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Steam Packet Warns Of Disruption To Sailings


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You "vehemently dislike" the apparent paradox of this person doing something that she believes is unsafe?

Seems like a somewhat abstract position to take.

Nothing personal ref: Ms Bettridge, I'd dislike anybody that set sail on a boat that they knew wasn't safe.


My taxes would have to fund the helicopter/lifeboat sent out to rescue those needing help post sinking.



Perhaps you meant enigma rather than anathema?



I think perhaps you may be confusing me with Dr Alan Turing OBE, FRS (1912-54).


An easy mistake, he's from Wilmslow and myself Glen Wyllin.



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I think perhaps you may be confusing me with Dr Alan Turing OBE, FRS (1912-54).


An easy mistake...

Confusing one of the founding fathers of computer science and a true polymath with a ManxForums creative writer who lets his dog pee on shop signs.


Don't think so.



>Confusing one of the founding fathers of computer science...


But as Dr Turing was so well established with Enigma, you may forgive my incorrect conclusion.


>Perhaps you meant enigma rather than anathema?


In the words of Sir Neville Marriner when his charges were apt to interpret his arrangement incorrectly,


"If you'd be so kind as to play the notes in the order in which they're written. I know exactly what I mean here, I should do, as I wrote it!"


>...who lets his dog pee on shop signs.


Both the terriers have annointed that sign. Jeez, it must stink to high heaven when its put away in the shop for the night. I wonder if anybody disinfects it, it being a food store and all?


But seriously, let it go BobbieB', being part of 'The Pavement Police' the terriers will object to anything that could adversely influence safe passage of partially sighted pedestrians. I mean, a sandwich board slap bang in the middle of the pavement...has accident written all over it (no pun intended).



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So the Steam Packet want their monopoly protected by this User Agreement before they will invest in new/used ships, at the same time our Government won't let Ellan Vannin Line operate from Douglas, who, if allowed, will buy a ship to operate without any User Agreement.

Something stinks here, just who are the investors in the Steam Packet?, doe's our Government or any of it's members have a pecuniary interest here, then surely they can't stop another shipping line from operating from any port in the Isle of Man, it's the people who should decide.

Call a referendum on it.

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Let it lapse; they milk it for the shareholders.

OK if it lapses, what do you envisage will happen then with regard to service, fares etc.


A huge mistake last time that IoM Govt made was that they did not include a clause which basically prohibited the agreement and vessels being used as guantees for loans without the govt express approval. Maybe some sort of net asset provision or similar. Basically something to stop the user agreement to be used as a way of getting borrowings so that cash can be striped out

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So the Steam Packet want their monopoly protected by this User Agreement before they will invest in new/used ships, at the same time our Government won't let Ellan Vannin Line operate from Douglas, who, if allowed, will buy a ship to operate without any User Agreement.

Something stinks here, just who are the investors in the Steam Packet?, doe's our Government or any of it's members have a pecuniary interest here, then surely they can't stop another shipping line from operating from any port in the Isle of Man, it's the people who should decide.

Call a referendum on it.


Are you for real?

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