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More news and video about the bridge attack. Seems whatever exploded on the road bridge was deftly-timed to coincide with the position of a fuel train on the rail bridge, which continues to burn. Truck bomb, the Russians are claiming, hopefully not a suicide-bomber but anything's possible. A German battle-group have also just teamed-up for exercise and placement with Lithuania forces also, in the video. 15mins...



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2 hours ago, quilp said:

More news and video about the bridge attack. Seems whatever exploded on the road bridge was deftly-timed to coincide with the position of a fuel train on the rail bridge, which continues to burn. Truck bomb, the Russians are claiming, hopefully not a suicide-bomber but anything's possible. A German battle-group have also just teamed-up for exercise and placement with Lithuania forces also, in the video. 15mins...

Putin will strike back, no question. Your average Rushka will know things are going from bad to worse and there's nothing more dangerous than a cornered animal.

But it will have seriously damaged the morale of the muzhiks in Kerson and the Crimea.

The German Battlegroup are "tripwire" troops to join the 10,000 or so US presence already in the Baltics.

Just tightening the noose....

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Talk of Belarussian troops massing on the Northern border and Lukashenko has announced a joint military task force with Russia. 

Could get messy.  Lukashenko whilst being very closely aligned with Putin has thus far wisely avoided full involvement with the 'Special Military Operation'.  Foolish or desperate?

The Ukrainians are waiting for them though... 

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Putin called the bombing of his bridge (and birthday) a "terrorist act".

In retaliation he then missiles civilians in an unprecedented "terrorist act".

The UN charter of 1945 was based on the premise that none of the permanent council would ever directly want a war. Wrong as it happens. As we have seen in Korea and now Ukraine. So I guess it is no longer fit for purpose and never will be while Russia is a member.

Worth thinking about...

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On 10/11/2022 at 11:51 AM, P.K. said:

The UN charter of 1945 was based on the premise that none of the permanent council would ever directly want a war.

But it's not a war!  It's a Special Military Operation!!


Someone really needs to start calling out this BS and ideally it would be one of the nations close to Putin but that looks unlikely.

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Heard an interesting point today on one of the reasons why Putin might not have gone nuclear yet... 

As mentioned earlier, upon the collapse of the USSR, Ukraine had the third largest stash of nuclear weapons.  It was supposed to hand them all over to Russia.  But are we 100% certain they all got handed over?  They might be hiding a couple of surprises.  Irrespective of this, Ukraine also has a lot of nuclear scientists, a lot of nuclear waste and a lot of explosives.  Sounds like an easy recipe for a dirty nuclear bomb.

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2 hours ago, The Phantom said:

So this is apparently the truck that blew up on Crimean bridge. 

Notice any slight errors?



4 minutes ago, The Old Git said:

A thread on Twitter by a military historian / analysts says its being misrepresented that the two trucks are mean to be the same truck.

The photo of a truck and the X-Ray of a truck are so obviously of two different vehicles.

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2 minutes ago, Passing Time said:

Yet that clip clearly showed the bow of a boat appearing seconds before the explosion

Well there was a video of wave seconds before the boom, I've not seen a bow. 

One of these washed up near Sevastopol a couple of weeks ago.  My money is on something similar. 


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