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Everything posted by Sheldon

  1. Is there any realistic chance of recovering some or all of the money via POCA or some such? His wife is a fellow "director", so surely any assets in her name are fair game?
  2. Those didn't work so well for Glasgow Rangers. https://www.taxinsider.co.uk/hmrc-thrash-rangers-in-epic-ebt-final-ta
  3. That media training was worth every penny.
  4. Spoiler alert: there was no apology.
  5. Vader's been handing out bans over on IOMN&P after being accused of misogyny over this post last night: To date, no-one has picked him up on the more serious crime of spelling "incompetent" incorrectly.
  6. Quite right too - it's pure filth.
  7. Really? Given EVs weigh more than their ICE equivalents, that would be quite the turnaround.
  8. The whataboutery in some of the Twitter comments is unbelievable. "Would they have asked someone to put their horse in the van?" Well, no, because a horse rider would not be up there in the first place, acting like a stupid entitled dick.
  9. Looks like the snow bought him another few weeks, but the current court listing has him up on 31st March now. https://www.courts.im/media/3181/cggd.pdf It doesn't explicitly say "Sentencing", though, which I thought it might.
  10. Admittedly I don't know much about civil engineering, but it looks like a job that should have taken closer to two days than two months. Whether it was remotely necessary, and whether it's in a stupid place, are different questions.
  11. Bottom club Bournemouth 1 (ONE) - 0 (NIL) Liverpool A week is a long time in football.
  12. It's better to travel than to arrive.
  13. It's a bona fide disgrace, albeit perhaps a relatively minor one in the grand scheme of things. The outgoing Edinburgh flight is currently showing as "Delayed 18:10" even though it's now gone 19:10. Just shambolic.
  14. If you'd said "hoopy frood" instead of "fella" I'd be forced to agree, although discussion of the analogy rolls on. See, for example this abstract from 2021.
  15. Are you accusing Albert of falling foul of the anthropic principle? Douglas Adams summarised it quite neatly from the point of view of a puddle: "This is an interesting world I find myself in – an interesting hole I find myself in – fits me rather neatly, doesn't it? In fact it fits me staggeringly well, must have been made to have me in it!"
  16. Probably better if you use lasagne rather than linguine.
  17. FFS, don't give the DOI ideas! ☹️
  18. Tomorrow's a 'snow job'.
  19. She will hopefully never get a third chance to reveal a source, because surely nobody (not even a politician) will ever be stupid enough to trust her ever again.
  20. Baldrick: "I found it particularly ironic, my Lord, 'cause I've got a 'thingy' that's shaped like a turnip!"
  21. Surely that cuts both ways? If I overtake a cyclist on the road, I'm expected to give at least 1.5m room, and ideally the same as if I was overtaking another car. How much space is a cyclist supposed to give a pedestrian, on what looks like a reasonably narrow pavement?
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