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The Last Film You Saw....


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The Mutant Chronicles is based on a pen and paper RPG of the same name.


Now the film has some big names involved, Ron Pearlman, John Malcavich, Sean Pertwee and Thomas Jane.


Set in the distant future, where technology has failed and steam based devices are the main locamotion (including steam powered aircraft).


There are no nations only the Corperations that constant fight for territory and dwindleing reseources.


During one such battle a giant stone seal is broken in the earth, unleash the mutant minions of "The Machine" which fell to earth thousands of years ago.


Then the film devolves into a by the numbers squard based film (i.e. Aliens, Predator, etc), where the team mates are killed off one at a time until the main character is left to save the day.


The special effects remind me of Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow. Not great.


Overall its worth seeing the once. And only the once.

Edited by MilitantDogOwner
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I think if you can do hostel and the Saw series you'll be grand with things like Haute Tension and Frontieres. The Ordeal is more of a psychological one than a gory horror. There's a few disturbinig scenes like but it's not the eyes being burnt out graphic imagery of Hostel.


It's really just Martyrs and Inside that are the gruesome ones (though my missus tells me Private Pracise has a storyline very similar to Inside so maybe it's not that bad)


Mo, I've got the lot (not grotesque like) so if you ever want to try them out let me know and I can either drop them up or come down and we'll have a couple of beers and watch some nazi cannibals go at some french kids :P

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Hmmmm, yes.


Very pretentious and up itself, but then again beautifully shot and wonderfully acted.


Didn't make much sense though, and it's one of the 'coldest' films I've ever seen, I really don't know what the point of it all was, or the meaning.


A couple of nasty scenes at the end (not in a mega-graphic torture porn sort of way), and overall left me feeling a bit bemused.


In the final analysis I could appreciate it as an accomplished piece of work, but I didn't much like it and couldn't recommend it either.



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Plot is essentialy a twist/remodel on the original film


Ohh whats that bang bang grrrrr arghh!

Dog type tusky things are a bit silly


Worth a watch but not mind blowing


Would Predators really use parachutes to deploy their prey to the hunting ground?

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Plot is essentialy a twist/remodel on the original film


Ohh whats that bang bang grrrrr arghh!

Dog type tusky things are a bit silly


Worth a watch but not mind blowing


Would Predators really use parachutes to deploy their prey to the hunting ground?



I thought Predators was the sequel that Predator deserved. Certainly better than AVP/AVP 2.


In answer to your question, the US Army geezer in digi-cam who became a floor pizza answers the question. Not much fun hunting something thats dead.

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3D as a technology? As Dara O'Briain said the other night - It didn't work in the 1950's or the 1980's and it's not working now. Personally I won't be going to see another 3D movie and I'll be glad when the fad is over for another 30 years. 1/10


A shit film is a shit film, in 2d or 3d...


I saw "How To Train Your Dragon" in 3d in a proper cinema across earlier in the year (kids pestering). I had been very sceptical about the new breed of 3d films but this looked absolutely brilliant. I was very impressed and the film was good too.

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A couple of nasty scenes at the end (not in a mega-graphic torture porn sort of way)


I think we've seen different versions of this film. The one I saw featured mega-graphic torture porn.

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I've been getting into Akira Kurosawa movies. Watched Yojimbo last weekend, and Seven Samurai this weekend. I've got Rashomon and Ran left to watch. Can anyone recommend other films of his?

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A couple of nasty scenes at the end (not in a mega-graphic torture porn sort of way)


I think we've seen different versions of this film. The one I saw featured mega-graphic torture porn.


I agree with Bozz.




AntiChrist is pretty full on. Seeing Defoe spunk blood and get that grinding wheel through his leg were pretty graphic. OK it's not eye burning out with a blow torch or close up of someones tendons being sliced but it's pretty hard going. And Chalotte Gainsburg cutting her own flaps off is bang wrong too.


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