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So today on the noon news Julie Edge has at last reported that children have been hurt as a result of the dodgy flume.   When will politicians learn that people like honesty and a upfront approach.    Had she said when these incidents occurred and subsequently the flume was closed…”Unfortunately some children were hurt whilst using one of the flumes at the NSC , we have taken the action of taking the flume out of service and apologise to anyone who suffered harm, we take our responsibilities of health and safety very seriously and assure the public that the flume will be examined and made safe by the contractors involved before it is put back into use “.  Or words to this effect , the dumbing down of the incidents have done her Julie Edge no favours as speculation and possibly exaggerated reports have been flying on the net.   This government seems to be taking North Korea as a model in all affairs they do not want the unwashed to hear about.

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The NPM has just got round to reporting the story in depth, and reports lots of injuries as opposed to one or two injuries. Minister Edge says that at least one of the flumes is open - whooopee that’s a bonus! Has it been properly Health and Safety checked by qualified experts? After all, come TT week, anyone who fucks up has the wrath of the IOMG machine on their backs. When it comes to their own fuck ups, it’s neatly swept under the carpet. Civil Servants and Government bods are above reproach. 

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6 minutes ago, hissingsid said:

So today on the noon news Julie Edge has at last reported that children have been hurt as a result of the dodgy flume.   When will politicians learn that people like honesty and a upfront approach.    Had she said when these incidents occurred and subsequently the flume was closed…”Unfortunately some children were hurt whilst using one of the flumes at the NSC , we have taken the action of taking the flume out of service and apologise to anyone who suffered harm, we take our responsibilities of health and safety very seriously and assure the public that the flume will be examined and made safe by the contractors involved before it is put back into use “.  Or words to this effect , the dumbing down of the incidents have done her Julie Edge no favours as speculation and possibly exaggerated reports have been flying on the net.   This government seems to be taking North Korea as a model in all affairs they do not want the unwashed to hear about.

Manx Politicians and dumbing down ………….. that’s something. They are getting trained by North Korea PR experts. 

If this happened in the UK, lawyers will have a field day, compo claims galore and quite rightly so. These accidents could have quite easily happened to the children and grand children of MF members. 

Edited by 2112
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Yes 2112 she has admitted to a couple of incidents still trying to slide sideways still maintaining one is still open so that is alright.   She is shrugging this off as if it is a minor incident.  Three years in March and over 4 million quid and not a word of sympathy or concern for the children who have been hurt.    This attitude stinks.

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