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High times ahead? Maybe not


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"No, you need to get the form from this window, and go to THAT window over there, then come back to THIS window, and then go over THERE" is basically what has happened. 

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Article reads as though DHSC is suppressing the promotion of debate on a matter of significant public interest and controversy, by a democratically and directly elected public representative acting in her capacity as such, because she is also a political appointee to the DHSC under a system of undemocratic and unaccountable political patronage. 

If so, then whatever the rights or wrongs of relaxing the restrictions on medicinal use of cannabis, it feels as though DHSC is inhibiting her from performing what is probably the primary duty of each and every MHK. 

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Looking at the motion "The Hon. Member for Douglas East (Miss Bettison) to move – That a committee of five members be appointed to examine the medical use of cannabis products, the scope for scientific research into these on the Isle of Man and the current classification of cannabis; and to report back with recommendations no later than November 2017." It covers a bit more than just medicinal cannabis.

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The Manx Taliban basically don't want this to happen. Not too dissimilar to the tactics used on Allinsons abortion debate. We dont ive in a democracy. It's an unelected dictatorship. Even Jersey is debating medical use openly and properly. We don't want progress here though as some of the unelected dictatorships Victorian values might have to be impacted when they're quite happy living in 1953. 

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1 hour ago, RIchard Britten said:

The Isle of Man...where you can....oh hang on maybe not

I've always thought that and "Freedom to Flourish" were without doubt the worst descriptors the IOM could ever use to describe what the IOM is all about. As in most cases unless you know the right people or grease to right palms you most certainly can't flourish and you most certainly can ... t ... do most things without the approval of the exact same people. 

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I will get on to my MHK about it :) November is not that far off. How would you go about getting on such a committee? I'm not usually interested in such things but the money weed is making in America and Canada would fill our VAT void, bring more tourists than you can shake a stick at AND there are a multitude of other uses for it, Cannabeer, Hempcrete, skin creams & pet medication (seriously).

It's going to happen, it's a massive & diverse industry in America and Canada, we need something, why not let it be Cannabis? We're seen as scummy money laundering tax avoiders, this would be a great thing and may help to improve the Islands image.

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12 minutes ago, twinkle said:

instead of giving farmers money for NOTHING let them grow weed, a plant that has multiple uses.

They probably prefer the money for nothing option. Think of the expense of scaling up to produce hash on an industrial scale, the premises, heat and irrigation required. They'd want more grants for £Ms for that as well. And I'm sure our overseers in the UK would see this new venture in a less than favourable light given CURRENT legislation..?

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