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Elderly care in the north. Jam tomorrow

Moghrey Mie

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Well, I would hope that the 'space' requirements of a new build would take into account future proofing the requirements of the space needed to provide  a  future proofed design to allow these buildings to go beyond 20/30 years of use.

Just like if we are building a school, just make sure the building can be raised upwards to accommodate the new population expansion!!!

Future! The new Govt edict!

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"Care at home for as long as possible is a good thing so long as the requisite resources are provided to fund it, a bit like wider care in the community. Problem is that it becomes a cheap option to do nothing and brush everything under the carpet".

"Quite, and will have a high reliance on 'informal' care which will not be supported". 

"Won't there be a need for respite care so families can have a break from  looking after elderly relatives at home?"

I have recent experience of caring for an elderly person - my mum. I agree that care at home for as long as possible is a good thing as long as requisite resources are required for funding it. My mum was receiving DLA and I received Carer's Allowance which is now little more than £70 per week - a pittance when your carer's there more or less twenty-four hours a day, although you can work and earn money. But again there are limits.

As regards the "informal care", my brother and I had to call in a daytime nursing service to help care for my mum. It was difficult as she was so resistant to change and didn't like the nurses fussing over her. I've friends who work in care homes and elderly care and they told me this attitude is common. Nurses are always seen as "the enemy".

There is a need for respite care, but think of that as very much a last resort. When you think that you and the daycare nurses have done all you can do. In the space of three months, I was absolutely knackered with having to get up at 4.30am just to prepare my own breakfast before making my mum's breakfast and giving her her medication - all before the nursing staff arrive. I'd to give up practically everything, especially a social life. My mum's eyesight and mobility were so bad, even bringing in four nurses a day and having a key safe installed, was only doing so much to help. Bear in mind that nurses are there to provide a level of personal care. They will do no housework. When you have to place an elderly person in respite care, understand that they may not want to go quietly and you can end up paying a hefty bill for their care.

Respite care should guarantee your elderly relative a good level of care and nursing homes usually have their own GP. But again, you'll be billed for whatever care they've given your relative.


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16 minutes ago, Moghrey Mie said:


I can't believe how poor the communication has been over Cummal Moar.

Can't they just explain their thinking?

It's the sort of complete incompetence you need a large communications department to produce.  What better way to respond to the concerns of vulnerable elderly people and their families than by telling them you can't be bothered to address their worries because you're off on your hols?

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1 minute ago, Roger Mexico said:

It's the sort of complete incompetence you need a large communications department to produce.  What better way to respond to the concerns of vulnerable elderly people and their families than by telling them you can't be bothered to address their worries because you're off on your hols?

And despite repeated requests, no reply to Manx Radio who are asking for clarification. 

All that money. For a new name, new letterheads, and the same dismissive and arrogant approach

Nothing has changed and it never will. No matter how shiny they try to make it. 

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14 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

Nothing has changed and it never will. No matter how shiny they try to make it. 

You can roll a turd in glitter but at the end of the day, it's still a turd. In this case a very large turd.

And we have used very, very expensive glitter. So expensive in fact, that we've had to take money from the very services it's supposed to be overseeing to pay for it.

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5 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

And we have used very, very expensive glitter. So expensive in fact, that we've had to take money from the very services it's supposed to be overseeing to pay for it.

Yep.   But, if any of them agreed in public that DHSC/MC was an expensive mistake (increasing the number of managers at the expense of frontline services, etc, etc, etc) - they’d also have to acknowledge that Tynwald voted it in “on the nod”, with no scrutiny, no dissenting voices, completely swallowing what Sir Jonathan Millionaire said without any attempt to verify, just as NHS England recognised the error and went in the opposite direction.   NHS England might not be a model system to copy - but at least they spotted that the model we now have increased manager numbers, duplicated function and ramped up cost for no benefit.

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2 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

 What better way to respond to the concerns of vulnerable elderly people and their families than by telling them you can't be bothered to address their worries because you're off on your hols?

This sort of thing happened to my mum and I last Easter when one of the daycare nurses asked "What kind of care would you expect us to provide? Would you consider no nursing visits until Easter Tuesday?"

"No. I take no holidays, so why should you?"

Edited by Langweilig
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