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Everything posted by Venus

  1. Poor fella, I feel for him. This thread shows all that is wrong with the internet. People being deeply nasty for no real reason.
  2. Reported very differently by Manx Radio: https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/children-given-words-of-advice-after-bus-incident/
  3. Wind turbines should be here as soon as possible and are a great idea. The green grant is also good and has made many homes more efficient. Money is not the only consideration. One person recycling won't make any difference to anything either but that is not to say that one individual shouldn't bother recycling.
  4. 100%. We need more BTL investors if anything. There are very valid reasons why people want to rent and it is virtually impossible at the moment, probably not helped by the landlord bill that came in a few years ago and resulted in many landlords giving up.
  5. It's definitely not a particularly well paid job. The Head Teacher at Ramsey Grammar has a higher salary than our Chief Minister ffs. This relatively low salary combined with the flack and personal insults that are continuously thrown at all MHKs as well as the level of 24/7 work it entails must be a big factor in why more people don't stand.
  6. Venus


    How is he ignoring it? He said they're not going to withdraw the coins, but did say they're going to continue not minting any. In any case, the consultation had over half of respondents agreeing to remove at least one of the small coins. "No change as small coins stay in circulation": https://www.gov.im/news/2023/nov/02/no-change-as-small-coins-stay-in-circulation/
  7. Should have been put on the seaside, not in the middle of the road. I don't know what they were thinking.
  8. Of course we need a bus station. We live on a windswept and rainy Island and people waiting for buses should be able to do so in relative comfort and have access to facilities such as toilets, warmth and ideally cafe facilities or at the very least vending machines. Those who regularly catch bus connections, elderly or infirm or those with small children should be able to wait in comfort for their bus. Even more so given we are as a society trying to persuade more people out of private vehicles and onto public transport.
  9. https://gef.im/news/politics/wholly-unacceptable-43912/ Hardly a report, but a letter.
  10. Far more pathetic and sad to get yourself all in a rage about what some other people are doing IMO 😆
  11. Perhaps you should go tell all the other hundreds of thousands of people around the world who have been protesting about the Palestine situation.
  12. Yes, how dare some people care about world events and actually try and do something about the opression of others. Especially more than once or on different issues. Down with this sort of thing.
  13. Absolutely, Kopek. Good on him for doing something. Thousands of people are protesting in a similar vein all around the world.
  14. I think it is very important to remove his vote. Remove the entire position preferably.
  15. Yes thanks manxman, agreed, but on the whole it is be better for employees if their employer offers and contributes to a pension. The Government will probably start by means testing pensions so those with large employer pensions or other income don't qualify for a state pension. My pension age is also 68 so who knows if I will get one either, but I am lucky enough to have a good work pension which will be available from 55.
  16. Yes! 100%. The IOM does seem to blindly follow any right wing policies brought in by the UK, but nothing socialist or actually helpful to the population.
  17. Not true. The RSPCA did a dog owner survey and found that only 18% of owners don't let their dogs walk off-lead. The clear view of the RSPCA (and most dog owners) is that it is cruel and unacceptable to never let your dog off-lead, unless you have a good reason such as your dog being young, untrained or agressive. The survey is called Being DogKind. No. I was saying that I always put them on a lead to stop them running towards people. the only exception to that is where said people have their own off-leash dog. If they don't have a dog, I get mine on a lead. If they have a dog on-lead, I get them on a lead. Like The Voice of Reason, I have walked dogs offlead for many many years, most people also have theirs off, the dogs play, the owners chat. Rarely any issues and any issues are a dog or two taking a dislike which might flare up for second or two but is no big deal for a responsible owner who understands dogs and their needs. Go look at your nearest beach. You would be highly unlikely to see a single dog on the lead, especially this time of year.
  18. I feel sorry for your poor dogs. Owners like you are in the minority thankfully, pretty much everyone else treats their dogs properly and allows them to have a good run. I'm just back from a walk and I only saw one other person with their dog on a lead. And that was probably because it was only a pup. The only time my dogs are on lead is when we're on pavements or near roads. They are under my control and that is why the law states "under control" not "on a lead" because decent owners train their dogs properly.
  19. I have 2 dogs, they are often off-lead on walks but if I see some people coming towards me, if they don't have an off-lead dog themselves, I will get hold of mine and keep them on-lead until we pass said people. Because not everyone likes dogs. Mine won't pay any attention to the people, but I know some people might be scared when they run towards them. They would just run past but the people don't know that and they don't know my dogs, so I think it's fair enough. That said, I have never seen anyone shouting "don't worry it won't bite" although it seems to happen to dog-haters all the time oddly.
  20. Venus

    Broadband iom.

    You do need internet, you don't need a landline, but you need broadband/wifi.
  21. I hope this gets sent to the UK press. At least then we might get an investigation.
  22. Yes, and once press use for free had make further decisions around adverts in order to continue
  23. This just proves that you actually are quite, quite stupid.
  24. Zzzz. If you search "worst government" on this forum you will find posts saying the current administration is the worst ever dating back to 2005. Quite pathetic really, if you can do better, why don't you stand yourself instead of sniping at those people that do put themselves out there.
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