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Saturday 23rd February

So we hit day 3 or is it 4 after chemotherapy. I have decided to stop counting the days. It's a rather meaningless task. It's a bit like sitting and watching the hands on the clock go round. What matters is that I have woken up feeling really good again. I had friends round last night for a few drinks, old sailing friends and we really enjoyed the evening. I went to bed feeling good and I have woken up with a feel good factor. The wind is blowing from the Southwest today at about 6 or 7. Its goi



Friday 22nd February

This is day 3 after my 1st Intravenous chemotherapy session. I also had to take chemo tablets yesterday and today . So far I have experienced no side effects whatsoever. Still, we have a long way to go and who knows what might be in store. It is strange how when you are aware that you have cancer you start thinking of your life in days. Days start to matter. You don’t know how many you might have left so you want to use them to the maximum. Hopefully my chemo treatment will turn my days to week



The Beginning Or The End!

An old friend of mine, Norman Kelly, the former custodian at Castle Rushen, sat on a bench on a summer's day on Castletown square chatting to a bunch of tourists. After listening to his fascinating tales one of them asked him had he lived here all his life? After pondering the question for a few seconds, he replied, "No, not yet."   I was in Nobles Hospital yesterday; it was my first day of chemotherapy. At some point during the day a nurse asked me if I had been a smoker all my life. I recal



Climate Change - The Facts.

How can we be sure that global warming is happening and that we are responsible? The IPCC 4th Assessment Report (2007) - drawn from research of over 2000 scientists and endorsed by 130 governments - reports that temperature rises are UNEQUIVOCAL.     The IPCC can now say with 90% certainty that human activities are responsible for higher concentrations of CO2 (the highest in 650,000 years) and other Greenhouse gases (ghg) in the atmosphere, and hence the corresponding overall warming of the

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

Island21 Horse Tram Statement

Mr Christian has now agreed to ask the Douglas Town Council to meet us as a result of this press statement which was a response to his criticism quoted by IOM Newspapers of the 28th January 2008 of "experts", i.e. according to the newspaper identified as members of Island21. Mr Christian has told me he actually meant unidentified members of this Forum using anonymous user names.   I am happy to report that Councillor Christian wishes to retain the service and reports that he does not are c

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

Exciting News Of The Boring Kind

There is no update, but I'm writing one anyway, because it's a blog, and I feel strangely compelled to add to it on a regular basis, even if I have nothing to write about apart from the most pointlessly mundane of trivial observations.   I have not yet begun to source parts for the R5, because snakebite (he who sold me the car) says he has some of the required bits in storage, so it'd make sense to take a look at those and see if they'll do the job before lashing out cash to buy them elsewhere



Walk A Mile In Someone's Shoes

There's 2 types of godbotherer story, one where the punchline is 'that was when I carried you' and the other ends with 'i sent a boat and then a helicopter, what more did you want?'Today I spoke to a lady whose partner is dying in the most awful way - I cannot even write what she told me about how he is suffering, truly indescribable. Her faith frightened me because it felt almost inhuman and devoid of normal outrage in the face of this apalling cancer, and I admired and felt humbled by her str



The Service (sinister Music Plays).......

Well that's not too bad I suppose.   Service was £116, and whilst the R5 didn't get a completely clean bill of health, the financial damage to follow isn't going to require me to sell my arse down the docks to randy fishermen. (Assuming they'd want to access my arse in the first place, that is, it'd certainly be a new use for cod liver oil. (Does cod liver oil actually come from the livers of cod? Is it genuinely oily? If so, that's really yucky.))   STUFF THAT NEEDS DOING -   Front shock



Meaning Of Life

Does anyone know if heinz tomato sauce is pasteurised or not?New diet this time called 'neutropenic' normally i'd snigger of course....



Reality Versus Dhss Beancounters

on weds last my daughter calls dhss patient transfer from the liverpool royal hospital to ask to be transferred to the last flight since she must wait to see a doctor. she is told why are you calling so late to request this and if you don't have a letter for the audit trail then no we can't transfer you. end of conversation. my daughter having just been told her cancer had returned and she would be facing more chemo and a bone marrow transplant not surprisingly fell apart. if herboyfriend hadn'



Dhss Mystery Shopper

writing this on my pda from a ward in the royal liverpool hospital - guess what came back? there'll be more f5om here shortly sorry to say. hope springs eternal and all that.... more chemo but with more poke this time. fingers crossed everyone we're fighting again.



The Journey Begins.....

So then, I bought this twenty year old Renault 5 GT Turbo which appears to be very nice. I don't mean nice like ice cream or a decent bottle of wine, I mean nice like having someone point a gun at you and pull the trigger, only for you to realise that the assailant has run out of ammo, who then keels over from a heart attack, and thus you're not dead after all. It's a scary kind of nice, whereby if you're still alive at the end of a little drive out in the country, you decide that maybe God migh



Pharmacy Services.

I am often asked what services do pharmacies provide?   Pharmacists (sometimes called Chemists) are experts in medicines and how they work. They play a key role in providing quality healthcare to patients. Working in the community, primary care and hospitals, pharmacists use their clinical expertise together with their practical knowledge to ensure the safe supply and use of medicines by patients and members of the public. The services that may be available from your Pharmacy are:   Medicine

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

Retirement Of Spmce Planning Officer

TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN.       For 14 years or so, I have been acting as HONORARY PLANNING OFFICER to the SOCIETY FOR THE PRESERVATION OF THE MANX COUNTRYSIDE & ENVIRONMENT (S.P.M.C.& E.).   At the half-year point I gave notice to the Society that I intended to retire from this post at the end of the 2007 planning year. This was effectively last Tuesday 14th . January 2008.   As I hold the records and planning data for 2007, I shall continue to receive and file on-going Decision N

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

Retirement And Spain

About two years ago I decided I no longer wished to work 60 or 70 hours per week. I decided to work from home, restricted hours, on a few matters for a very few clients. I also decided to buy a farmhouse in Spain.   I have been working part time from home now for 2 years. I have all the technology including satellite internet to allow me to work any where in the world.   Yesterday I got the small works consent to allow renovations at the farm house I bought in Querol Catalunia in July 2005.

John Wright

John Wright

Island21 Concerned By Horse Tram Changes

Island 21 concerned by horse tram changes   At its Annual General Meeting, the island’s sustainability forum Island 21 expressed dismay at changes to the horse tram service proposed by some Douglas councillors. Citing the horse tram not only as a vital part of the island’s heritage but also an excellent example of green transportation, the committee felt that the Corporation should be looking towards additional marketing rather than service reductions to address the £270,000 deficit accumulate

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

The Gas Man Cometh

Well, here we are again. Thursday 3rd January. I get out from under the covers. I check the radiator, still warm! Good. I go into the bathroom and turn on the shower. The water runs cold, very cold. No sign of it getting hot.   Deep down realisation sinks in. I’m in Spain, in the farm, on my own, with no gas for heating or hot water and an intermittent supply of electricity that trips if I plug in the kettle. I had made the two 35kg gas bottles last a week. The Gas company, despite many calls

John Wright

John Wright

Millions Risk Buying Drugs Online

MILLIONS RISK HEALTH BUYING DRUGS ONLINE Millions of Brits could be playing Russian Roulette with their health buying prescription-only medicines from rogue internet sites, according to research conducted by the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain (RPSGB). In response to this growing online danger, the RPSGB today rolls out the Internet Pharmacy Logo, a visual tool to help the public identify if a website is being operated by a bona fide pharmacy in Britain. The research shows

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

New Year Greetings.

Ring out the old, ring in the new; Ring, happy bells, across the snow; The year is going, let him go; Ring out the false, ring in the true.       The peace of God on us all. Sheeyee orryn-pene.   With every good wi

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

The Christmas Gospel And Prayers

Hear The Christmas Gospel from John 1, 1-14   "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.   The same was in the beginning with God.   All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.   In him was life; and the life was the light of men.   And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.   There was a man sent from God, whose name was John.   The same came for a witness, to bear witn

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

Internet Advent Christmas Card

The Bishop of Kensington has launched an Internet Advent Calendar for the run up to Christmas. The new calendar will uncover a different video for each day in December, right up to Christmas Day.   The calendar, produced by Jerusalem Productions of London, is a new initiative introduced by the Kensington Area to create more joy and expectancy as we prepare for Christmas. The Advent Calendar is intended to have a similar effect as a Christmas card and each video proposes to provoke thought in

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

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