really simple things - sunrise and sunset times and the height of the sun above the horizon at noon and how different noon is from midday.


You simply cannot explain these things with a flat earth.


Try and explain the changing angle of the analemma from different places around the earth or the classic example of why you can see the sun at the bottom of a well at midday on a certain day in Egypt, but not in Athens.


Thinking people understood these things thousands of years ago.


There is no mystery here, rather very simple observations and o level maths. You could do it yourself in your garden with a nothing more than a sextant and a watch.


Trying to understand the mind set which tries to obscure this really simple reality with so many layers of obscurantism is fascinating, but basically futile, hence Quilp's caustic (but probably accurate) remark.

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Forums can be so weird.

Not believing the Government in what they say in one hand in the local community, whilst in the other hand, believing the Government in areas we know little about.


I'm not discounting the OP's post and as far fetched as it seems based on what I've been told via school, books and whatever media outlet one could think of, but I do not trust any Government body, especially those in the US and so whether this is true or not, then I'll remain sceptical for the time being.

I haven't read the rest of the thread because the subject is nonsense and I can't be arsed wasting my time. However, I can assure you that the Earth being a globe has nothing to do with any government!!

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If we cannot sense something by definition we cannot know anything about it.

Humanity advances its knowledge by understanding how the unknown impacts upon the reality we can sense.

That is the edge of our knowledge. James Clerk Maxwell put it in quasi-religious terms:

I have endeavoured to show that it is the peculiar function of the physical sciences to lead us to the confines of the incomprehensible, and to bid us behold it and receive it in faith, till such times as the mystery shall open.

While Niels Bohr put it in the context of the controlled curiosity which is a mark of the great scientist:

How wonderful that we have met with a paradox. Now we have some hope of making progress.


Neither of these great scientists were guilty of the phrase popularized by Tim Minchen: "if you open your mind too much your brain will fall out."


Yes, there are huge mysteries to be uncovered about the universe and what reality is on the largest and smallest scales and how this affects all scales in between.


But the earth is basically a sphere, rotating around the sun in an orbit approximating to Kepler's laws and if you want to discover this you need a watch, a sextant, a pencil, a piece of paper and a working brain.


The existence of this thread clearly shows a lack of all of these things.

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If it's flat then how do you explain the documented historical fact that Magellen circumnavigated the globe? And how do you explain the fact that we can get to China via the Americas or via the Middle East and can keep going? Plenty of people have travelled around the world. I think we'd have heard by now if it was flat.

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