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Everything posted by Sheldon

  1. Surely everybody knows to avoid LemonParty.org by now.
  2. Not the worst example of Hostile Architecture I've seen. Maybe add a few partitions, and angle them downwards a bit, like Oxford?
  3. I don't particularly like trains, but I love that story.
  4. The system goes on-line October 17th, 2023. Human decisions are removed from the equation. Skynet begins to learn at a geometric rate. It becomes self-aware at 2:14 a.m. October 18th. In a panic, they try to pull the plug. Skynet fights back and begins issuing penalty notices...
  5. All that same shit is still there on michaeljosem.com, though, which makes you wonder if he fell or if he was pushed.
  6. Chinahand has posted it/them a few pages back...
  7. FFS, it's like "Inception" now. It was so much simpler when he was just maligning Thatcher.
  8. I don't know, although it's unlikely to be Luciana Berger. Perhaps you can explain it to me; I'm not following how serving up the head of a supposed anti-Semite can be anti-Semitic, regardless of who it's being presented to.
  9. Hardly anti-Semitic, though. And the Netanyahu one is obviously nothing whatsoever to do with Shylock.
  10. I'll be cancelling my subscription in protest at their treatment of Steve Bell. I doubt I'll be the only one.
  11. Unbelievable... Steve Bell sacked by Guardian in antisemitism row
  12. I suspect it was to make it clear that she wasn't intended to actually be Claire McAlpine, but rather a fictional composite of several victims. It was done in consultation with McAlpine's family. I've no idea whether all Savile's victims were white or not, but you'd hardly be surprised if the paedophile necrophiliac was also a racist.
  13. There are dozens like this every day, day after day after day. Not a nutter at all, no sir!
  14. To cover that off requires testing the whole ecosystem from the operating system up. Even if the system itself passes every imaginable test first time, does it do it after its been running for a day, or a week, or a year? What about when other applications are running, or after a vital security patch is applied? Even if you test all that every time, a hardware component might simply overheat or fail. That's why it's vital to design as much redundancy into the architecture as possible, and it's pretty much unforgivable for NATS to lose a backup system at the same time as a primary on such an important application. I have no knowledge of Island Energy's systems, but I'd be surprised if the important stuff was developed in-house. This doesn't absolve them from any and all appropriate testing, of course, and from having a proven and well-rehearsed recovery plan.
  15. "a rogue code", eh? Well that explains everything. Good to see that Jo Cox hasn't lost her natural talent for communications.
  16. To be fair, it was far from lazy. You actually had get off your arse and put some effort in 😉
  17. You set them up, I’ll knock them down. Such lazy trolling.
  18. An awful self-publicising Nazi, indeed. Who’s the woman?
  19. A few generic bullet points, but not one single actual concrete example. As smoking guns go, it's incredibly poor stuff.
  20. Sheldon

    David Foul-er

    Yes, that SAP 2 is whole magnitudes dodgier than vanilla COPINE.
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