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Everything posted by Sheldon

  1. I presume you meant "integrated", although where Alf is involved I may be wrong.
  2. "Pedicabo ego vos et irrumabo" - Catullus
  3. I was thinking more about the press. There must be a legitimate public interest there.
  4. I wasn't aware that it was the electorate's job to come up with the ideas; although that would be considerably cheaper than a representative democracy.
  5. An old Manx Forums favourite has chipped in her thoughts about this on IOMN&P this morning: A quite amazing retcon there from the "workshy time waster".
  6. Maybe this is the year, at long last, that I'm finally getting Jessica Alba for Xmas.
  7. Sheldon

    David Foul-er

    Jumpers for goalposts?
  8. Island Energy are incompetent charlatans, with the exception of the actual shop staff who you're not allowed to talk to any more. Jo Cox is the face of the company, and that says it all really. I can understand why the government have resisted calls to nationalise this steaming pile of shit, as that would cost them (us) an absolute fortune from now until doomsday. I wonder if they would instead consider covering some or all of the cost of every single domestic gas customer converting to oil, which would presumably be (a) cheaper for them/us and (b) a one off spend. Also (c) the perfect two fingers up to Island Energy.
  9. And in another few years that manager will fail too, and be replaced by another manager who - almost by definition - failed at their own previous job too, and so the whole sorry cycle perpetuates. You can pretty much guarantee that the latest manager will be paid more than the previous one.
  10. The shark has been well and truly jumped!
  11. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2023/03/31/twice-as-many-civil-servants-long-covid-national-average/
  12. Sheldon

    TT 2023

    So, does anybody know if demotion to a lower grade has ever happened? If these remedies are never actually used they might as well not exist. For all we know there are further paragraphs: e) Tarring and feathering may be considered as an alternative disciplinary penalty f) Banishment to a Hell dimension can be applied at the discretion of a senior manager.
  13. Sheldon

    TT 2023

    Is it possible for a civil servant to be demoted, rather than moving relentlessly up a standard pay spine regardless of performance, and if so has it ever actually happened? Or do they just get shifted sideways (or even upwards) to make them somebody else's problem?
  14. I hope her after-sales service from Jacksons is better than mine. It certainly couldn't be any worse. "Best Experience. Guaranteed" my arse!
  15. It IS classed as such by GDPR, although it is often not possible for the processor to link it to an actual person.
  16. I knew this guy had no sense of humour based solely on the piss-poor scribblings on his own web site, but yes, this is ubertwat behaviour.
  17. Exactly. I didn't hear the program; did Cobb actually say "8 days"? The number of foggy days (and visibility below 1000m "at some point") are far less relevant metrics than the actual number of flights delayed and/or diverted.
  18. Although still in its relative infancy, Pumped Thermal Energy Storage looks fairly promising. Not the greatest conversion efficiency - yet - but it's already one of the lowest cost and most scalable options, and it doesn't require any specific geological features.
  19. If only a pilot had 'phoned in...
  20. What time did that bloke break out of the bus? I'd be checking his house first.
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