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The Best Decade to be Born In?


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When my friend and I at the age of 23 went on to the dance floor to make a move on two tasty looking girls, the one he approached said "Fuck off you old dude!" So you're never too young to be old.


With a mouth like that, she should grab every opportunity that comes her way.

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When my friend and I at the age of 23 went on to the dance floor to make a move on two tasty looking girls, the one he approached said "Fuck off you old dude!" So you're never too young to be old.


With a mouth like that, she should grab every opportunity that comes her way.


Indeed! Actually, he wasn't fazed. He said she looked lovely but then she opened her mouth and a load of shit came out. stuart.gif

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I was born in the 90s and spent my teen years in the 00s I can't say there was anything that stands out about my childhood in Andreas but it was still a safe place to live I used to go out at 9am and my parents wouldn't see me until tea time.My teenage years in Ramsey I seemed to spend more time getting into trouble with the law but thankfully I found a good woman who kept me out of trouble. I now have my own daughter who I am trying to bring up in an old fashioned way getting out into plantations building dens and getting mucky I have nephews who spend there days on ipads and in front of the TV and it seems like they don't want to get outside and enjoy nature I will try my absolute best to stop my daughter getting to much into this iPad generation.

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I am a late 60's child, lived in Cronk-y-voddy for a lot then moved to Kirk Micheal, we always had a lot of freedom. In fact my parents would worry if we were home before it was dark. Have recently moved to a little village in Essex and my son is out all day long playing. Obs paranoid parent these days and he has a good CB radio to keep in touch but it is rather ace watching kids play in the streets playing kerby or setting up a race course for their bikes.


And 80's music is shite

Edited by Bananaman
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lots of good memories in presious posts, I think I am lucky being born after the wars and wasn't of age when national service ended, although the younger years were nowhere as easy as these days (ice on the inside of the bedroom windows in the mornings), coal and log fires, end of rationing etc, there were buses, trains (including Peel and Ramsey lines), lots of coaches as the summers were buzzing with people and top class entertainment (although not being in Douglas couldn't go to that many).

Manners were much better, if anyone came out with foul language they'd get a clip round the ear and told to wash their mouth out.

Music from the days of Elvis onwards through the 60's but still like the oldies of Glen Miller and the big bands etc. but listening to Radio Luxemburg on 208metres (fading in and out as the night went on) and lots of other short wave stations from around the world.

School didn't even have a computer when I left, I had assembled a kit of a Sinclair calculator, but usually used log tables and slide rule when learning my trade. When I started work I had an apprentice contract on MER which cost £2/15/0 for 3 months (2pounds 15 shillings). Petrol I remember at 4/3d a gallon (21p/gal, approx 4p/litre) when I got my first car, and on the run over the mountain to work you'd meet up to about 20 cars coming the other way, and in winter you could park across the tramlines on the prom :lol:

Lots of places to go on a night out in the 60/70's, many of the Prom hotels had entertainment on, all along from Derby Castle, Crescent, Metropole, Palace with the largest ballroom in Europe (later the Lido), Castle Mona, Villa Marina, Gaiety, Renezvous, Villiers, Peveril, and out of town Alex Inn, Arragon, Belle Vue, Creg Malin, Beach Hotel etc. and people actually got 'dressed up' smart to go out (boys in suits etc.)

Lots of country cafe's and tea rooms, Sartfield, Silverdale, Rushen Abby, Ballanarran, Sound cafe, Mooragh Park Etc.,

Lots of stuff happening in the winter, car rallies, badminton clubs, there were 13 rifle clubs and many other types of clubs and societies, it was funny when visitors would ask "what do you find to do in the winter ?" - it was more a case of when the summer was over all the clubs resumed activities and there weren't enough nights in the week to do all you wanted to do !..... and there was one boat each way to Liverpool in the winter

We did go through some hard times with the fuel crisis, 3-day week etc, but if you had savings you could get good interest around 10%, you saved up for stuff or bought on Conister HP, things could be repaired rather than just bin them and buy another, lots of stuff was 'made in England' and things from Hong Kong were usually cheap in that new 'plastic' stuff and broke very easily.



Our parents however lived through 1 or 2 world wars, lived by oil lamps and candle light, walked or cycled a lot, grew what food they could in the garden, many lost family members in wars, lived through 'make do and mend' years, knew all their neighbours, saw the introduction of NHS and if they were lucky lived to see men walk on the moon and had central heating.

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Good memories TF.


I do think the lack of central heating, hot water on tap and all the other creature comforts that people now take for granted gave us something, and I don't mean chilblains. Just more backbone. Most people in the west are too soft for words nowadays. If the broadband goes down they think they're deprived.


People in other parts of the world are toughened by circumstance as we once were.

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