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Does anyone remember when the US of A was scared of the "commies" and "reds"?

Why does Trump seemingly get a free pass on all this from his supporters? 

How can reasonable people hold MAGA and pro-Putin in their heads?  I say reasonable as the hard core of Trump supporters are pretty thick headed.

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On 2/11/2024 at 11:33 AM, Mr. Sausages said:

Trump is a psychopath.

“Trump says he would 'encourage' Russia to attack Nato allies who do not pay their bills”



Whilst I obviously disagree with the outcome, he has a point. 

How come it's acceptable for some of NATO to spend 2% of GDP on defence (or more for some of the countries bordering Russia) but others won't (or rely on creative accounting e.g. including military pensions) hit the target, yet expect the US to come a rescue them? 

At least the Russian Putin Puppets have got a sense of humor about it! 

"But now incredulous Russian commentators are poking fun at the NATO chief and his allies, joking that they are expecting Russia to act as the alliance's 'debt collectors'.
Vladimir Kornilov, political commentator for state-run Rossiya Segodnya media group, took great delight in jibing at Stoltenberg and co. 
'Mainstream TV channels in the West have been in hysterics for hours over Trump's claims that he would encourage Russia to attack defaulters in NATO,' he said. 
'With particular gusto, everyone is quoting Secretary General Stoltenberg saying that with this statement Trump has supposedly ''put soldiers of Alliance countries at risk''.
'What ''risk'' is that, I wonder... Or are they actually seriously contemplating a scenario in which Russia would audit NATO's financial statements and bomb persistent defaulters once a quarter?
'Would we act as the Alliance's debt collectors?' he chuckled."


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On 2/20/2024 at 11:08 AM, The Phantom said:

What the.... 

I suppose he's got to pay that $300m fine somehow. 


It’s just his latest scam. The shoes haven’t even been manufactured. My money’s on them never being manufactured, but he’ll pocket a few grand from his cult followers, they’ll carry on worshipping him regardless, and the media won’t follow it up because Biden’s shoe lace is undone.


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