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IOM poverty

Paulos The Great

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We're increasingly becoming a health and social care service (predominantly for the older amongst us whose numbers continue to proprtionately grow) supported by an ecomomy made  up of a proportionately decreasing younger demographic.

At what point to do we shift from mainly taxing income (the latter group above) to some forms of tax on capital (which i venture sits with older amongst us)?

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At 75 yrs. old I have known poverty, in fact up until I was in my late teens I would say that struggling to keep a roof above one's head and food in one's belly was certainly the norm amongst my family, neighbours, relatives and friends.

What is called, 'poverty', now is just not being able to afford the nic-nacs of modern society. Basic welfare, (unless corrupted by self inflicted drugs, drink and tobacco), is pretty well catered for by our modern welfare state, certainly on our island.


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3 hours ago, ian rush said:

We're increasingly becoming a health and social care service (predominantly for the older amongst us whose numbers continue to proprtionately grow) supported by an ecomomy made  up of a proportionately decreasing younger demographic.

At what point to do we shift from mainly taxing income (the latter group above) to some forms of tax on capital (which i venture sits with older amongst us)?

Well taxes will have to go up to not only pay for Covid but fund health & social care costs, Ashford said this week we won’t be putting up NI yet but said we need to discuss H&SC costs & how it’s funded in next year.

Personally I think everyone should pay a H&SC tax of say 2% pa unless only income is state pension & no savings 

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31 minutes ago, doc.fixit said:

At 75 yrs. old I have known poverty, in fact up until I was in my late teens I would say that struggling to keep a roof above one's head and food in one's belly was certainly the norm amongst my family, neighbours, relatives and friends.

What is called, 'poverty', now is just not being able to afford the nic-nacs of modern society. Basic welfare, (unless corrupted by self inflicted drugs, drink and tobacco), is pretty well catered for by our modern welfare state, certainly on our island.


We have different problems these days. A mobile phone is classed as a necessity, but alcohol, tobacco and drugs aren’t a necessity. Unfortunately the idea of necessity, nice to haves and absolute essentials are somewhat blurred.

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3 minutes ago, Banker said:

Well taxes will have to go up to not only pay for Covid but fund health & social care costs, Ashford said this week we won’t be putting up NI yet but said we need to discuss H&SC costs & how it’s funded in next year.

Personally I think everyone should pay a H&SC tax of say 2% pa unless only income is state pension & no savings 

I would agree to a degree. If it was ring fenced and guaranteed, and not used to fund more civil servants, more grandiose schemes, and more speculative and wastage of taxpayers funds. It’s going to be frittered away as Alf can’t help it, he hasn’t got the balls to stand up and say no, neither has Ashford. 

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8 minutes ago, 2112 said:

We have different problems these days. A mobile phone is classed as a necessity, but alcohol, tobacco and drugs aren’t a necessity. Unfortunately the idea of necessity, nice to haves and absolute essentials are somewhat blurred.

Indeed. Society places technology in front of us and Govts move their services online, an online connection then becomes not a luxury but a necessity. Domestic Utilities the same.

Employers expect employees to possess mobile phones in order to be contactable, if not to be able to carry out their work. What's a luxury and what's a necessity these days? 

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Bernie Moffatt that great champion of the working class has had another rant on his Mannin Celtic League Branch, posted on the IOMNP Facebook page again praising Hamas in Gaza for the way they look after their citizens. Reference is made to the fresh meals provided to residents, cooked meals and bread provided. Whilst Bernie Moffatt is perfectly entitled to his views, it should be balanced out, that Hamas have a horrific human rights record. Other minorities rights aren’t respected, and it’s a well known fact of how they treat LGBTQ+ community, probably throwing them off the top of towers to their deaths. Still the poor, infirm and the elderly get a warm dinner. Perhaps Hamas get an invitation to the Illiam Dhone celebrations on 2/1/22 at Hango Hill? 

Bernie and the rest of them are very good at criticising but terrible at constructive criticism and offering support to do something to remedy. Yes we can have everything, the best social care, the best health care and the best benefits safety net in the Western World.

This costs money, the general population will have to pay increased taxes. Perhaps all those well paid trade Union members, civil servants, politicians and others further down the food chain - poor people on minimum wage, serving meals in restaurants and pulling pints, increase their taxes as well. Tax the rich, tax the HNWIs etc. If anyone thinks poverty will be eliminated with handouts is living in another dimension. Leg up rather than handout. Practical help I’m sure people will appreciate. 

Edited by 2112
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10 minutes ago, Scipio said:

A woman does not "fall pregnant". It is an active process and one which, bar rape, can be avoided. If you can't feed, don't breed.

and in this day and age with the morning after pill and other types of contraceptive there is absolutely no need for any unwanted pregnancies , but sadly some in our society see fatherless children as a meal ticket  to housing , social security  payments , and the nanny state running after them , 

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On 1/7/2022 at 1:00 PM, hissingsid said:

The best help anyone can have is self help.    Get a job, any job you can always improve when you are in work.    If you cannot access your job…move.   Relying on charity long term is not helpful.

I would endorse this view and this has been my mantra since I started working. Did just that over the years when finding myself out of work. Firms closing etc. Apart from a few weeks over 40 years never was out of work and that involved lots of accepting employment well outside my comfort zone. But 2006 diagnosed with ME/CFS which meant I ground to a halt. What didnt help my mental state was the pitiful incapacity benefit I was entitled too. Living alone made it very hard especially when rates and the likes reared their heads. I do agree totally with self help but sometimes initially its out of your hands. What helped me was permitted work which meant I could retain my incapacity for a period and earn up to £150 a week on top of it. Godsend and meant my mental health situation improved drastically . I was incredibly lucky to have had someone willing to employ me initially knowing I might , and did , struggle over the period of time. Its so not a one answer fits all and luck and a willingness to give it a go helps.

Edited by Numbnuts
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7 minutes ago, Numbnuts said:

I would endorse this view and this has been my mantra since I started working. Did just that over the years when finding myself out of work. Firms closing etc. Apart from a few weeks over 40 years never was out of work and that involved lots of accepting employment well outside my comfort zone. But 2006 diagnosed with ME/CFS which meant I ground to a halt. What didnt help my mental state was the pitiful incapacity benefit I was entitled too. Living alone made it very hard especially when rates and the likes reared their heads. I do agree totally with self help but sometimes initially its out of your hands. What helped me was permitted work which meant I could retain my incapacity for a period and earn up to £150 a week on top of it. Godsend and meant my mental health situation improved drastically . I was incredibly lucky to have had someone willing to employ me initially knowing I might , and did , struggle over the period of time. Its so not a one answer fits all and luck and a willingness to give it a go helps.

A leg up rather than a handout - some practical help, advice and support. Hope your well in the mend. 

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2 hours ago, Scipio said:

A woman does not "fall pregnant". It is an active process and one which, bar rape, can be avoided. If you can't feed, don't breed.

It’s just terminology.

Ok I know of one woman who got shagged by a man  and as a result became pregnant. 

The man decided to take no responsibility for the resulting child.

Does that sound better?


Edited by The Voice of Reason
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