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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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32 minutes ago, quilp said:

Lol. You deserve every word of it. I'm at the half way point reading through this thread from the outset and it's very revealing... :rolleyes:

Searching for your promised Unicorn?  

As the 31st October is approaching you would be better looking for a horse dressed up as one because Boris, Jacob, Mr Cummings (aka Woody2) have all been lying to you. 

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42 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

Searching for your promised Unicorn?  

As the 31st October is approaching you would be better looking for a horse dressed up as one because Boris, Jacob, Mr Cummings (aka Woody2) have all been lying to you. 

Whatever else one can throw at Johnson, and there is plenty, one can hardly blame him for missing the October Brexit deadline. He has battled to get it done on time. The delay is entirely at the door of a duplicitous majority of MPs, 84% of whom stood on manifesto commitments to uphold the referendum result. They never had any intention of doing so and have engaged in over 3 years of obfuscation and attrition to put off that which they are pledged to fulfill, in the hope that they can scare enough of the population witless to turn it around and stay in the EU. That's the subtext and always has been. 

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1 hour ago, manxman1980 said:

Searching for your promised Unicorn?  

As the 31st October is approaching you would be better looking for a horse dressed up as one because Boris, Jacob, Mr Cummings (aka Woody2) have all been lying to you. 

everyone knows it's down to remoan mp's.......

why would bj want a deal before an election? they have fallen for it........

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Should have had a plan. Should have been honest about the difficulties, including Northern Ireland’s position, from the start. Latest fiasco is typical - keep on promising to have simple solutions when you simply haven’t thought things through and you will come unstuck. The awful position now is not going to change until politicians admit that they sold an idea that wouldn’t work, which won’t happen, so the only choice now is keep negotiating indefinitely (whether in or out), or move on and deal with real problems. If people want no deal then they have to vote for it as they were promised an easy deal last time round. 

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1 hour ago, Freggyragh said:

Should have had a plan. Should have been honest about the difficulties, including Northern Ireland’s position, from the start. Latest fiasco is typical - keep on promising to have simple solutions when you simply haven’t thought things through and you will come unstuck. The awful position now is not going to change until politicians admit that they sold an idea that wouldn’t work, which won’t happen, so the only choice now is keep negotiating indefinitely (whether in or out), or move on and deal with real problems. If people want no deal then they have to vote for it as they were promised an easy deal last time round. 

If it really is so difficult to disentangle, this only reinforces how far down the rabbit hole we have travelled in the last four decades. All the more reason to get out. Difficulty should never be an excuse for avoiding the correct course of action.

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1 hour ago, woolley said:

Whatever else one can throw at Johnson, and there is plenty, one can hardly blame him for missing the October Brexit deadline. He has battled to get it done on time. The delay is entirely at the door of a duplicitous majority of MPs, 84% of whom stood on manifesto commitments to uphold the referendum result. They never had any intention of doing so and have engaged in over 3 years of obfuscation and attrition to put off that which they are pledged to fulfill, in the hope that they can scare enough of the population witless to turn it around and stay in the EU. That's the subtext and always has been. 

Total bollox.

We were always going to leave after the totally stupid and unnecessary referendum. The problem is, and always has been, the massive gulf between a no-deal crash-out and an orderly exit with a decent deal. Unfortunately the angry brexiteers shouting their empty slogans like "Leave Means Leave" seem to be totally oblivious to this. Clearly they live in a very simplistic world.

There was a classic example of this in the last QT. Someone had brought along a referendum ballot paper and having read the two options out then sat back with a "Now get out of that!" expression on his fizz. Gammons* the gift that goes on giving.

Johnsons' deal seems to be less advantageous than the Maybots. But then ANY deal is NEVER going to be good as membership of the EU. Amen to that.

* Gammons as in supporters of Dr Gammons who recently transferred from the Brexit Party to UKIP on a Bosman (courtesy of the European Court of Justice don'tcha know....)

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30 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Total bollox.

We were always going to leave after the totally stupid and unnecessary referendum. The problem is, and always has been, the massive gulf between a no-deal crash-out and an orderly exit with a decent deal. Unfortunately the angry brexiteers shouting their empty slogans like "Leave Means Leave" seem to be totally oblivious to this. Clearly they live in a very simplistic world.

There was a classic example of this in the last QT. Someone had brought along a referendum ballot paper and having read the two options out then sat back with a "Now get out of that!" expression on his fizz. Gammons* the gift that goes on giving.

Johnsons' deal seems to be less advantageous than the Maybots. But then ANY deal is NEVER going to be good as membership of the EU. Amen to that.

* Gammons as in supporters of Dr Gammons who recently transferred from the Brexit Party to UKIP on a Bosman (courtesy of the European Court of Justice don'tcha know....)


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15 minutes ago, woolley said:

The seemingly endless conundrum our politicos have been procrastinating over since 2016. 

Well they need to explain to clowns like Mr Ballot Paper Theatre Prop that here in Reality Land people have to make difficult decisions that are actually in Mr Ballot Paper Theatre Prop's best interests.

Totally amoral narcissistic serial philanderer and inveterate liar Boris Johnson thought he was in a win / win situation. Use the threat of no deal to force MP's to do his bidding and if that fails it's no deal which is the result his backers have financed him for.

The HoC, including members of his own party, hamstrung his position because HM's Opposition have the majority and they are determined to prevent a no-deal crash out. 

Basically a complete and utter clusterfuck....

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4 hours ago, woolley said:

Whatever else one can throw at Johnson, and there is plenty, one can hardly blame him for missing the October Brexit deadline. He has battled to get it done on time. The delay is entirely at the door of a duplicitous majority of MPs, 84% of whom stood on manifesto commitments to uphold the referendum result. They never had any intention of doing so and have engaged in over 3 years of obfuscation and attrition to put off that which they are pledged to fulfill, in the hope that they can scare enough of the population witless to turn it around and stay in the EU. That's the subtext and always has been. 


3 hours ago, woody2 said:

everyone knows it's down to remoan mp's.......

why would bj want a deal before an election? they have fallen for it........

Remind me which way Boris Johnson, Jacob Rees-Mogg and the rest of the ERG voted on the withdrawal agreement brought back to Parliament?  

The pair of you need to get your heads around the fact that the reason the UK has not left is not due to "remoaners" and everything to do with the fact that Brexiteers cannot agree on exactly what they want.  


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21 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:


Remind me which way Boris Johnson, Jacob Rees-Mogg and the rest of the ERG voted on the withdrawal agreement brought back to Parliament?  

The pair of you need to get your heads around the fact that the reason the UK has not left is not due to "remoaners" and everything to do with the fact that Brexiteers cannot agree on exactly what they want.  


who did the "deal".......remoans......

did you miss the bit that it wasn't leaving the eu......:rolleyes:.......the remoans should of voted for it........



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