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Cyclists in clusters.

Mr Bear

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I don't think you can overtake against oncoming traffic if you're straddling the line.



Why couldn't I cross a broken line to pass a cyclist, or even a solid line if the cyclist is going slowly enough to be an obstruction and the road is clear.


Also, as a driver if I am in the opposite carriageway to a cyclist who his holding up traffic coming towards me I can easily use my judgment and observation to move to the left to create enough space for the cars behind the cyclist to pass safely.


I have often seen people do the same for me, ie move over to make room for all of us.


It is all about being considerate road users and being aware of what is going on around you. Unfortunately it doesn't work if two or more inconsiderate cyclists are arrogantly going on their merry way with no consideration for the other road users.


Before some smart arse chips in, clearly visibility has to be good etc etc

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Unfortunately it doesn't work if two or more inconsiderate cyclists are arrogantly going on their merry way with no consideration for the other road users.

Inconsiderate? Arrogant? What exactly is that based on?


I think an expert (such as PC Flint) should comment on whether the two cyclists in the video clip are "arrogant" and "inconsiderate".

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Cycling probably does cause the most inconvenience


More than cars? Everytime I cross the road I have to stop and look for cars. Everytime I drive I have to wait behind cars at stop signs, traffic lights etc. Sometimes I don't even get through the green light because the queue of cars is so long.



We were talking about hobbies?

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What difference does it make? Some people drive and ride motorbikes as a hobby. Some people cycle purely as a means of getting from A to B.


I would say more people cycle as a hobby than drive a car or ride a motorcycle as a hobby. It doesn't make much difference to me I couldn't care less what mode of transport someone is using, I get more pissed off stuck behind a nissan micra doing 30mph along a clear road then I do behind a cyclist uphill doing 5 mph.

Infact something that annoyed me yesterday I was in a queue of cars stuck behind a cyclist (then another one about 1/2 mile up the road) it was a clear straight road and the car infront of me passes the cyclist at around 35mph rather than actually speeding up and allowing more cars to overtake safely, the car driver was at fault not the cyclist and appeared oblivious to the traffic building up behind them.

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Having cycled in other places and cycled here, the Island drivers are inherently more aggressive. Unfortunately, I'm hooked. But I wish I'd taken up Tennis or MTBing instead.

I get you. I think we do have a higher amount of intolerance yes. The liability laws elswehere really seem to help. In Finland for example cover for vulnerable road users is part of every cars road insurance, so assumption of blame is always with the motorised vehicle. Seems to change attitudes for the better.

And not just aggressive towards cyclists. Towards each other & pedestrians. I was shocked when driving in Oz at the apparent lack of road rage. I didn't know where the hell I was going, was changing lanes late, etc. Did people tail gate me? Beep me? Give me the finger? No.

The expectation of short trips and quiet roads probably doesn't help. There's very few passing places on most of our roads.

Note: I haven't read this whole thread, but the initial video proves the car driver with the dashcam was speeding. Priceless.

I did note him gaining on the car in front which was clocked at 29mph, and the vid stops right before his speed is shown :)How about the next 30 seconds please Bigclive?

Sorry to disappoint, but the speed monitoring system uses doppler radar to detect approaching vehicles. The 29 mph was my vehicle.

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Why couldn't I cross a broken line to pass a cyclist, or even a solid line if the cyclist is going slowly enough to be an obstruction and the road is clear.

I didn't say you shouldn't. You should absolutely cross the line if it's clear.


Also, as a driver if I am in the opposite carriageway to a cyclist who his holding up traffic coming towards me I can easily use my judgment and observation to move to the left to create enough space for the cars behind the cyclist to pass safely.

I have often seen people do the same for me, ie move over to make room for all of us.

Sure, but not everyone does that, which is why the cyclists riding in the gutter is dangerous, as people tend to squeeze them out.


It is all about being considerate road users and being aware of what is going on around you. Unfortunately it doesn't work if two or more inconsiderate cyclists are arrogantly going on their merry way with no consideration for the other road users.

Where does arrogance and inconsideration comes in?

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I would say more people cycle as a hobby than drive a car or ride a motorcycle as a hobby.



I dunno about that, the mountain road in particular is full of bikers every weekend, loads of people 'go for a drive' when they're at a loose end. All the fancy cars that are about, they mean more to their owners than just being a mode of transport.

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I would say more people cycle as a hobby than drive a car or ride a motorcycle as a hobby.



I dunno about that, the mountain road in particular is full of bikers every weekend, loads of people 'go for a drive' when they're at a loose end. All the fancy cars that are about, they mean more to their owners than just being a mode of transport.



You may well be correct, without statistics I can't prove either way. However I wouldn't have thought car/motorcycles would cause the same level of inconvenience but again I can't prove that either.

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You may well be correct, without statistics I can't prove either way. However I wouldn't have thought car/motorcycles would cause the same level of inconvenience but again I can't prove that either.

I think that outside trade and driving to work, most weekend car use is hobby/recreational. Driving to the garden centre, going to lunch etc. It's not like we all drive ambulances.


The roads are for everyone to share, no matter the reason for the trip.

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You may well be correct, without statistics I can't prove either way. However I wouldn't have thought car/motorcycles would cause the same level of inconvenience

I'd like to see statistics on level of road deaths.


Deaths caused by:







And that's the problem. I get far more abuse when I'm on my bike compared to when I'm in my 4x4. Because when I'm on my bike, no one has any fear of me. I couldn't harm you if I tried. And when I ride to protect myself (side-by-side or in a group) I get additional abuse.

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You may well be correct, without statistics I can't prove either way. However I wouldn't have thought car/motorcycles would cause the same level of inconvenience but again I can't prove that either.

I've already stated that I believe cars cause other motorists far more inconvenience. Almost every time I cross the road cars make me stop. Every time I drive cars slow down my journey more than anything else. I suspect this is the same for everybody, but for some reason people accept these inconveniences to the point of not noticing them. It's a different mindset.

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Or alternatively they could have cycled together in single file (like all the rest of the road vehicles) and not held anyone up at all.


But hey, they've already lost the cycle lane on Douglas promenade through self-righteous arrogance, so why not see if they can get bicycles banned or clamped down on or severely restructed on all the other roads on the island. And that would be a real shame for all the decent cyclists who actually share the road with other users.


>Or alternatively they could have cycled together in single file (like all the rest of the road vehicles) and not held anyone up at all.


Problem with cycling single file is that most motorists don't allow sufficient room when overtaking. They squeeze by at an inappropriate speed.


Most cyclist 'holdups' are BIGcar drivers not having the confidence to overtake safely, so crawl behind the cyclist generating the very queues you mention.


My 50hp Toyota Aygo nips by most cyclists safely and with ease.


And if the cyclists are out exercising, they aren't filling up the heart wards with their clogged arteries.


Good on 'em I say; not that I've ridden a bicycle in the last 2 decades.




P.S. Court case for the Kirkmichael cyclist fatality is due the end of this month (27th?). Driver intends to plead guilty.

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You may well be correct, without statistics I can't prove either way. However I wouldn't have thought car/motorcycles would cause the same level of inconvenience but again I can't prove that either.

I think that outside trade and driving to work, most weekend car use is hobby/recreational. Driving to the garden centre, going to lunch etc. It's not like we all drive ambulances.


The roads are for everyone to share, no matter the reason for the trip.



And one of the best times to experience inconsiderate driving is as a pedestrian.


How many drivers will let pedestrians cross the road in safety when they have the opportunity?


This seems to happen more so in bad weather.


And some drivers also think they own the pavements too, inconsiderate parking being high on the list at Nobles.


"Noble’s Hospital experiences inappropriate car parking in and around the hospital’s main entrance"







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