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Huge Meat Plant Loss


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26 minutes ago, Donald Trumps said:

Well , as it stands there is a hugely loss-making meat plant and - as I understand it - a large number of loss-making farms being given subsidies to the tune of approx £6m per annum

No, idea what's going on with landowner susbsidy

At the same time, a huge amount of fruit & veg is being imported to the island and sold at ridiculously high prices

There's just something wrong here

Fruit will still have to be imported owing to the fact the Island is shite at growing bananas ;)

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56 minutes ago, Donald Trumps said:

I went to Iceland over forty years ago & they were growing bananas in greenhouses even then

Admittedly bananas are very cheap

But I'm sure we could grow citrus fruit under solar heated glass for less than £2 for 9 tangerines

.79p at tescos...

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1 hour ago, Donald Trumps said:

I went to Iceland over forty years ago & they were growing bananas in greenhouses even then

Admittedly bananas are very cheap

But I'm sure we could grow citrus fruit under solar heated glass for less than £2 for 9 tangerines

They do strawberries and all sorts now, but the power consumption is enormous - the only reason it's economical is because they access to so much geothermal power (and already hot water). And they still cost a lot over there :P 

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Just read the February reply to the FOI request, what a load of incomprehensible tosh ! Public money given freely to individuals and or companies should be fully disclosable, clearly they don't want to do that, I wonder why ? If the scheme is applied for and approved and administered correctly then no one has anything to fear from disclosure do they ?


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5 hours ago, Andy Onchan said:

I don't disagree with your comments in general, except that I seem to recall dairy farmers were in pretty much the same scrape as you describe a few years back; plummeting prices at the gate and pressure from what at the time was, and still is, an unregulated dairy import market. So in a lot of ways they had it just as bad. But they fought back, got their act together and are now a supplier of choice for major retailers in UK and beyond. It really is a success story that they/we should be proud of. And the meat farmers could do worse than to emulate the Creameries business model. 

Having said that it doesn't help with the last and incumbent Ministers being farmers themselves, they're hardly going to look at the situation dispassionately are they?

Take the money off them to help them get their self respect back by producing what they are capable of. Or does that only work for the disabled?

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44 minutes ago, asitis said:

Just read the February reply to the FOI request, what a load of incomprehensible tosh ! Public money given freely to individuals and or companies should be fully disclosable, clearly they don't want to do that, I wonder why ? If the scheme is applied for and approved and administered correctly then no one has anything to fear from disclosure do they ?


One of the bedrock footings of the Manx establishment is ensuring that its own remain well attended to in these straitened times. But that attention doesn't need/want to be public knowledge as it would only be inviting the proles to scratch the surface and start digging a bit deeper. Cos then they might well find it's only the tip of the fatberg.

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19 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

The request resulted in an almost incomprehensible reply (click on the link on the February request) twisting itself into knots to claim that they didn't have the information to match up place with payment  - while still oddly enough having enough to pay out money on these unknown pieces of land.  They really don't want you to know.

I don't see how they could possibly verify that the correct payments are being made without actually going out and seeing the parcels of land for themselves.

Unless, of course, the applications are just rubber-stamped and paid whatever.

Anyone know their process?

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5 minutes ago, Albert Tatlock said:

Without privatisation and efficiencies...and changes to the law for export...it will still be like putting kids in charge of a taxpayer funded sweet shop. 

From that press release you can just see the 1970s style management committee they are putting in there to run a loss making business being so successful can’t you? They’ve evidently taken the ‘best’ ‘talent’ from every other loss making IOMG farmers quango and put them all on the board overseeing this crock of shit. Even the spokesman from the NFU basically suggests they know this will be a total failure and that’s in the Departments own press release. It really is embarrassing. 

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1 hour ago, Andy Onchan said:

It will be interesting to see how DEFRA propose setting this up: https://www.gov.im/news/2017/dec/04/new-commercial-board-to-run-meat-plant/

Presumably, DEFRA will have to create a new corporate entity (for liability purposes) as it looks as though the FMA will have no involvement, save for a presence on the commercial board. 

I must admit I'm struggling to understand this myself. How exactly is it going to be different to the model they already very publicly acknowledged had failed? Of course, they did not admit it failed due to government incompetence.

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