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8 minutes ago, hissingsid said:

I just hope this poor man gets to know the amount of support he has got from the public in this matter and the disgust that is being leveled at those responsible for putting him in this position I.e. The lying mother, whose name has not been revealed, the over enthusiastic prosecutors and the slimy media, I did notice a much smaller picture in the paper with a not guilty heading, too little too late.   Regarding his job he was suspended so he will automatically resume his position one would hope.   But a persons reputation is everything, especially in the Isle of Man or any small place and mud sticks.    I wish him the best but am sure he will never get over this dreadful experience.   There is nothing worse than being accused of doing something when you are innocent even when you are exonerated it cuts deep.

I hope they name the mother. What a nasty cow if the rumours are true. 

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2 hours ago, Lost Login said:

That happens in hundreds of thousands of cases every year in the IoM, UK etc. People are arrested and the fact is reported or when a trial is about to start that is reported all be it the Cliff Richard's case in the UK may prevent that going forward

We all want a utopia solution. Unfortunately there is not one although we should all try and work towards as best we can

Quite - and Newspapers and reporters should abide by a code of ethics and standards.  Bottom line, the reporting and headline in the first instance was disgraceful.  They could of and should of waited until the case had concluded and written a balanced report.

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27 minutes ago, interestedman said:

Quite - and Newspapers and reporters should abide by a code of ethics and standards.  Bottom line, the reporting and headline in the first instance was disgraceful.  They could of and should of waited until the case had concluded and written a balanced report.

Now that made me laugh out loud...:thumbsup:

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18 hours ago, WKRP said:

Yep editor Dick is defendantly not to blame for the story. He is sunning himself overseas - so says his Twitter feed

He must've been gone a long time, then. The damning headline and story was printed at least a couple of weeks ago.

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Indeed, and quite rightly-so given they were supplied with the facts and the time to consider the circumstances of the allegation. What many people are calling into question is the veracity of that headline and how it came across. Reading the comments section of that rag it would appear even the regular contributors felt it was unfair. The inset image of the alleged offender didn't help. 

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Quilp I probably wouldn't have gone with that headline myself. But "My girl ..." suggests it's one persons view, and I think the context is provided by the sub heading. You'd see that before the picture or the name.  

It doesn't seem that different to the 3fm report from when he has charged. 



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The headline should have been put in quotation marks. Why was itr in such big typeface?

Front page news? Certainly not at the time.

Perhaps Adrian Darbyshire could comment? When the boss is away, perhaps he has free reign of the newspaper? He is the main reporter but I see he had his own article in this issue regarding his discovering the planning process and requirements when he was selling his house. Although it was an unusual piece coming from him I thought it was a decent enough article but who needs to whinge on Facebook or Manxforums when you have a newspaper at your disposal?

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I would suppose the jury came to conclusion that straightening a child's fancy dress in a public place did not equate to molestation, only a very twisted person , like the mother, could come up with that.    She should be named and shamed for lying and wasting police time, apparently she has issues with MHT on another matter.

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