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The Last Film You Saw....


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I will definitely give you that Slim, that Slumdog Millionaire was a beautifully aesthetic film. I am definitely not going to take that away from it, but substance wise? I genuinely found it predictable, but I promise that I haven't misunderstood it at all. But, each to their own and I think we will have to agree to disagree on this one :)


At least give me some of your reasoning. What was predictable? That he'd win the millions was never in doubt, the film is afterall called Slumdog Millionaire!



I watched Slundog Millionaire last night convinced before hand that it wouldn't be my bag.....what a fantastic film!! A real eye opener as to the terrible conditions which some people have to live in, it made me appriciate everything I have just that little bit more. The only disappointment for me was it ended too soon.


As for being predictable, as Slim pointed out, the title says it all !!

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Slim, sorry I missed you post, I haven't been on here in a while. I will try and give you my reasoning without giving too much away (don't want to spoil it for anyone that hasn't seen it).


Like I mentioned before, I did think that the film was beautifully aesthetic, and the acting was superb but it wandered into a borderline nauseating Hollywood love story. I just found it terribly clichéd, and the coincidences were wandering into deus ex machina territory.


I am a huge Danny Boyle fan (loved Shallow Grave, Trainspotting, 28 Days Later and Sunshine) so maybe my expectations were a little high. I just didn't think it deserved 8 Oscars, but in fairness, that is just my opinion.


jo79 - Umm, yep, I think we can safely say that I understood the title and realised that he was going to win, I might be daft but not that daft ;)

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Watched Role Models last night, tremendous, all I can say is:


Danny to Wheeler who has just dropped him off, Ronnie the ten year old black kid Wheeler is mentoring is sat in the passengers seat.


Danny: Be back here in half an hour.


Ronnie: Fuck you Miss Daisy.


Definitely worth the watch.

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Tonight's film was Rise Of The Footsoldier.


In summary:


Fuck cunt blood violence hammers guns psycho drugs peace ecstasy brutality vague sense of morality very dislikeable characters thumping soundtrack cool Britain 80s 90s stuff oh no please stop sticking the knife through the man's face.


Pretty good overall, and I like the way the Lovejoy guy keeps turning up as a gangster and calling people cunts. (See also, Sexy Beast.)

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I had a bit of a lazy week last week so managed to catch up with some films I had been meaning to see and some I have seen before (mainly off the comments in this thread).


Blood Diamond IMDb link. Very pleasantly surprised by this one, the actors were superb and I found the film quite thought provoking.


Gegen Die Wand IMDb link. Quite heavy going in places, but well worth the effort (it is in German with English subtitles).


Do The Right Thing IMDb link. A very astute look at racism in New York.


Sunshine IMDb link. One of my favourite sci-fi films ever made. The film is aesthetically beautiful, and the actors convey the claustrophobia they experience exceptionally well.


The Wind That Shakes The Barley IMDb link. A very profound and moving film, centering round the occupation of Ireland by the Black And Tans around 1920, and then the civil war fought in the country after the Black And Tans left.


Control IMDb link. The story of Ian Curtis and Joy Division, based on his widow's book "Touching From A Distance". Again, a brilliant film and the acting was exceptional.


Scarface IMDb link. Definitely needs no explanation, but I had forgotten just how good it was until I caught it at ungodly o'clock on Sky the other night.

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Animal.. Sexy Beast, Footsolider, Dead Mans Shoes... are you making your way through my dvd collection? :)


I agree with you on Dead Mans Shoes though, it's a fucking terrific film. Considine is amazing as Richard, I actually felt a bit intimidated at the

" you looking at something?


yeah you, you cunt"





I finally watched Slumdog Millionaire last night. really good I thought. The two hours seemed to go by quite quickly.

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Watched 'Hancock' last week. What a waste of time. Typical Americans remaking a British show and totally missing the point. Will Smith was horribly miscast as Hancock, the character of Hancock himself was totally changed (and now has superpowers???). None of the classic lines were in there, like, "Stone me!" or, "A pint? That's very nearly a whole arm!" And the Sid James character was completely gone. Avoid.

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Last movie I watched was Role Models, which was far better then I was expecting. Lots of laughs, a few crude jokes but all in all an enjoyable movie.


I especially found the LAIRE scenes quite amusing, my inner nerd was laughing all the way through the movie.

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I finally forced myself to watch The Fountain the other night. I've had it for ages, tried to watch it three times before, but it's sooo frigging sloooow.


Bloody hell, I loved it. Kinda sci-fi, very beautiful, very very clever film. I've watched it twice since, still can't fathom how someone came up with it. Hugh Jackman and Rachel Weisz were superb. If you have patience and a very open mind when it comes to films, I'd recommend giving it a chance.

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Watched Body of Lies last night. - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0758774/


Ridley Scotts latest action flick. It see's Leonardo DiCaprio and Russel Crowe in a slick war against terror film. I liked it because it was both anti american and anti terrororist. The story was sympathetic to the innocent local people in the middle east caught up in the conflict.


Some good twists and turns and the camera work was top notch as you would expect from Ridley Scott. Definately worth a watch if you get chance.

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Gran Torino.


Watched it twice now. What an excellent film - Clint makes a very good grumpy, retired Harry Callahan/Victor Meldrew type.


Liked the ending, wasn't expecting that. A fairly easy going film to watch with a lot of dark humour in there.






Aahhhh! The Credits at the end - anyone else think Clint's singing is just a bit wrong?

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