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We've pretty much had enough and are having serious discussions about whether or not we want to continue providing this forum. 

It's really up to you how we proceed. For the next couple of weeks we're going to have zero tolerance to anyone trying to wilfully disrupt the forum and you account will be permanently suspended without any recourse. To avoid any doubt, this applies to all accounts, subscriber or not. If you're a generally shitty poster, you're probably getting banned. 

By all means argue, debate and disagree, but cut out all the personal shit, the pointless and vindictive attacks on other members and non-members alike. 

We've sadly had to take the step to disable new registrations for the foreseeable future. If you lose your account, you wont be able to register a new one. If you have parachute accounts, and we find them, you'll lose them too. We'd rather see a very small number of posters behaving like adults than having to try and keep an eye on a festering horde of dickheads. 

Remember that this is a private forum, there's no entitlement that anyone has to post here. We have no obligation to let anyone post and you have no "right" to an account. We dont even need to give you a reason for a ban and even if we did, "we just dont like you" is a perfectly acceptable one. 

We're going to look at it again in two weeks and see if anything has changed for the better and if it's something we can be bothered supporting. This forum costs real money to host that isn't fully covered by advertising or subscription fees (this isn't a veiled plea for money) but it's something we felt was worth it. That's becoming a much more difficult position to hold. 

I'm going to leave this thread open, partly because people may have other suggestions as to how we could better clean things up, but quite frankly, I expect I'm going to be able to use it as target practice for getting rid of some problem posters quickly. I'd like to be wrong about that but I doubt I will be. 


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...............very, very sad. Used to be first stop for real news and discussion. Seems to be the current human attitude worldwide, to disrupt and wreck for some sort of perverted pleasure............

I have no answers to it, I have been alive for 70+ years and my living standard has improved year on year whilst there seems to be a total downward spiral of behaviour, care, love and a constant increase in greed and arrogance...........

......What an awful comment on the world we live in when sites like this are just getting corrupted, sadly not by a minority..........

Thanks to all those who care............:(

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2 minutes ago, ans said:

You can add emailing mods to their personal email addresses, despite repeated requests to cease, to that list.

Jeez, not surprised you've nearly had enough.

Suspending new accounts seems like an unavoidable step, but it can only be temporary if the forum is to survive at all.

Hard to comprehend the mentality of someone maintaining a stock of parachute accounts to use after a banning.

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11 minutes ago, ans said:

You can add emailing mods to their personal email addresses, despite repeated requests to cease, to that list.

Jesus wept, seriously someone is doing that? Yep I can see this place shutting down and then yer man will be cracking one off on facebook over how he got the infamous Manxforums shut down.

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Just now, Declan said:

But it’s not just one person causing trouble is it?

Mostly, but not exclusively. 

I'm not going to get into specifics, that doesn't help the situation. It only matters that something needs to change. 

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I fully support the move. I may not be a moderator any more, but I can tell you it's time consuming and because I post using my own name I got not only messages but e-mails and phone calls.

one poster has cost me more time and anguish over the last 4 years than all the other posters I've had to deal with.

i was thinking of giving up before I got ill. The personal attacks challenging a moderating decision I made for the good of the forum were a last straw.

There seems to be too much mud slinging, too much negativity, the ad hominem attacks, the antics of one or two posters, the tone of the pontless left/right debate ( actually not a debate, just the exchange of fake news factoids, Insults etc ) mean I don't visit or read much. 

I felt besieged as a moderator, by the constant challenges. The constant criticism,. The constant allegations that we all had multiple accounts and an ulterior agenda.

ive only met two of the other mods. I've never discussed politics with them, let alone any agenda. Another mod is off Island. Another I don't actually know their name.

This place has changed, so much in the last 18 months or so. I'm not sure I even want to be part of it anymore. There's no real debate, there's no fun.

My perspective, for what it's worth.

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