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10 minutes ago, Declan said:


Or "If people were less informed and engaged in what we do they wouldn't know how bad things are and would be happier."

I seen a post the other day about Gaza/Palastine and someone commented on it that if Michelle Haywood wanted to do any good then she should go out there and help, she came on the comments and started going on about the abuse on the thread towards her was terrible but there was no abuse directed at her, some of these MHK'S live in a bubble where they see any kind of disagreeing opinion as abuse 

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21 minutes ago, Declan said:

"Concerns were raised by the Council of Ministers over an air of negativity across the board which was largely put down to increased use of social media."

Or "If people were less informed and engaged in what we do they wouldn't know how bad things are and would be happier."

Presumably when this reaction happened at the West meeting it suddenly occurred to the CoMin members that their seats in the Keys might not be as safe as they thought they were.

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3 minutes ago, thommo2010 said:

I seen a post the other day about Gaza/Palastine and someone commented on it that if Michelle Haywood wanted to do any good then she should go out there and help, she came on the comments and started going on about the abuse on the thread towards her was terrible but there was no abuse directed at her, some of these MHK'S live in a bubble where they see any kind of disagreeing opinion as abuse 

There are people who are unremittingly negative about everything politicians do. There's people on here who slag off COMIN for being useless, some backbenchers for asking lots of questions and being critical of government and other backbenchers for doing nothing. The cognitive dissonance must be deafening. 

Also woman politicians generally get it worse. 

But that's not an excuse to deflect criticism.




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1 minute ago, Roger Mexico said:

Presumably when this reaction happened at the West meeting it suddenly occurred to the CoMin members that their seats in the Keys might not be as safe as they thought they were.

The South didn't matter because no-one from the Government will be standing there next time. 

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The takeaway from my recollection seems to be, as the people who pick up the tab, we are fed up with incompetence , mismanagement, profligacy and inaction !

That should do for a start Alf !

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Juan Turner vents his opinions on the roadshows on FB (apologies for formatting). It could be argued that he knows, he was in there for long enough...



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Sadly Juan was bulleted because he dared to have his own opinion, whether you agree with him or not, getting the bullet for daring to have an independent opinion is typical of where we were and are !

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2 hours ago, asitis said:

Sadly Juan was bulleted because he dared to have his own opinion, whether you agree with him or not, getting the bullet for daring to have an independent opinion is typical of where we were and are !

Of course he's entitled to his opinion and to criticise. But what does he ever suggest except extreme Thatcher type nonsense? Worn out, failed answers are no solution, and moving further to the right will achieve nothing. Here's a few ideas: Get rid of Leg. Co, scrap the Cabinet office, split up the DoI, get rid of Manx Care, insist new developments include public housing at the developer's expense, tax off-island landlords, make the tax system more progressive, incentivise having a family, identify the least useful CS roles, re-deploy the present incumbents and do not replace them when they retire, have an independent ombudsman to hold government and public services to account - anyone care to add more?

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That ghastly sinking feeling you get when someone announces: "The children have written a little play for us, and now they’d like to perform it, so can everyone come into the living room please," is exactly what you get when you think of a Comin roadshow!
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2 hours ago, Max Power said:
That ghastly sinking feeling you get when someone announces: "The children have written a little play for us, and now they’d like to perform it, so can everyone come into the living room please," is exactly what you get when you think of a Comin roadshow!

I was actually thinking more of the Shawshank Redemption with the meeting, only there was more tunnelling through shit and less chance of redemption !

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14 hours ago, Harry Lamb said:

Of course he's entitled to his opinion and to criticise. But what does he ever suggest except extreme Thatcher type nonsense? Worn out, failed answers are no solution, and moving further to the right will achieve nothing. Here's a few ideas: Get rid of Leg. Co, scrap the Cabinet office, split up the DoI, get rid of Manx Care, insist new developments include public housing at the developer's expense, tax off-island landlords, make the tax system more progressive, incentivise having a family, identify the least useful CS roles, re-deploy the present incumbents and do not replace them when they retire, have an independent ombudsman to hold government and public services to account - anyone care to add more?

I generally agree with you and largely disagree with Juan Turner, but this is not the issue. The issue is that Manx politics does not encourage differences of opinions and challenges to Ministerial decisions. Imagine living in the Thatcher’s world without the likes of Hardie, Attlee, Wilson, Benn, Blair, Starmer, etc., to counter her views. If you are a Tory, and say Jeremy Corbyn became the UK PM, if there was no opposition then there would be no one to represent your views and to challenge his policies. Putting this into the IOM context, Cannan, Allinson and Hooper are in the business of deflecting the blame and defending their agenda/ plans. Even if you come to them with a brilliant proposal that would benefit the Island as a whole, they are unlikely be interested in what you have to say if your proposals differ from theirs.

Regardless of which end of political spectrum you are on (I am center-left), democracy without scrutiny can work for some people some of the time, but eventually it will fail most people most of the time. The accumulation of incompetent unchallenged decisions made by successive IOMGs has weakened the entire Manx edifice. If this situation continues without proper questioning, it could unravel the remainder of what we have, thus proving Juan Turner right.

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