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Mr. Sausages

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Everything posted by Mr. Sausages

  1. Atmosphere is amazing. She’s saying stuff. People can hear it. Hard to believe it’s really happening. Goosebumps all round. I hope this feeling lasts forever.
  2. Anyone know if she’s starting bang on 8pm, or likely to be a bit later? Don’t want to neck my pill too soon.
  3. I’m really looking forward to it. She’s going to say things. Horrible things. And it’s going to make me feel good. I’ll be on such a high walking home. Can’t wait.
  4. Insured or not, cyclists are still liable for any damage or injuries they cause through negligence. The actual damage and injuries are so rare/small that there’s no need for legislation to be introduced. It’s simple. If you can’t get your head around that you’re just confused by life.
  5. I took part in that race. Thanks for sharing the video. The kids loved watching it. 🥰
  6. So the argument is that the doll is obscene. And the defence would have to argue that it’s not obscene. Here’s a case where the prosecution successfully argued a sex doll is obscene. I’m concerned about my ted from postman pat doll. I think he’s cute. Not obscene. He’s no Pat though. https://amp.theguardian.com/society/2017/jul/31/child-sex-doll-imports-expose-previously-unknown-offenders
  7. Regardless of the case, if it’s illegal to import one then what one is must be defined somewhere. Is it just specific types that are banned? Like, ones that are 3 foot tall?
  8. Put a big fence around a field. Loads of armed guards around it. And issue a press release saying “we don’t know what crashed here”.
  9. I found myself watching the video a few times on YouTube this week. It’s an amazing performance.
  10. He does twitch streams now, and I can watch him talk shit for hours. There’s about 9 hours of him analysing an episode of 3-2-1 on YouTube. Better than anything on tv.
  11. My income from onlyfans far exceeds my income from pornhub. It’s been great for me personally.
  12. Scientists acknowledge the limits of their knowledge and stupid people use this against them.
  13. Smokers were/are the biggest litterers in society so not really surprising that those habits continue when they move on to vapes.
  14. He’s a psycho but (probably) lacking putin’s political instinct so unlikely to maintain the same power. That’s (probably) preferable.
  15. Didn’t see fit to pass it on to who?
  16. You’re not an Instagram model. I am. I know what I’m talking about here.
  17. Selfie on the tt course is now number one on every instagram models to do list for 2024.
  18. Or that they find the sub with one really fat survivor and four skeletons.
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