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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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1 hour ago, woody2 said:

who did the "deal".......remoans......

did you miss the bit that it wasn't leaving the eu......:rolleyes:.......the remoans should of voted for it........



David Davis, Dominic Raab, de Pfeffer-Johnson, Fox, - whoever they send they are going to get a deal so shit it is unacceptable to either the ERG or DUP. Should have had a plan. It’s not a rabbit hole, it’s a fact - the best deal was and is remain,  any other deal is going to be shit by comparison, so they’d better just honour the referendum and accept their promises were lies and sign up to best deal possible and own their shit.  

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7 hours ago, woody2 said:

who did the "deal".......remoans......

did you miss the bit that it wasn't leaving the eu......:rolleyes:.......the remoans should of voted for it.......

Come on Woody, before the referendum there was no clear outline of what Brexit was going to be.  Even Nigel Farage was suggesting a Norway style agreement. 

When the Johnson deal was revealed, Nigel Farage was horrified. 

Brexiteers cannot agree what Brexit is or should be.

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8 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

David Davis, Dominic Raab, de Pfeffer-Johnson, Fox, - whoever they send they are going to get a deal so shit it is unacceptable to either the ERG or DUP. Should have had a plan. It’s not a rabbit hole, it’s a fact - the best deal was and is remain,  any other deal is going to be shit by comparison, so they’d better just honour the referendum and accept their promises were lies and sign up to best deal possible and own their shit.  

none of the names you put forward had anything to do with may's deal.......it was oily robbins........

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1 hour ago, manxman1980 said:

Come on Woody, before the referendum there was no clear outline of what Brexit was going to be.  Even Nigel Farage was suggesting a Norway style agreement. 

When the Johnson deal was revealed, Nigel Farage was horrified. 

Brexiteers cannot agree what Brexit is or should be.

that was 2014 before even a referendum was known about.......

i see the eu are now suggesting pooling govenments incomes:rolleyes: something else we were told would never happen.......

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8 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

So now there’s another 3 month extension, so what are the government going to do between now and then? Hold an election, break for Christmas, renegotiate, realise nothing’s changed, ask for another extension. Sooner or later the penny is going to drop. 

depends who wins.....

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4 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

Does it matter if we are leaving?  

Even if we remained a member then the UK would have a veto and that would be the end of it.  

Now now.

Mentioning that the sovereign nations in the EU have a veto flies in the face of the "lost sovereignty" card that unscrupulous brexit politicians (no shortage there) love to play as a "reason" for leaving.

I see Savid Javid is still refusing to release any gov economic forecasts on the wonderful new deal they've cobbled together. I wonder why that is....?

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14 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

Does it matter if we are leaving?  

Even if we remained a member then the UK would have a veto and that would be the end of it.  

Well we haven't left yet and there is an almighty struggle playing out to thwart the referendum. You talk about veto but this is being eroded as time goes by and more issues will be decided by a majority vote. Even with the veto you are only ever one Europhile nutcase away from signing up to a disaster. You think we have troubles leaving now? Had it not been for Broon, the hideous Blair would have had us in the euro. Then it would have been impossible. 

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8 minutes ago, woolley said:

Well we haven't left yet and there is an almighty struggle playing out to thwart the referendum. You talk about veto but this is being eroded as time goes by and more issues will be decided by a majority vote. Even with the veto you are only ever one Europhile nutcase away from signing up to a disaster. You think we have troubles leaving now? Had it not been for Broon, the hideous Blair would have had us in the euro. Then it would have been impossible. 

So according to you the veto is being eroded as time goes on? Well, only if a sovereign nation doesn't veto it that is.....

You're right about the advantages of not having the Euro though. It meant that John Major et al left the Maastricht treaty in 1992 with the best deal in the best trading bloc on the planet. However our gdp has only grown by 122% since then....

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12 minutes ago, woolley said:

Nothing to compare it with, so means nothing. Nobody knows what it would have been outside EU. 

You can do what I did and compare it to the three other main economies of the EU and see it did better than all three of them. Including the powerhouse that is Germany.

I love this - "Nobody knows what it would have been outside (the) EU" 

Errrr so leaving the EU is a massive gamble based on fuck-all data then. Apart from the fact that UK exports will have tariffs applied of anything up to 40% making them much less competetive.

Got it!

Don't worry Woolster, you'll get your totally stupid and unnecessary brexit....

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