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Manx Wow Guild Ideas


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Yeah Shill.



I got a Hearthstone beta a while back. I think it might make a good tablet game (I gather iOS is soon and Android is later) but it really didn't grab me at all on a PC.


Cor you jammy slag. I didn't think any non usa folks got in?

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No idea, I have an active account in WoW that I still dabble with. Maybe that's why.


As you might remember, I quit back in Dec 09 and didn't touch the game until back end of last year when I was housebound for three months. In the time I was away, it's actually become super casual friendly in that you tool around using automated matchmaking for Raids, meaning you can dip in and out to do a wing of a raid instance in less than an hour at any time of the day. There's no way I could return to a proper guild raiding schedule, but ad hoc raids when I feel like it? Sure. They even do cross realm groupings now meaning you're not limited to the people on your home realm so the fact that Runetotem is low pop isn't a big deal.


The missus started playing a few months ago too and that's been fun levelling up a couple of toons together slowly. Most of my own entertainment comes from soloing old content for giggles and redundant loot though. I'm still trying to get the Ashes of A'lar every week (57 kills and counting grr) but there's absolutely no commitment for anything outside of what I can be arsed to do. That suits me. There's still plenty of lunatics that give up all their free time to it, but you don't have to do that anymore unless you want the absolute best gear around.

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ans is quite right in what he says, Blizz have actively and deliberately been moving away from the model of the game as it was back in vanilla and BC, to the 'quality of life' improvements that they introduced in Wrath, even more so in Cata, and as I'm discovering now, even more so again in MoP. (I quit last year just as the pandas were launching so didn't get to appreciate the changes at the time.)


It's simple stuff like you don't have to visit a class trainer to get your new abilities, they simply appear on the screen and float down to your action bars. Hunters don't need ammo or to feed their pets, talent trees are gone in favour of the game giving you all the abilities you need for your role automatically, you just have to use them correctly.


The quest structure of old 'Kill 20 of these and come back to me', 'Ahhh right now go and kill 20 of these slightly different ones', 'Ahhhh yes now kill your way through another 20 of them just to get to the one special one at the back' - and so on. Whereas before you'd have to effectively repeat the same quest two or three times, now you just have one over-arching quest that delivers the same amount of XP and does it in much more fun ways too.


LFG and LFR makes seeing all the instance and raid content easy to do, the hardcore hate it of course but for someone like me who has neither the time or the inclination to play the game as it demanded back in the day, it's absolutely perfect.


Health and mana regen are massively improved too, I remember levelling my first mage years ago, the poor fucker had to stop to drink to mana up every third mob, now you can just chain them all day without going OOM, which is a good thing IMO - the game is so vast now that it simply doesn't need the old time wasting stuff in there that adds nothing whatsoever to the game.


I've only been back for a month but I'm really enjoying just bobbing on for an hour here or there, there's no real commitment required and no sense of 'YOU CAN'T SEE THIS CONTENT UNLESS YOU DO X, Y AND Z FIFTY TIMES FIRST' any more either - it's just like, y'know, a game.

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Bit of a strange thing has happened. I upgraded to MoP for £14.99 or something, Mrbees computer is saying £29.99, I do not think I got a deal, was there a special key or something?


It was on a special offer for a week or so, you didn't have to do anything special to get it for £15, it was just how much it cost for the duration of the promotion.

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  • 1 month later...

I've still never played this game. The only knowledge of it I have is from South Park episodes. Is it actually any good? How much does it cost? And can you play it locally on your own computer without having to do multiplayer stuff on the internet? I read a news article not long ago which said the game was losing a lot of players.

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I like it but I'm crap at games and it's easy if you want it to be :) I don't play with other people, none of my friends admit to me that they still play. At the moment I am collecting pets to battle with, this provides me with hours of thinking of nothing other than getting a rare pet - not for all but I'm happy enough.

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The guild leader is still active bees, I think it's 'bubblenine' but I'm not 100% sure as the guild has changed hands a couple of times since I left. Whoever is guild leader definitely still logs in reasonably regularly because the guild never enters the 'your guild leader is inactive' state. (I know this because one of the regulars from back in the glory days of the guild logs in periodically to see if he can steal it.)


We're all still on Doomhammer, Horde side, in the Essence of Mercy guild if you ever fancy joining us :)


In fact a few of us were reminiscing about it the other day, those nights spent raiding ICC and waffling a load of crap in guild chat, looking back it was pretty cool that as an all-Manx guild we did at least manage to get to ICC and take down bosses in there, even though we never managed to kill Lichy himself until we went back with a load of 85s :D


Anyone got guild change privilege for Manx? MrBees is not in the guild and its just reached level 24 so if anyone could change me so I can inv people, that would be very good. My char is Nikkinija smile.png

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Twonky, I /w someone in game, he/she told me to make application on their web site. Against my 'I am 41 what are you on? filling in a form to join a guild' nature I did as told but I have not heard anything. I'm not hugely fussed on being in a guild but I would prefer to go places with people I know (ish, of a fashion) and you said.... :)

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