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1 minute ago, The Maverick said:

The claims that this is all a government conspiracy seem to be the typical default online claims. 

Quite.  If there was a conspiracy, it would never have gone to trial. 

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3 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

People would like some clarity over the unusual halting. In the absence of such...

Like I said earlier in the thread... put the names Lewin, Greenhow, Skelly and Attorney Generals in the mix and I wouldn't trust anything.

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31 minutes ago, Gladys said:

Quite.  If there was a conspiracy, it would never have gone to trial. 

Well you can have a conspiracy to send someone to trial I suppose as well as one to protect someone who should be. Only last night I was reading about a government attempt to convict the Chief Constable of fraud.  Mind you it was in 1911.

(Other 1911 stories include anti-vaccinators being sent to prison and attempts to solve the Laxey sewage problem).

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Was asking someone who works in the legal field what happened/why. Wasn’t there, but spoke with someone who was.

Says there are 3 or 4 reasons to change advocate mid trial, and that any one will end up with an aborted trial, discharged jury, and start again with new lawyer some long time down the road.

If privately funded, the defendant runs out of cash because the trial over runs. Scales has legal aid. The trial was within its estimated time frame.

Defendant tells advocate something that “professionally embarrasses” the advocate, like admitting he’s guilty but insisting on giving evidence that it wasn’t him.

The advocate has put into court a Defence Statement but either didn’t cross examine the prosecution witnesses about the content that contradicts their evidence and then Defendant tries to give that evidence, or the Defence Statement is defective and Defendant tries to give evidence of facts not contained in it, trying to take the prosecution by surprise. That’s not allowed. Deemster has to exclude.

It looks like the Defence Statement and evidence given by Scales didn’t tie in. Deemster Cook intervened several times to stop evidence. There were hearings for legal argument without the jury being present. It got to the stage that Deemster Cook appointed another advocate as “amicus” or friend of the court to assist independently  with arguments about what to do. The press generally don’t report those type of things because it might prejudice a jury.

Result, decided that a fair trial could no longer be had, defendant sacked his advocate. Defendant and new advocate to be back in front of Deemster Cook on 24 May for a review, new timetabling and maybe setting a new date.

My source tells me the issue was about IT forensics and possible loss of data by police examiners who interrogated seized computers and phones. If so that could prejudice a fair trial because it might deprive Scales of showing that there was no evidence at all that he’d forged anything, or passed the documents on to anyone.


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12 minutes ago, Kipper99 said:


My source tells me the issue was about IT forensics and possible loss of data by police examiners who interrogated seized computers and phones. If so that could prejudice a fair trial because it might deprive Scales of showing that there was no evidence at all that he’d forged anything, or passed the documents on to anyone.


There's a theme running here with our constabulary.

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After reading Kipper99's insightful post, I experienced the onset of a conspiracy theory.

Then I recalled the quote: "Don’t ascribe to malice what can be plainly explained by incompetence".



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