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Everything posted by Declan

  1. Aye but it's still sad that the Island has gone cap in hand to such a cynical industry.
  2. It is possible to want extra taxes for the NHS, without supporting a tax that will hit the poorest sections of society disproportionately hard, whilst adding a new layer of beaurocracy, and making local businesses less competitive compared to on-line.
  3. That ship's sailed I'm afraid.
  4. What a ridiculous man he is! He wants to make Onchan's votes worth less than the rest of the Island. At the same time trying every trick in the book to keep the unelected, undemocratic, English appointed Bishop's vote.
  5. It feels like "this is a thing in the news - let's get someone in who will bring on lots of business". Like that guy who was going to bring in lots of biotech business in. What happened to him?
  6. He seems an arse.
  7. I can't work out if I'm interested in Arts & Culture, Heritage & Culture AND Nostalgia. And am interested about Pension and Pension Reform on a National or constituency level?
  8. Why is John struggling to understand this point? The legislation is beside the point. It's simple. One of the unintended consequences of ring-fencing is that the cards function and the local banking services in the Isle of Man ended up in different parts of banking groups. This means the card-issuing half of the group don't have island based legal and risk teams. And the half of the group with offshore functions doesn't have a credit card issuing facilities. As part of periodic reviews of services and risk, this anomaly is noted and they have made a business decision on whether it's more cost effective to find a solution or not offer the service.
  9. There's nothing to stop them. Except they choose not to. Merely a business decision, probably additional the income won't make having to go through the local legal and regulatory hoops.
  10. That would effectively cut off many elderly and disabled people from the service. Although a bonus would be it would also affect the Albert's ancient drunks too. (It's effectively two an hour BTW).
  11. Of course it was attention-seeking. She was trying to publicise (daftly I admit) the lack of action on DOI's part. What the point of a politician or political campaign that isn't attention seeking? It seems "attention-seeking" has become the latest buzzword for angry men who think in stereotypes (cf woke, do-gooder, elf n safety etc).
  12. How is he still a minister?
  13. It's not sarcasm if you indicate that you're being sarcastic.
  14. Maybe the MHK for Port St Mary, could visit Port Erin's potholes too.
  15. Yeah he messaged me. So it might all be bollocks. I’m not really bothered about the decision itself, just that John might be operating in stealth mod mode. We’ve had stealth mods before, and there were genuine reasons. I wouldn’t object to John for example keeping the power for emergency use or as part of a slow exit. There are only two mods one relatively new and the other compromised on some topics, an experienced head to provide council might help. I just feel every day mod decisions should remain with the publically named mods.
  16. The interesting thing about that was he thought that it was John Wright that blocked him and that John retained stealth moderator powers. But that can't be the case, can it?
  17. It's seems a bit like rules for rules sake, but there could be a justifiable reason behind it. Sadly, I think some teachers think that arbitrary rules (like the school uniform zealots) are preparation for a life where there will be rules you don't always agree. Unfortunately, kids, petty people are everywhere and sometimes life's easier if you let them get their way. You need to pick your battles and I'm not sure this one is worth it. Incidentally, the redheaded productions guy needs a new profile pic. Looks like a report on a school shooting.
  18. Alternatively, the government spends a lot of money on heritage sites etc aimed at tourists. Normally visitors pay the Steam Packet or an airline to get here upon which the government takes duties and stay in a hotel whose staff pay taxes. Even those that stay with family buy food and drink whilst they're here. But a cruise ship passenger, doesn't spend much time here - no Steam Packet fare, no airport duty, no accommodation costs. A small lunchtime snack, maybe a souvenir. Why shouldn't the government seek to maximise the revenue, otherwise why invite them?
  19. So the democratically elected members of the Keys were in favour of change. And Rob sought to scupper it with a public consultation. This shows the public favour change. The turnout is not enough for Rob to considerate it significant. The answer to that is, we're a representative democracy and our representatives have already spoken.
  20. None the wiser. What's a 2chicks egg white? Paint?
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