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Chemtrails Over Douglas (Or Not?)

Thomas Jefferson

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I saw some chem trails over Douglas last night. Did you?

I thought everyone knew that the IoM Government pay the Red Arrows to spray us annually with a long lasting tranquillising agent, to prevent us from rising up against them?



They don't need to. They just employ most of us.

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If you think aeroplanes are just squirting out water vapour and not chemicals then to be honest you've been brainwashed beyond repair.

No, there are lots of chemicals that aeroplanes 'squirt out'. For the most part, pollutants like CO2 or NOx that come from burning fuel. Occasionally, they jettison fuel, occasionally they squirt pesticides onto crops (think Cary Grant, here), bullets, shells, bombs, poisons ....


What isn't true is that the trails that you commonly see in the sky are what the Babylon/Flat Earth/ 9/11 Truth/Elvis Lives folks refer to as chemtrails. They are indeed water vapour condensing in the cold air after burning hydrocarbons in that same air.



You lot can mock all you want. Aeroplanes DO pollute the atmosphere. I don't even see how that can be questioned.


If you think it's all just water vapour then you're a complete walter. Do you also think cars don't pollute?

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Isaac you seem to be insulting me without justification. Please would you read my post again, particularly noting the word pollutants and my reference to what two of the major pollutants are.


The visible trails are water vapour, the other emissions are invisible from the ground.

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There are 2 documentaries " What in the world are they spraying" and "Why in the world are they spraying" perhaps worth a watch for any interested. I don't agree with all the findings but its pretty close in my opinion and I have no doubt in my mind that they are spraying heavy metals and various other concoctions of things that are not conducive to our health, into our atmosphere.


"Are they spraying us" is without question now and no longer a conspiracy, for me reasoning why they are doing it is more disturbing. I would advise anyone interested to go down this avenue as it fits in with the current agenda against mankind.


"Are they spraying" yes the evidence is overwhelming


"What are they spraying" Finding out this will indicate to you the agenda they have in store for you.


"Why are they spraying" ??????


I have asked myself for years now, Why would they do it? Sadly most here cannot seem to get past the "are they stage"


Its a bit like why do they put rat poison (fluoride) in your drinking water, first introduced by the Nazis to keep a prison population docile....Granted they don't do it here but some moron tried to implement it a few years ago as I recall, and thankfully it was rejected, if anyone else tries to mention it again I suggest you string them up....


I suggest you distill your drinking water as I do and don't drink the shit they pump through the tap..

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If they were spraying anything in any quantity large enough to affect human life then we'd very easily be able to detect it with reasonably inexpensive kit. Why hasn't anyone? Because it's not there. They're not doing it.

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I wonder what the volume of the atomsphere is? It must be a massive number, virtually unmeasurable. Basic chemistry and physics knowledge tells you all you need to know if you think that one plane, or even a million planes, could fill the atmosphere is some (presumably mind altering) substance.

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I wonder what the volume of the atomsphere is? It must be a massive number, virtually unmeasurable. Basic chemistry and physics knowledge tells you all you need to know if you think that one plane, or even a million planes, could fill the atmosphere is some (presumably mind altering) substance.


There's 5140 trillion tonnes of air in the atmosphere.

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I'm 4 minutes into "What in the World are They Spraying" and this is perhaps the most disingenuous thing I have ever watched. Fake videos made to look like they're from certain websites, cutting comments from scientists with images of planes leaving contrails, and the best one yet, when a guy is talking about a military plane leaving chaff, the video is showing a commercial plane leaving a contrail.


EDIT: Ha, nice job trying to segue chaff into talks about spraying aluminium into the stratosphere, or even into orbit.

Chaff is used for radar guided missile evasion, and in some cases for radar evasion. The way radar works in air combat is very simillar to how sonar works for bats. Radar signals are thrown out infront of the jet (usually in a conical shape) and the radar returns are detected by the jet. Chaff causes the radar return signal to bounce in unusual directions in an attempt to send the pursuing missile ballistic.

The stratosphere starts around 33,000 feet. No pilot in their right mind (save for perhaps an SR-71 pilot, but they won't be dropping chaff anyway) would try to defend a missile at this height. The atmosphere is too thin, and the missile can turn without expending much energy. Literally the first line of defence against inbound missiles is to drop altitude in an effort to both gain energy for manoeuvring, and to force the missile into thicker air where it suffers more drag.


EDIT2: Deliberately not showing who is talking, and not naming them, when switching topics is also pretty disingenuous. Usually they go from someone making sane comments to a different speaker trying to tie these into the chemtrail conspiracy and they never name him. Probably because he's a verifiable idiot.

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I wonder what the volume of the atomsphere is? It must be a massive number, virtually unmeasurable. Basic chemistry and physics knowledge tells you all you need to know if you think that one plane, or even a million planes, could fill the atmosphere is some (presumably mind altering) substance.

It only takes about 10 PPM of fluoride in your drinking water to reduce IQ by about 15 points, this loss for many could be disastrous for critical thinking. Same goes for atmospheric spraying, The aluminum they put in the trails are most likely to reduce light, look up how much the earth has darkened over the past decade or so...


Think about the increase of respiratory problems, allergies, conditions where mental ability is destroyed....


Have a read of "silent weapons for quiet wars" this will put it all into perspective for you...

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