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The Kings 1st New Years Honours list

Steady Eddie

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I must admit I truly think these awards have become so devalued over recent times, that being the recipient of a genuine Blue Peter badge holds more value.

In my world, nobody would get an award for basically just doing their job. That’s utter bollocks. Years dedicated to voluntary work, fundraising or some remarkable achievement perhaps.

As for poor Flash..Governor’s Commendation? WTAF? To list it alongside the King’s list makes it look like some hastily thrown together “special” booby prize. If I was you Flash, I would tell them to do one until they found you a real gong and not some homemade certificate.

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What on earth is a "Governor's Commendation" - has it been awarded before? I can find no reference to such an award in the Honours section of the Government website;

  Isle of Man Government - Honours

Is it some form of concocted "sorry you're not good enough for a real award" honour?   

Interesting that the Honours Nomination Form states;

 "Honours can only be awarded for outstanding service, which may be paid or unpaid. Selfless service to a voluntary body or the local community, or any innovative service which brings distinction and quality to our way of life or to the Isle of Man more widely are especially important considerations." On this basis how did the 3 lady public sector employees get nominated and approved? I don't see any element of outstanding or selfless service in what they have been employed to do.   

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The awards of gongs to two retired head teachers has certainly raised hackles in the Manx community, and divided opinion.  This has been evident on Facebook and IOMNP, one contributor put a post up saying how people are spiteful, and they can’t believe some of the comments. I have no issue with those awarded gongs this year, as it’s relatively normal people recognised. I think if politicos are awarded gongs in the near future - I think that there will be a greater mistrust with politicos and the electorate. Professor Ashford and ex CM Quayles awards given during their tenure, without a period of retirement from office, hasn’t helped. 

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4 hours ago, Mistercee said:

What on earth is a "Governor's Commendation" - has it been awarded before? I can find no reference to such an award in the Honours section of the Government website;

  Isle of Man Government - Honours

Is it some form of concocted "sorry you're not good enough for a real award" honour?   

Interesting that the Honours Nomination Form states;

 "Honours can only be awarded for outstanding service, which may be paid or unpaid. Selfless service to a voluntary body or the local community, or any innovative service which brings distinction and quality to our way of life or to the Isle of Man more widely are especially important considerations." On this basis how did the 3 lady public sector employees get nominated and approved? I don't see any element of outstanding or selfless service in what they have been employed to do.   

It must be a Manx Honour. I thought the ultimate Manx Honour was the one you receive on Tynpotwald Day (Tynwald Sword?) Has the Governors Commendation replaced this award?

Overall you are right in your thoughts. 

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6 hours ago, TheTeapot said:

The railway guy is well worth talking to, he knows loads and is always happy to chat. He'd ace mastermind on his specialist subject. I don't have much time for the honours system, but I think its quite nice for someone like him to get some kind of recognition.

Agreed. To those people who think that some of the people awarded are only doing their paid jobs.... think again.

Andrew Scarffe spends a substantial amount of his own time volunteering within the community. He is not just someone who drives a tram. He spends a lot of his own time studying (and helping with) railways and their heritage. He also writes historical books, which are well worth reading.

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