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The Last Film You Saw....


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I hope so too. I'm still a bit bitter about Watchmen. Crap or not I still want to watch it, but it looks like the best I'm going to manage is to to wait for the DVD then put up a white screen of some sort so I can throw it on the projector at home. Not ideal at all, but at least I'll be able to have a few beers with mates while it's on.....


Oh, last film I watched was Knowing. Good film to while away the hours in a rather dull Morcombe, overall it was a bit 'meh' though, very run of the mill. Wouldn't watch it again if I had the choice.

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Knocked Up - Loved it, such a good film, great acting, and great script. Plently of LOL moments, My only problem with those type of movies is there is naver really any big event happening in it to shock you (and the end is usually the birth of the baby) still enjoyable watches.


Withnail and I - Bought this, as ive never seen it, but more to see what the fuss was about it, after hearing the news stories about the cottage that was for sale. Like most cult-y films, took me a while to get into, definately one i need to watch again to fully enjoy it but it was an intersting movie

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Withnail and I - Bought this, as ive never seen it, but more to see what the fuss was about it, after hearing the news stories about the cottage that was for sale. Like most cult-y films, took me a while to get into, definately one i need to watch again to fully enjoy it but it was an intersting movie


It is definately one of those films to watch again and again. I usually watch it once a year, however there was a time we used to watch it on a weekly basis, usually after coming back from The Tardis after an evening on the beer.

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Withnail and I - Bought this, as ive never seen it, but more to see what the fuss was about it, after hearing the news stories about the cottage that was for sale. Like most cult-y films, took me a while to get into, definately one i need to watch again to fully enjoy it but it was an intersting movie


It is definately one of those films to watch again and again. I usually watch it once a year, however there was a time we used to watch it on a weekly basis, usually after coming back from The Tardis after an evening on the beer.


I agree with Shill - you get more out of it the more you watch it. Great film.

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An Inconvenient Truth


Id never seen it and like most documentaries it isnt the first the title you jump for when planning a chillaxing evening.

I thought it was really good and made its point very well, Gore is deserving of the plaudits he received for it and his work, i kinda want parts of Antarctica to fall off now just to see if he was right!

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Withnail and I - Bought this, as ive never seen it, but more to see what the fuss was about it, after hearing the news stories about the cottage that was for sale. Like most cult-y films, took me a while to get into, definately one i need to watch again to fully enjoy it but it was an intersting movie


It is definately one of those films to watch again and again. I usually watch it once a year, however there was a time we used to watch it on a weekly basis, usually after coming back from The Tardis after an evening on the beer.


I agree with Shill - you get more out of it the more you watch it. Great film.


I can probably recite the entire script by rote, but it's a film that absolutely never gets tired. It works as a superb piece of comedy but it's also very poignant as well, particularly the ending which is tear-jerkingly sad in a lot of ways.


It does have a weakish patch in the final third, but overall that doesn't detract from a remarkably good film, and the masterpiece performances from the cast.

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Watched Cronenberg's 1986 'The Fly' tonight, for the umpteenth time - still stands up today as a fantastic horror/drama piece, and incredible performances from a tiny cast.


Great special effects too, no computery stuff back then, proper SFX artists.


Ending is still horrible (yet brilliantly powerful), as is the final third of the film really, it makes me wince and hold my breath far more than all the SAWs and the two Hostels can manage put together, as Cronenberg (as ever) really delivers superb characters and a seriously disturbed (but thought provoking) sexual message.


A solid 10/10 from me, I've seen this film time after time ever since it came out on video in 1988 (87? 89?), and it never gets old - pretty much like most of Cronenberg's films really.

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Not a fan of Cronenberg, but I seemed to be in the minority at the time when I said that I though a History of Violence was crap. Apparently, I just didn't get it (well I'll agree with that!). I've just watched another Will Ferrell movie, tried to watch Be Kind Rewind (but thought it was awful so I deleted it), Jane Austen Book Club (I wanted to watch something that I didn't have to use more than 2 brain cells to think about) and I'm currently in the middle of watching There Will Be Blood. I also have Charlie Wilson's War, The Kite Runner, A Mighty Heart, We Own the Night, No Country for Old Men and a few others to watch. So much for light hearted films.

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Not a fan of Cronenberg, but I seemed to be in the minority at the time when I said that I though a History of Violence was crap. Apparently, I just didn't get it (well I'll agree with that!). I've just watched another Will Ferrell movie, tried to watch Be Kind Rewind (but thought it was awful so I deleted it), Jane Austen Book Club (I wanted to watch something that I didn't have to use more than 2 brain cells to think about) and I'm currently in the middle of watching There Will Be Blood. I also have Charlie Wilson's War, The Kite Runner, A Mighty Heart, We Own the Night, No Country for Old Men and a few others to watch. So much for light hearted films.

arrragh! not There Will Be Blood ! its terrible!

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