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Gas bill


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1 minute ago, LightBulb said:

Just had my gas bill, it is estimated, but using my winter bill as a comparison, they want me to pay the same for my winter bill, as my summer bill,  Would it be worth me contacting Martin Perkins at the OFT to look in to this ?

No, it would be easier to take the reading yourself and phone it in to Manx Gas.

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17 minutes ago, LightBulb said:

Just had my gas bill, it is estimated, but using my winter bill as a comparison, they want me to pay the same for my winter bill, as my summer bill,  Would it be worth me contacting Martin Perkins at the OFT to look in to this ?

Manx Gas have sent account holders apologising for sending out bills and they have admitted errors caused by a computer.......... supposedly! Mind you it would be easier to replace Martyn Perkins with a computer.

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2 minutes ago, 2112 said:

Manx Gas have sent account holders apologising for sending out bills and they have admitted errors caused by a computer.......... supposedly! Mind you it would be easier to replace Martyn Perkins with a computer.

MUA/MEA the same but no letter, just a bill on your doorstep with an estimate reading based on the previous period, not even on the same period as this time last year. Pillox.

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They recently failed to bill a lot of householders over in the west in the period ending February and added it on to the customers bill at the end of April instead. There were some big ones... no reasons or apologies given though.

Meter readings were suspended in March because of lockdown weren't they?

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2 hours ago, LightBulb said:

Just had my gas bill, it is estimated, but using my winter bill as a comparison, they want me to pay the same for my winter bill, as my summer bill,  Would it be worth me contacting Martin Perkins at the OFT to look in to this ?

are you one of those loons who complain about bad service on FB instead of to the source of the problem?

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2 hours ago, LightBulb said:

Just had my gas bill, it is estimated, but using my winter bill as a comparison, they want me to pay the same for my winter bill, as my summer bill,  Would it be worth me contacting Martin Perkins at the OFT to look in to this ?

You would be better sending a letter to my dog !

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Sorry to be pedantic, ( not really ), until you sort out your grammar, syntax, sentence structure and solecisms, it probably isn't worth getting in touch with anyone!  Except perhaps, your old English Grammar teacher to remonstrate with them?

Certainly not Martyn Perkins as he is probably not at the OFT. since his move to Policy etc.

That could be the next speculation for us? Who will get the 2-3 Ks as Chair of the OFT? Which of 'Howards Heros' deserves this?


It could be Rob Callister, throughly deserved, though it might clash with his Tourist Board role? He could exaggerate  the arrivals and then have to investigate the figures????

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Perkins has moved to planning.   I have just had an eye watering electric bill, estimated , as I am sure your gas bill is, just take a reading and ring them up and they will send you a corrected bill, as least that is what happens with the electric.






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27 minutes ago, Terminal said:

Remember when you first took out a gas or electric account and you had to pay a deposit, no? Well you did.

Has anyone ever had or asked for those back?

I got a gas one back on a flat years ago. £250. Had to pay a £30ish bill to get it back, they wouldn't just knock it off the deposit and pay me the difference though. After that when I needed to get gas again a few years later they didn't need the deposit, cos I'd paid one in the past, which I found a bit strange, but was very happy about.

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