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Keep The Isle Of Man White & Free From Foreigners


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I started a thread on a similar theme a few weeks ago. This is my first post since then because I have been thinking about it. In particular, I have been trying to figure out if I am racist myself.


My answer........... I was racist. I was the worst sort of racist. I was the guy who claimed to be mulicultural and non racist. But I was.... becaus

I started a thread on a similar theme a few weeks ago. This is my first post since then because I have been thinking about it. In particular, I have been trying to figure out if I am racist myself.


My answer........... I was racist. I was the worst sort of racist. I was the guy who claimed to be mulicultural and non racist. But I was.... because I always added the "but".


I dont do that now. And I really dont feel the need to add the "but".


The "but" has gone from my life. And I feel much happier for it smile.png

e I always added the "but".


I dont do that now. And I really dont feel the need to add the "but".


The "but" has gone from my life. And I feel much happier for it smile.png


I think there is a strong tendency in human beings to discriminate against people who are different in any way from themselves.

We have to be constantly on our guard against it in ourselves.

That technique of not using 'but' is helpful.

If somebody says, 'It's not that I'm racist but...........' then they are.

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I think it is important to differentiate between racism and the dislike of unacceptable behaviour - I hope that I am not racist however (n.b I avoided using 'but') it is not actually me who can make that judgement. It has to be made by other people I inter-act with.


I do however find it objectionable that a young girl should be shot by the Taliban for wanting to go to school, that a young blogger should be killed in Evin Prison this week, that the Japanese Government treats Koreans whose families have lived in Japan for many generations as aliens, that India has a caste system, that some people judge others by their accents etc...The older I get and the more I have lived in different countries the more I notice that prejudice seems to be a common human trait.

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Or do we take racist in its popularly hijacked meaning of the last fifty years, where any comment suggesting that drastically changing the ethnic make up of a country or an entire continent in the course of a few generations might not be the most prudent idea ever renders one liable to comparison with the Third Reich. This is definitely (one of) the elephants in the room of this century.


That will do for me. I only had to read the comments in the last few posts to see what angle some of the posters are coming from.


Personally I take my definition of racism from the Equality Act 2010, then again I live in the UK.

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I do however find it objectionable that a young girl should be shot by the Taliban for wanting to go to school, that a young blogger should be killed in Evin Prison this week, that the Japanese Government treats Koreans whose families have lived in Japan for many generations as aliens, that India has a caste system, that some people judge others by their accents etc...The older I get and the more I have lived in different countries the more I notice that prejudice seems to be a common human trait.

Bit of an aside, but you have a very odd sense of moral relativism that has cropped up a number of times on the forums. It's this idea that either you think we have no legitimate claim to be able to judge what people of other cultures do or that if we do judge them it is a unfortunate thing. I don't know why you think so much.
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I do however find it objectionable that a young girl should be shot by the Taliban for wanting to go to school, that a young blogger should be killed in Evin Prison this week, that the Japanese Government treats Koreans whose families have lived in Japan for many generations as aliens, that India has a caste system, that some people judge others by their accents etc...The older I get and the more I have lived in different countries the more I notice that prejudice seems to be a common human trait.

Bit of an aside, but you have a very odd sense of moral relativism that has cropped up a number of times on the forums. It's this idea that either you think we have no legitimate claim to be able to judge what people of other cultures do or that if we do judge them it is a unfortunate thing. I don't know why you think so much.

LDV you do have a strange way of reading things. Where do I say it is unfortunate to judge what people of other cultures do? I see a big difference between judging someone on their ethnicity and on their behaviour. Maybe you don't?

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It is complex. Its no wonder the Kids of today dont know what to think. Personally, I have always felt the BBC behaved in a racist manner.


Not a good start for the kids.


The BBC are certainly an anti-semitic propaganda organisation, which is why I don't pay a TV licence.

Certainly? I don't think so. possibly, well you could argue that, I would wholeheartedly disagree with you, but 'certainly', no sir
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It is complex. Its no wonder the Kids of today dont know what to think. Personally, I have always felt the BBC behaved in a racist manner.


Not a good start for the kids.


The BBC are certainly an anti-semitic propaganda organisation, which is why I don't pay a TV licence.

Certainly? I don't think so. possibly, well you could argue that, I would wholeheartedly disagree with you, but 'certainly', no sir


If not anti-semitic, then definitely biased and derogatory against Israel. Coverage of Israels' faults is one thing, but there must be something else motivating their clear bias other than the facts on the ground. What else, other than it being a Jewish state, makes Israel stand out from the crowd?

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A common form of modern racialism is to refer to 'Foreigners', meaning Polish and other East Europeans, whilst not including English, Irish and Scots etc in that definition.


Ahem. Well they are not British like we English, Scots, Irish, Welsh and Manx are they matey?

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It is complex. Its no wonder the Kids of today dont know what to think. Personally, I have always felt the BBC behaved in a racist manner.


Not a good start for the kids.


The BBC are certainly an anti-semitic propaganda organisation, which is why I don't pay a TV licence.

Certainly? I don't think so. possibly, well you could argue that, I would wholeheartedly disagree with you, but 'certainly', no sir


If not anti-semitic, then definitely biased and derogatory against Israel. Coverage of Israels' faults is one thing, but there must be something else motivating their clear bias other than the facts on the ground. What else, other than it being a Jewish state, makes Israel stand out from the crowd?


Its not that Israel stands out from the crowd for being a Jewish state; its that the Palestinians stand out from the crowd because they have no state at all.

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Its not that Israel stands out from the crowd for being a Jewish state; its that the Palestinians stand out from the crowd because they have no state at all.


They also stand out as being a completely invented people. Of course they exist, but they're Arabs, not "Palestinians". The Philistines got wiped out several thousand years ago.

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