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Three-year jail term for Peel teenager

The Sick Moon

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My point was it hasn't acted as a deterrent for the simple reason that most young people don't read the local newspapers or listen to the radio news, so won't know the outcome. They could have locked him up for 20 years and it wouldn't have prevented most teenagers from behaving irresponsibly because they wouldn't know about it.

I was just suggesting making him sit in front of them and talk about what happened is more likely to be have an impact on them, as they'd hear it rather than not hearing about his jail sentence.

Apparently, according to dilligaf, this post was 'unbelievable' and made me an asshole


I think most young people, teenagers anyway, have heard about this particular accident, and there isn't a person on the island who hasn't some connection to someone who has died on the roads. I do agree that a jail sentence does not serve as a deterrent to bad driving. Most reckless driving goes on out of sight of police and is only discovered when it leads to an accident, so there is slim chance of actually being caught. As far as sentencing serving as a deterrent to causing death by dangerous driving, assuming that few set out to kill another person in this way, it cannot possibly be a greater weight on the mind of a young driver than the thought that they might kill someone.


The problem of young people dying on the roads as I see it is poor judgement, lack of experience, and lack of understanding of the real effects that their actions can have. We cannot eradicate youthful risk-taking and poor judgement, but we can educate about the effects in such a way as to make young drivers think twice about driving dangerously.


Classroom sessions on the consequences of dangerous driving should be mandatory for anyone who wants to get behind the wheel of a car. These should not shirk away from portraying the stark truth about dying on the road. Death and bereavement are too often cloaked in euphemism designed precisely to obfuscate reality. This must be removed to reveal the devastation caused when a young person dies in a road accident: relatives inconsolable with grief (Lucia's mother and sister said in a statement in court that they frequently cry themselves to sleep in each others' arms), and the physical effects of violent death on the roads.


If that had been my daughter, God forbid, I would be happy to see him rot in prison. How could I look him in the eye without ending up in prison myself ?

Couldn't give a damn about rehabilitation. He made a bad choice, and should suffer the consequences.

Having his liberty taken away is a punishment, and the correct one IMHO.


It seems that a vengeful sense of justice is innate in humans and is something that no civilisation, no matter how developed, can be rid of. It is not rational. In what way does destroying yet another life – rotting away, forgotten, in an expensive prison which we must pay for – improve the outcome of such a sad case as this? It doesn't. It is vengeance, pure and simple.


a very thought provoking answer to peeps like MYSELF who is in all truth is a vengeful bastard,and if it was god forbid one of my own it would be very very difficult to come to terms with a situation like this,i hope his family can at some time in the future find peace and maybe forgiveness for this young man who as has been pointed out did not go out that day expecting or wanting something like this to happen,god forgive him.

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It's justice, and it's got nothing to do with vengeance, but it suits some people's argument to believe it. If Lucia's mother is correct in her interview with Manx Radio this morning; then this lad has shown no remorse whatsoever; which leaves some of the straw arguments we've heard on here, kind of blowing in the wind.

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It's justice, and it's got nothing to do with vengeance, but it suits some people's argument to believe it. If Lucia's mother is correct in her interview with Manx Radio this morning; then this lad has shown no remorse whatsoever; which leaves some of the straw arguments we've heard on here, kind of blowing in the wind.


I don't understand how it can be ascertained that he has shown no remorse. What was the general thrust of the interview?

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The grieving mother of a 14 year-old Onchan girl killed in a car crash says the man responsible for her death has displayed a complete 'lack of remorse'.

Eighteen year-old Craig Bridgewater from Peel was this week jailed for three years for causing the death, by dangerous driving, of Lucia Porter.

She was one of eight teenagers in a Ford Fiesta, driven by Bridgewater, when it crashed on the Switchback Road near Peel on March the eighth this year.

Lucia’s mother, Julie, says she takes no pleasure from Bridgewater being in prison, but feels aggrieved at his attitude and seemingly blasé approach after a photo of him, relaxing with his friends an hour before the sentencing, was posted on social media.

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I don't understand how it can be ascertained that he has shown no remorse.


When a guy does what he has done he can at least go out of his way to grow some balls and apologise or express some sort of sorrw to the girls family about what he has done. Maybe he feels blameless like a lot of certain types do.







,i hope his family can at some time in the future find peace and maybe forgiveness for this young man who as has been pointed out did not go out that day expecting or wanting something like this to happen,god forgive him.


What was he expecting? A man packs a car - a potential lethal weapon - with his mates including the boot - and then goes speeding along a dangerous road. Really, what was he expecting to happen. What would you expect to happen?

Edited by Wann
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The point is, there are a wide number of issues involved...from road safety to education and parental responsibility. Focusing on just one point always results in learning little or nothing.


Accidents/events can be caused by a collection of failures.


We will be having this same conversation again in another thread in the future, just as we have had several times in the past.

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I confess myself unable to understand the desire to exact violent revenge, all the comments about "if it was my daughter it wouldnt be safe to leave me alone with him" etc.


A death like this causes such awful trauma to so many people.


And yet some people's reaction is to admit that their response would be to..... go out and cause yet another death, with yet more awful trauma to so many people.


A colloquial definition of insanity is repeating an action and expecting different results........

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I'll ask it...if no one else will. How many parents of a 14 year old don't know who they are with at 11 PM on a Saturday night?


Everyone else has the decency not to ask it.



Listen to the Manx Radio interview this morning with the girl's mother.


Your question is not relevant to the subject anyway Albert.

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Well perhaps you should listen to the Manx Radio interview from this morning Albert, which brings the matter up. Perhaps inappropriate would have been a better word than not relevant.


So you are saying that it could be the parent's fault that her daughter got killed in a car full of teenagers and speedily driven by a guy with no license or insurance etc.

all because the mother did not know where she was....


You're not one of the Deemsters by any chance are you?

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