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Mr. Sausages

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Everything posted by Mr. Sausages

  1. Carrie’s pregnant, and he’s off to Ukraine tonight.
  2. Probably have to relax the drug laws / punishments though
  3. A university. Like, a proper one. That students would come to the island for. Suddenly the nightlife would pick up.
  4. It’s the same headline every media outlet has gone with, not just the lefty guardian.
  5. They should build a grandstand so we could watch them fall off. VIP tickets etc.
  6. There’s a cost saving there then.
  7. Just off the phone with Putin. He said the TT is barbaric, and he’s a big fan.
  8. Oooh the fireworks are pretty
  9. Hear hear. In fact we should probably wait a few days after the announcement to be on the safe side.
  10. This forum (and it’s predecessors) have brought down two mhks.
  11. I mocked them on Twitter and they deleted it.
  12. I think someone might look very silly for suggesting it’s not unacceptable, ie it’s acceptable.
  13. I dunno about that, I’m a twat pretty much all the time
  14. Getting away from fossil fuels would not only help climate change, but also reduce reliance on some really dodgy regimes. I just don’t get the reluctance to do it. Except I do. Politicians are greedy and paid off by the oil lobbies, and there’s stupid people who buy into the oil funded anti science propaganda because it makes them feel clever. Conspiracy theorist paranoid Brexity anti vax type clever.
  15. Why was that harmless guy banned?
  16. 8 years since he died. His autobiography has the greatest first sentence of any autobiography.
  17. The pieces of the puzzle are finally starting to fall into place
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