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Pinewood...more Govt Propaganda

Albert Tatlock

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'When people insist on using titles/qualifications my initial thought is that they have no confidence that their ability/work speak for itself.'


It’s more likely because in the majority of cases, they’re public/civil servants and they’re letting you know that you’re paying their professional qualifications and membership lol

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Anyone any idea what Eddie had to say yesterday about the non returned 8 million ?


The reply is now up and it is basically that the balance on the media fund is basically £34million. £24m in cash and £10 in films. Previous this was £33m


Of that £25million has been earmarked to be "Invested" by Pinewood. Therefore 33 - 25 = 8 which is what he is saying will come back to general reserves one day.


This is reliant on the films that have been made that cost £10m returning that much and that the £25m that Pinewood soend on other films will return that much again. On the basis that virtually every film produced to date has lost money including TT3D the chances of that £8m ever being seen are roughly the chances of me going dogging with Sam Barks tonight

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Anyone any idea what Eddie had to say yesterday about the non returned 8 million ?


The reply is now up and it is basically that the balance on the media fund is basically £34million. £24m in cash and £10 in films. Previous this was £33m


Of that £25million has been earmarked to be "Invested" by Pinewood. Therefore 33 - 25 = 8 which is what he is saying will come back to general reserves one day.


This is reliant on the films that have been made that cost £10m returning that much and that the £25m that Pinewood soend on other films will return that much again. On the basis that virtually every film produced to date has lost money including TT3D the chances of that £8m ever being seen are roughly the chances of me going dogging with Sam Barks tonight

How did you get on?

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I find it amazing that Mr Teare can bang on about the benefits of five productions to the local hospitality and catering industry, and yet totally ignore the fact that 8 million pounds most likely will never be recovered from the portfolio of also ran films whose day has come and gone and their commercial income and profitability is zero !

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it will be "all right in the end" (whenever the end is) won't it?


Eddie Teare is confident on here ....btw listen to what he says about the PWS share price


Stop lying Treasury Minister.... the PWS share are not significantly up at all.....they're treading water

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