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Muslim terror attack on London Bridge


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59 minutes ago, homarus said:

I'd say the British people are mightily pissed off!


Which is clearly what the terrorists want. They are looking to stir up a sectarian reaction. It's important that Britain stands up to terrorism - but equally important that it resists a simplistic sectarian response directed by the sort of dangerous morons who frequent Breitbart. Many of the people posting at Breitbart are equally an enemy within.

The Ireland analogy has a lot to offer here. Very often terrorists on both sides succeeded in provoking and fueling  sectarian hatred. Muslims are not responsible for Isis. The same as non-conformists were not responsible for the UFF. The same as ordinary Catholics were not responsible for the PIRA or its sectarian flags of convenience.

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Q). What happens when you put a liberal left wing elite in charge of your country or continent? A bookish movement of pseudo-intellectuals with the unshakeable if feeble mindset that everything your country ever stood for was shameful and that you should all wear the hair shirt in eternal remorse. Then you model your entire education system around this belief and you brainwash four or five generations of your own people into believing it is so, and that your entire nation owes the world an apology for being who it is. For good measure, you also extract their healthy innate caution by teaching them that a multicultural society is good, and they should embrace all comers and celebrate the resultant wondrous diversity. To emphasise your ongoing hand-wringing chastisement, you arrange for prime ministers to make meaningless gesture apologies for events that occurred hundreds of years ago.

You liquidate an empire, but instead of leaving the citizens of the empire to their own countries and nationalities, you proffer them continued nationality of the mother country. Not content with doing this, you encourage immigration and refugee settlement on a monumental scale into a population that, despite liberal protestations and rewriting of history to the contrary, had been largely homogenous for the best part of a thousand years. You bring war-hardened people and their beliefs from the most strife torn areas of the planet for good measure. This immigration inevitably to include those with extremist murderous ideologies and intent who have not been subjected to liberal conditioning about the "benefits" of integration, and all getting along and loving everyone, or at least if they have, they are listening to far more powerful and seductive voices from their countries of origin. Islam and Christianity have been in mortal combat for over a thousand years after all. The Ummah is a powerful force to Muslims everywhere, but in your deluded conceit, you think it will be different here and now in your enlightened age, and all will be well. You have been making your bed for a very long time. Your young, living their soft easy lives in their state education taught fools' paradise are particularly ill-prepared for the consequences.

So. What happens when you do all of that?

A). We've done it. Just keep watching the news.

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17 hours ago, wrighty said:

What must be done?

Well the UK Govt lawyers could look at derogating from the Euopean Convention on Human Rights and the various UK Human Rights Acts could be suspended....This might allow the security people a little more freedom to operate more ruthlessly even under present anti-terrorist legislation I suggest? The Isle of Man derogated for a while from the Human Rights Convention on the subject of Education...I attach a link about suspending or derogating...


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They were looking at derogating from the European Convention on Human Rights before the latest election was called and for this I give a link below. Human Rights as set out in the Convention were suspended in N. Ireland for some years due to terrorism and the ruthless means needed to counter it as the earlier post and link above will illustrate if you scroll down


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9 hours ago, the stinking enigma said:

but why fake explosive vests?


They think it keeps people away from them ie back off or I set my vest off...It also makes more panic...

However, I have seen vids of the Army training and they train to shoot dead and no mistake anyone who looks like they are a suicide bomber with an explosive belt or waistcoat on..

This I think is why the Police in London eight of them fired 50 bullets at the three men...They train to shoot dead a suicide bomber no mistake..ie Suicide bombers...Drop 'em dead..."Give it loads" before they get a chance to trigger their explosives...

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29 minutes ago, Shake me up Judy said:

Top post that Woolley. Says it all.


Says it all save that it was a Manxman who introduced Islam into the UK......Also there is now the counter Islamic extremist organisation called "The Quilliam Foundation"....I give a link to the Muslim Manxie below...


I used to be a cleaner on sites in the Rusholme area of Manchester where there is a large Muslim population as well as Indian etc..and I wandered into Islamic bookshops  when walking back home  to Withington...

Even back then well over 20 years ago they were openly publishing and selling anti-Christian and anti-British subversive material inciting violence and hate. I am sure if I had run off and bound and sold something similar I would have been arrested and tried for so doing...As ever, they were left alone to print and publish

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1 hour ago, woolley said:

So. What happens when you do all of that?

A). We've done it. Just keep watching the news.

They are not doing it for those reasons. They are doing it because since 2001 allied forces have bombed the shit out of the countries they came from or where they have family and friends. They see or hear of their family, friends, or compatriots being killed in allied air raids, shot be allied soldiers or eventually murdered by whichever murderous bunch of bastards steps in to fill the void when we fuck off out of town 5 minutes after shouting "Mission Accomplished". Then they get their emotions manipulated by zealots and start getting turned. It's got little to do with our acceptance of a multi cultural society and more to do with our double standards for starting this false "war on terror" in the first place.  It's no different to the Irish movement's after 1916. If you shoot and kill a load of people just to prove a point to try to assert your authority, as the British troops did in 1916, what you get back is just more of the same. 

Its time to get the hell out of Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Libya and just leave them to it and then tell the Iraqis, Syrians, Afgans and Libyans living in the UK that if they want to go back there then here's a plane ticket. If you don't go back then stay here on our terms or you'll end up in prison. Also (on the basis that most homes raided in the last week were council properties) make them sign a contract to abide by the law if they're receiving state benefits; and then cut all their benefits when they cross the line and leave them begging in the streets. It would soon modify some people's behaviour. Same with Pakistan. Abide by UK rules or fuck off back and shit in a bucket in some half built shithole town on 10p a week. 


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1 minute ago, JackCarter said:


Its time to get the hell out of Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Libya and just leave them to it and then tell the Iraqis, Syrians, Afgans and Libyans living in the UK that if they want to go back there here's a plane ticket. If you don't go back then stay here on our terms or they'll end up in prison. Same with Pakistan. Abide by UK rules of fuck off. 


I'll agree with you as far as that goes except that it could be a teeny bit late. If only Blair and Dubya had been of the same mind and left well alone.

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6 minutes ago, woolley said:

I'll agree with you as far as that goes except that it could be a teeny bit late. If only Blair and Dubya had been of the same mind and left well alone.

We agree on that. I don't think the UK has got multiculturalism wrong. I just think telling people that we are an inclusive society whilst bombing their relatives was never really going to down well. You get back whet you give out. 

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That wouldn't have solved the problem as it was already too far down the road by then, but it would have avoided the never ending torrent of economic migrants hitting Europe with Merkel's ludicrous encouragement. I stand by my earlier post concerning the current state of affairs and the reasons behind the attitudes of so many of the population towards it, including many on here. I'd go as far as to say that even the UK knows the UK has got multicuturalism wrong. What to do about it though. The genie is out of the bottle and she ain't getting back in.

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12 minutes ago, woolley said:

That wouldn't have solved the problem as it was already too far down the road by then, but it would have avoided the never ending torrent of economic migrants hitting Europe with Merkel's ludicrous encouragement. I stand by my earlier post concerning the current state of affairs and the reasons behind the attitudes of so many of the population towards it, including many on here. I'd go as far as to say that even the UK knows the UK has got multicuturalism wrong. What to do about it though. The genie is out of the bottle and she ain't getting back in.

I'd do a citizens contract. After all no law abiding person should be fearful of signing up to some basic rules of acceptable behaviour. If they break them or they kick off - leave. I'd also look at offshore containment for those on the terror lists immediately then all asylum seekers. Ship them out to somewhere. Clear them. Find out if they're a threat or not and then either let them back in or kick them out. I do agree with you that they just shouldn't have been allowed to walk in in the first place and infect the places they walked in to. That's the real problem rather than multiculturalism. 

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