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The Truth Behind 9/11


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All i said was there is more to this than meets the eye, if you read about the subject then you will find this out.


The head of the CIA in pakistan gave the head hyjacker $100.000 just before the 9/11 disaster.


there is so many differences in the whole story.


I was only intrested in you opinions.


if all you want to say is


" The only difference is I'm *real*, those statements on those websites are nothing but TWADDLE writtten by trolls for the extremely gullible. Yes written by trolls for the GULLIBLE like you The tool. "


then why post ?

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Obviously, many of the websites out there proclaiming to know the "truth" can, and should be, looked at with a certain degree of scepticism. But among all the doubtful and eye-brow raising stories, there's always a bit of truth hidden here and there.


As much fun as conspiracy theories can be at times (/looks around MF and starts counting posts), I do firmly believe that sites like informationclearinghouse, etc, are necessary to keep a balance on things.


America is controlled by the media, and the media are controlled by people in the right places - that's why certain news are not broadcasted on Fox, NBC, etc (I mean news, not conspiracies), and that's also the basis, on which people like Michael Moore have built their whole career...


The US and all of their administrations (previous, as well as the current one) have so many skeletons in their closet, I'm surprised they still manage to shut the door... Look at some of the current stories, that made it into the worldwide news:


Spy Agency Mined Vast Data Trove, Officials Report - NY Times:


WASHINGTON, Dec. 23 - The National Security Agency has traced and analyzed large volumes of telephone and Internet communications flowing into and out of the United States as part of the eavesdropping program that President Bush approved after the Sept. 11, 2001......The volume of information harvested from telecommunication data and voice networks, without court-approved warrants, is much larger than the White House has acknowledged, the officials said.


CIA 'running secret terror jails' - BBC News

The CIA is running a network of secret prison facilities around the world to hold high-profile terror suspects, according to a US newspaper report.


Such prisons are, or have been, located in Eastern Europe, Afghanistan and Thailand, the Washington Post claims.


Powell raps Europe on CIA flights - BBC News


Ex-US Secretary of State Colin Powell has indicated that Europeans are being disingenuous when they deny knowledge of the rendition of terror suspects.


Mr Powell said the recently highlighted practice of moving people to places where they are not covered by US law was neither "new or unknown" to Europe.


See? The US spying on their own citizens without their knowledge or any court approval, then bundling "suspects" into planes and flying them to secret jails abroad in order to torture them - all prime examples of top conspiracy material, that (sadly) turned out to be true...


If there is one country where I'm more interested in finding out about the opinion and news of the underdog, rather than just believing in the "official version", then it's the US of A..


Remember - their vice president still has very strong ties to a company, which just so happens to have been awarded the biggest contracts in the effort to re-build Iraq - that's Halliburton, and ol' Dick still seems to be in there big time:


Cheney's Halliburton Ties Remain - CBS News


Democrats want Cheney-Halliburton probe - CNN.com


Land of the Free? My A... Land of the Greedy more like, and the never ending hunger for more power and more money can make man do things, you and me would never be able to imagine...


So my point regarding this simply is: Out of countless conspiracy stories out there, one or two may turn out to be true, and these one or two stories totally justify the existense of the mentioned websites...

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All i said was there is more to this than meets the eye, if you read about the subject then you will find this out.


It depends if you believe what they write


The trouble with a lot of these things is that once something they've put forward as the truth is debunked they simply drop it and move on to something else that they put forward as the truth.


They have very little credibility in my eyes


then why post ?


Perhaps he thought it had to be said?

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Well i think that this subject will run and run, i have been reading stories from different places on the web and they all seem to be questioning the whole 9/11 theory.


Look at Robin Cook, Micheal Meacher etc etc all saying no to a war in iraq then a few years later bush and blair say opps sorry boys and girls the information we had was wrong.


Don't you think that if they get something as serious as a war wrong what else are they saying that is wrong?

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in Sept 2000, a group of people in the US outlined their plans for global domination and said they need a new 'Pearl Harbour' to act as a catalyst for their plans, see pg 63 on this PDF:




now what's quite worrying is that this group of people includes Cheney, Rumsfeld, Jeb Bush etc...




but I think this thread gives a good perspective on the facts:




..and this is from a capitalist, US-based forum!


how many times has GWB lied to the world already?

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Mmm there is a saying that goes... 'The Bigger the Lie the more easy it is to get people to believe' springs to mind...


IMHO The rabbit hole is alot deeper than some dare to question...


Exactly, and I believe it was Hitler who coined that phrase. Says it all really.

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Where are the sceptics now?


Ignorance is bliss my friends.


Isnt it healthy to ask questions, they will be burning books next and telling you what you can watch and talk about.


Its human instinct to ask questions to find out how things happen.


All i want to know is why ?

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Had a look at some of the links posted in this thread, and most sites seem to be rather text heavy and big. One of the video clips up there is something like 47 minutes, so before I invest hours and hours into reading things,


could someone please sum up the alleged conspiracy behind 9/11 in a few words for me ?



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