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Not sure this is necessarily the right thing to do. We have large buses, HGVs, fast motorbikes and loads of cars on our network of 'B' roads which cyclists are supposed to share with, if the uptake of cycling increases it'll only produce chaos, frustration and RTCs. Without compulsory purchasing of land to make the roads wider and more accommodating as well as creating footpaths where there are none I really don't see how this can be done.

If you add in that most of the year we have pretty shit weather which will no doubt demotivate most folk from walking or cycling to the shops I can't see us all effectively going back in time to what China was about 10 years ago.

This is good in theory but will never work as is unless massive changes are made to our network of roads and pavements.

If I was intending on going to the local shop which is about 3/4 mile away and it was kissing with rain I'd say to myself "fuck that, I'm going in my car".

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Given that it says Sustrans "will work with the Isle of Man Government to deliver changes such as improved signage, high quality cycle routes and traffic calming", it's pretty clear that all this is mostly about is just bunging yet more money at the DoI so as to keep them in the style in which they are accustomed.  More unnecessary  and overpriced minor roadworks will justify the bloated management and lucrative contracts will be available for the right people.  Obviously anything that might really help cyclists (such as filling in potholes) will be ignored.

I suppose it may be a good thing that they are bringing in outside expertise, rather than taking on yet more people to organise it (and then being absorbed into the civil service), though it's perfectly possible they will do both.  But it looks more like carrying on as normal and draping the new spending in lycra to justify it.

It's just yet another example of the IOM Government's addiction to 'initiatives'.  Rather than analysing what the problems really are and working out what is the best way to tackle them over the long term, they'll decide to look at what is currently fashionable (usually at the point where everyone else realises it's not much use), decide they want one too and announce it with great fanfares.  Then, after the initial budget is spent, nothing will be done to maintain it (even if it provided something useful) and everyone will forget about it.

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It won’t work in a million years

to start with there will be very little interest as those who want to walk or cycle already do

Short of banning buses and cars very little will change

We don’t have roads wide enough for cycle lanes ( the ones we have don’t get used) and we certainly can’t afford to widen them

We have bought a nice big fleet of busses and a good amount of smaller ones for the new services

Now they say we should cycle or walk

Are they wanting to turn the clock back for other things too ?. Why not ban toys and PlayStations etc and make our kids play with hoops, maybe even make special lanes for them to roll their hoops along with their sticks

Where will the line be drawn on “ nice to have and don’t need / can’t afford”?

I think spending any money on this is wasteful 

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Sorry to sound cynical, whilst in principle it sounds like a good idea - good ideas on the IOM usually end up being screwed up by IOMG, or someone shortchanged. Yes I can see progress with something being done for cyclists/walkers, but I can see Bus Vannin being jealous and demanding more and more funding for minibuses if another grouping in society gets attention. 

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As someone who likes to cycle, I agree that cyclists should contribute something to the proposed cycle lanes. Problem is that we'll end up paying for some nugget in DoI to come along and just paint a white line

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I only use Peel Road in the evenings but I have never ever seen a cyclist on this road using the cycle lane! Perhaps 9 to 5ers will have come accross more?

We need to be told just how this 4mil quid will be spent, is it x mil on consultants and the rest on carrying out the work recommended?

4 mil quid, that's 20,000 walking machines or Gym memberships!!!

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4 hours ago, Gizo said:

First bit of sense by our government. £3.8m on cycling and walking. 



let the hate begin. Can’t wait. 

Another highly trumpeted fanfare of absolute nothingness. 

Harmer, a fat middle aged man, for whom an obsession with cycling seems to have achieved little. 

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37 minutes ago, finlo said:

Does this mean they can afford to finish the one on Lezayre road?

Since it was finished I've only personally witnessed 4 cyclists using it. Two were a father and young child on their bikes.

I've followed fecking pelotons into Ramsey, all of whom have ignored the cycle lane and used the traffic lane (probably on the grounds that the cycle lane would make them ride single file and they wouldn't be able to talk to their mates as they rode side by side?)

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