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Looking for flat / house to rent


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I'm looking for a place to rent on the island from May or June onwards. Either a flat, cottage or house. Preferably in Douglas but anywhere else considered as well, as long as the internet connection is still quick :)

I'm looking for myself plus my better half and our cats, of which there are six (all rescues from various parts of the world). I know multiple pets is a concern for some landlords but we have moved around the world with them before and lived in numerous places without ever having any problems. Damage, if any occurs at all, is of course always covered by us, so I'm hoping that someone has a suitable place (2 bedroom and up please, can be empty, semi or fully furnished) for long term rent (minimum 1 year, likely more).

Please drop me a line at amadeusiom@googlemail.com Thanks!

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I can't advise you of a specific property, but it might be worth sending Arragon Properties a message as I know they always used to accept pets!

Failing that, I believe there is a Facebook Page where Landlords who accept pets advertise their properties. I can't for the life of me remember what it might be called though.

Failing that again... try put a message on the Facebook Page 'Pets Unleashed', which is the most popular IOM pet page on Facebook. People often enquire on there about pet friendly properties.


Best of luck!

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2 hours ago, Kitten Mittens said:

I can't advise you of a specific property, but it might be worth sending Arragon Properties a message as I know they always used to accept pets!

Failing that, I believe there is a Facebook Page where Landlords who accept pets advertise their properties. I can't for the life of me remember what it might be called though.

Failing that again... try put a message on the Facebook Page 'Pets Unleashed', which is the most popular IOM pet page on Facebook. People often enquire on there about pet friendly properties.


Best of luck!

Thanks, I'll try that!

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3 hours ago, the stinking enigma said:

anybody that has more than one cat is either a complete fruitcake or subserviently under the thumb of a complete fruitcake. for this reason i shan't be recommending any properties. facebook is probably your best bet, full of oddballs

You on there then...

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9 hours ago, the stinking enigma said:

anybody that has more than one cat is either a complete fruitcake or subserviently under the thumb of a complete fruitcake. for this reason i shan't be recommending any properties. facebook is probably your best bet, full of oddballs

I actually grew up with dogs and never really had a thing for cats until one followed us home in Douglas years ago. She simply decided to live at the house after that and it was her who woke me up when the burglar broke in. Being a cat, she was probably scared someone would steal her food, but still, nice gesture for an animal that's usually considered selfish. The ones we have now are all rescues and I would never spend money on buying a cat.

All started with one I found outside the office in Makati. She would have died if I left her, so off she went with me:


Then I found another one, this time on Manila Bay, same scenario: she had fallen onto the road, no mama cat in sight, so fine: let's have two then.



Three and four are from Greece, found outside the office when I worked in Athens



Five and six are from Manila again. I cycle to work every day (taking a car in this traffic is simply not an option by now) and found them at the roadside. Couldn't just leave them there, so six it is, even if that was never really the plan.


The problem here is that it's very hard to find homes for rescues. Having pets isn't a big thing here yet and if people have one, it's usually a dog to guard the house. So once you take a rescued cat in, you're kinda stuck with it, if you want to or not, something I knew before I committed to any of them. We have tried to re-home another few rescues with bad results and animal charities - if they exist at all - are also always overwhelmed and underfunded, and as a result not really an option. So for now at least the furballs are family and travel and live with us wherever we go, even if it means flying them twice around the globe. Or a third time if I count the move back to IOM.



So no, I'm not really your typical cat person, but once you committed to rescuing them, you also can't just dump them again. Having said that, if someone wanted a couple of them, I wouldn't be against it. The last two are sisters anyway and could easily be rehomed. We'll see. For now I need to find a place big enough for all of us. We own our place here and I hope we can find something on the island to make it an easy move within the next month or two. Turns out what they say about the island is true: you can check out, but you'll never leave...


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10 hours ago, Amadeus said:

I actually grew up with dogs and never really had a thing for cats until one followed us home in Douglas years ago. She simply decided to live at the house after that and it was her who woke me up when the burglar broke in. Being a cat, she was probably scared someone would steal her food, but still, nice gesture for an animal that's usually considered selfish. The ones we have now are all rescues and I would never spend money on buying a cat.

All started with one I found outside the office in Makati. She would have died if I left her, so off she went with me: 


"There is research to suggest that a cat’s proximity to other mammals can cause them to behave strangely. This feline power has been attributed to a protozoan that lives in their stool, called Toxoplasma gondii (or Toxo for short). In one classic story, researchers showed that Toxo can travel into a rat’s brain and cause the rat to no longer avoid areas where cats live.

These same protozoans can affect the brains of humans.

Neuroscientists have shown that Toxo may have more subtle effects than brain abscesses and blindness. The bug contains an enzyme that creates dopamine, a neurotransmitter. Humans given dopamine pills are at an increased risk of impulsive and risky behavior. "


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Wow Amadeus, I have just seen this.  I saw stuff on fb about transportating the cats and guessed you were returning. Welcome back, and if I can help with the cats let me know.  I am not a mad cat lady, but really love the things and have had them all my life.  Funny thing is we seem to have cats with character.  That is more to do with allowing them to be characters rather than creating them.  Only issue is I do have dogs, but they seem pretty controlled by  the master species! X 

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