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Tesco and the greedy local restaurant owner.


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Went into Tesco this morning to grab a few essentials, mainly for watching the World Cup as they have an offer on the popular brands of bottled beers i.e. Stella and San Miquel etc, well this local restaurant owner was filling his large trolly up by the box load of bottled beers that were on offer, so much so that I couldn't buy any, I asked the guy in Tesco if he had some more and he didn't.


I personally though that this was a bit greedy and although in the eyes of Tesco he is doing nothing wrong, in my eyes he was a greedy F****R who will probably make a killing out of them tonight in his restaurant.


Rant over :-)






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Just think, you'll now not have a hang over, your insides will thank you and you've saved your self XX£'s in the process.


Also, I thought they had a policy of you only being able to purchase a certain amount of crates which are on special offer to stop people like the smart restaurateur buying so cheap and selling at inflated prices?

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Write to or email Tesco customer services, explaining your disappointment and offer the suggestion that perhaps they ought to place a reasonable restriction on the quantity of a special offer item that may be purchased in one visit so that more customers might enjoy them. They might send you a voucher for your trouble.


That or just buy the "Everyday Value Lager" - at least you won't get a hangover from it. Mainly because it's impossible to drink enough of it to get pissed.

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That or just buy the "Everyday Value Lager" - at least you won't get a hangover from it. Mainly because it's impossible to drink enough of it to get pissed.

The Co-op Extra Strong stuff is quite something. About 9%.


>Co-op Extra Strong stuff is quite something.


Too true; it also doubles as paint stripper.


It did a fabulous job removing stubborn varnish off of my kitchen door...


I'm going to give it a whirl fueling my moped for the ClassicTT in August.



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That or just buy the "Everyday Value Lager" - at least you won't get a hangover from it. Mainly because it's impossible to drink enough of it to get pissed.

The Co-op Extra Strong stuff is quite something. About 9%.


>Co-op Extra Strong stuff is quite something.


Too true; it also doubles as paint stripper.


It did a fabulous job removing stubborn varnish off of my kitchen door...


I'm going to give it a whirl fueling my moped for the ClassicTT in August.



If you drink it too you'll go even faster.

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I noticed a local restaurant owner buying the whole tray of sea bass that Tesco were selling on the "fresh" fish counter last year for 2 quid each, must have been about 30 to 40 fish. Was in the restaurant the next night and 1 of the specials was pan fried sea bass with some other stuff (veg and some such) for 18 quid. Not sure how I feel about it, I had the Hake.

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