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Although the option has not been discussed by the mods/admin, I like the idea of a joining fee as it will serve two purposes - raising revenue and detering multiple accounts. There is nothing wrong, in my view, with having several accounts, but when they are used to flout bans, troll and disrupt the forums, then they are not desirable. 

Raising revenue is important, I think, because the forums should cover the cost and should not be a drain on the personal resources of someone who is then exposed to possible legal action because of thoughtless, irresponsible posters.  As Ans said, this is not to rattle the tin, but I think everyone should bear in mind that there is a cost to someone but contributions are voluntary, so the forums should treated with a little more respect.

Off to renew my subs!

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I have just re-read the thread and there were two things that struck me. Firstly, the support of many longstanding and long-posting members. Secondly, that without exception, those who have posted here are not part of the problem. 

Debate is good, opposing views are good, it stimulates thought, but what it cannot always do, and shouldn't,  is provide a winner.  Views may be tested, challenged or confirmed and that, at the end of the day, is what it is about, not winning.  Well, that, and a robust discursive on the origins of lilac knickers and whatever did happen to Kathy Brighton. 

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4 minutes ago, Gladys said:

I have just re-read the thread and there were two things that struck me. Firstly, the support of many longstanding and long-posting members. Secondly, that without exception, those who have posted here are not part of the problem.

I am :)

It was me who posted the 4th comment Ans referenced previously. Apologies for that.

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10 hours ago, Manximus Aururaneus said:

Given your recent standards, that is moderation to excess. I therefore accept your willingness to enter the path of enlightenment, the first steps are always the hardest, hark little one and be banned no more, let the journey commence! :P

Sorry but I can't have anything to do with anyone who supports amoral tax dodging.

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Genuinely sorry to hear this.

Standard of content on MF is generally far far superior to FB, Twitter or any other of the 'new' platforms, with the one fly in the ointment for me being the topic of this thread. As many will know I'm currently trying to develop a design for a new website as the basis for a political party, and my experience of this issue here is basically my primary concern for that idea. I will point out now my hope was not to replace MF in any way shape or form. I see MF as a great 'free' space and my assumption has always been that those who run it provide it as such - that they have no specific objective (I have never noticed one anyway), which is very different to what I'm hoping to develop. I could be wrong there - apologies if so. I would be very sorry to see it go anyway, and though this wasn't a call for money I think I will be subscribing if it carries on.

The issue of anonymity. My experience is that people do treat you differently if you use an anonymous account vs your own name, and that debate is definitely generally more open, frank and detailed with anonymity on certain topics. However, it's also clearly an issue if people abuse that responsibility. I think there are some things that could be done, but I don't know if they'd work on MF. My own intention is to have a split site - an area of general non-directed discussion that is open to all and maintained by the users, and a separate area for specific policy and legislative development - which will require verified identification to access. I don't believe it's necessary to publish those identifies, indeed I'm considering the idea of doing away with identities entirely in that area (to focus entirely on ideas rather than the identities). Maintaining a record of who is who simply prevents the issue of trying to implement rules only to have someone be ejected and walk straight back in under a different name - which just becomes a drain on moderators as noted. I'm not sure if this could work for MF - a distinct area for verified accounts? It ultimately comes down to trust - would enough people trust the owners with their ID to make it work?

In the open forum could a more community managed approach work (wishful thinking maybe), similar to Reddit? Where the users can grade content themselves, and hopefully moderate themselves? I know this changes it slightly from the conversational style to something that feels more like it is trying to achieve something, so maybe that wouldn't work? My thought was that this could work if there was a report button which simply removed a post if a set number of individual accounts pressed it. The process could be anonymous, so if you hit the report button nobody will ever know that you specifically did, but if a set number of other people also did so then the post would simply be removed - the community would effectively self moderate. The original poster could have the right to appeal if they really wanted to, but if basic rules on abusive behaviour are clear that shouldn't really be much of an issue should it? Strikes me that this would simply reduce the load on moderators, but maybe I'm being naive. Of course normal moderation would still need to be maintained to protect the site from legal issues, but I just thought it might help with the low level dross being considered here. 

I hope there is a solution anyway. 

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Personal contact with a mod should be an instant ban. Use the forum contact system only. Maybe a layered Mod system and a few more Mods?

Just a poor content/repeat starter obvious spam, a, b or c deal with it.

Personal attack, consistent derail, d, e or f deal with it.

legal issue, names, court case pending g, h or I deal with it.

Is it possible to filter reports, user contacting mods. so only the assigned few get to deal with it?

If a member constantly makes life difficult, banning them, then 'another' starts the same, it's obviously the same person using another account. A new member ban for a while may stop it for a while, but the same person/people will come back.

How about a mod or two as asking for some background to new wannabe joiners - why they want to join, where they are, a simple run down of the rules and a trial period? Time consuming I know, but it may weed out some.

I enjoy the forum, local news and views, general chat, but the constant bickering between a few, or even just one person, talking to themselves just gets boring. Take it to Facebook if you want to get personal, the forum is for grown-ups.

Mods work hard, then they have to work hard for the Forum, it's not on to hassle, compete, abuse or degrade any members, let alone those who give up their time to keep a mostly quality forum running.

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Using your real name as your "username" does come with draw backs.

Since switching to my real name, I have had messages and posts on Facebook from complete strangers making some rather unsavoury statements.

Also, un-named posters here have social media stalked me and made comments about those in my personal life.

I would prefer a real user environment where people have to have the balls to stand by their statements, but I also understand the admin headache that would be involved in creating such an environment.

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Very sad reading this thread.

I have complete sympathy for the Mods and if you decided to hang up your keyboard then I don't think anyone would blame you. The one thing that sticks in my craw is the feeling that the people involved in the degradation of this forum have "won".

I realised the other month when going through a thread from years ago how many big characters have been lost from the forum. I rarely visit these days because the community for me has been destroyed. With hindsight I think Ans is right that harsher steps should have been taken sooner but I think I'd have been someone arguing against those steps 2 years ago because the steps ruin what makes the forum great. It's like MF has developed an Autoimmune disease. The user base was the best self regulation possible, complete arseholes weren't tolerated and soon found debate pointless or they'd end up getting merged into the collective like the Borg and become one of us.

I think usernames are an integral part of the forum, obviously my secret identity is not the most watertight but I enjoy it. Having moments where you're stood in a foggy field in Maughold at a wedding and a stranger sidles up to you before in hushed tones saying "are you Rhumsaa? I'm quilp" would be lost forever and that would be very sad.

 I've been a rare active member for months if not years, but it can't be just a couple of people that have done this, surely?

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Tough one to address.

I joined after stumbling across the forums and reading a thread with comments that I felt needed addressing.  Since then I have had a mixed relationship with MF.  I have enjoyed good debates (and even some poor ones as I found them amusing).  I find some of the threads educational, Chinahands explanation of the science to disprove flat earth for instance (although I will add that I never thought the world was flat).  There are some threads I will comment on occasionally but have had enough of the arguing over "fake news" and rather than a focus on the facts/details. 

For me there forums are one of a number of methods that I use to follow what is going on on the Isle of Man and for engaging with members of that community.  It would be a shame to lose it but i totally understand the position of the moderators.  I really don't have any suggestions for resolving the issues, however, I feel it is a sad representation of the Isle of Man when you look at some of the content on here and on the facebook groups.

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