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Everything posted by b4mbi

  1. Ric Railway disagrees.... In fact, he's already started his campaign! His name is up in lights don't you know?!
  2. He could have got it for:- Having the foresight and good sense to purchase a chewing gum removal machine for £120,000 Shredding all documents (whether genuine or mostly made up ones) he receives in a timely and professional manner Publishing point by point rebuttals Services to perpetuating the memory of Bram Stoker's No1 villain Services to inappropriate attendances at Australian themed nightclubs.
  3. Ric Railway will have something to say about that.
  4. LGBTQIA+ community should call themselves the Rainbow Community, just in case their acronym eventually runs out of letters.
  5. How can you have a pension if you're already undead?
  6. Why do we have to be like every other bastard place and rip people off. Just make airport parking free!!
  7. b4mbi

    Firm closing

    Sugarloaf was only open 2 days a week, and then for not many hours, and not at all that I've seen this year. How do you build up a loyal/regular customer base? In my opinion, it wasn't run with the intention of trying to make a living out of it, more as a hobby, when they could be bothered. The VAT threshold is £85,000 and VAT Notice 709/1 deals with catering/take away food, it's applicable here too. In general, if you're VAT registered, food /drink consumed on the premises is always subject to standard VAT (20%), only cold takeaway food not.
  8. I've written IOMG press release:- "Thank you for your proposals Mr Proffitt. We're not interested in anything you're associated with or promoting. Once bitten, twice shy." It really is that simple.
  9. https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/former-mea-chief-exec-unveils-200m-wind-farm-plans/ IOMG, do you want to borrow my bargepole? Unless he shows you the money, and repays what he has cost this island....
  10. and the streets were cleansed of chewing gum.
  11. hope the lights on the runway are snowplough proof.....
  12. What's really needed is a bunch of snowflakes...
  13. So we have a power company over £500m in debt increasing prices by 60%. The same power company primarily uses natural gas to generate the power, gas that is forecast to remain at around 200p per therm for the next 5 years We have a natural gas field in our waters, that the licence holder has agreed to cap the price per therm at a maximum of 80p The development of the field could yield £8Bn in additional tax revenue over it's lifetime. I wonder what we should do???? You know, in the best interests of everyone on the Island to keep energy costs low and provide funding for the renewables? FFS, it's so bloody obvious or perhaps I'm just thick as mince?
  14. Politician in lying shocker. 🤥
  15. Not quite as bad as that.... was Sixty FOUR grand But yes, it's a megacockwomblingclusterfuck. I've not had a gas bill for 4 months.... <checks heating system> damn, I'm on oil. Bastards.
  16. So after hell freezes over, but before the heat death of the universe?
  17. In sensible land, you'd donate the original to the maritime museum in Greenwich who surely have the facilities and space to store her, and then build a replica to put back in the original building? That would surely cost less than £5m???
  18. BP drilled a well in 1982 and found gas, so they know it's there.
  19. Idiot. If you bothered to take the time to understand how this works, IOM Govt (we) stand to generate an estimated £8Billion in taxes over the project's lifetime, for a ZERO taxpayer outlay. Hardly "giving it away".
  20. We have an explanation for the DOI!!! Narrator: the so called little people are believed by the locals to be able to put humans under a magical spell. A spell where all awareness of space and time is lost. 😄
  21. When the only way to speak to someone is to phone the emergency gas leak number (after trying the normal line for 2 x 20mins) you know there's major issues... Whilst messing up the invoicing. So glad I cancelled the DD.
  22. Cancelled my DD a few weeks ago. Can't be trusted to get it right, so will wait for actual invoice - what a shambles.
  23. How many Manxmen does it take to change a lightbulb? None. Manxmen don't like change.
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