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Lunatic eco-warrior

Manx Bean

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Send Bill Dale down to give them all a litter picker to clean up the environment that surrounds them better use of there time me thinks, as the government will only pretend to listen as big corporations also have the last word would it not be better served to sit outside supermarkets takeaways etc to stop them using plastics and non biodegradable materials now that would hurt there profits then you’ll see change. Then they’ll put up prices to cover this and we will all moan again hey ho. 

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13 hours ago, Chinahand said:

I wouldn't ever suggest that we are not contributing to climate change and global warming me old China. We do, however, seem to be caught between multiple conflicting theories of the major cause? Many say that we are the major contributor, on the other hand we have equally eminent scientists telling us that it is mainly due to other causes, such as the sun going through a warming stage, also causing increased volcanic activity, which in turn affects atmospherics and air quality? Each side accuses the other of vested interests, mainly connected with our use of fossil fuels. One side wanting to break the oil cabbals which actually rule us, the other supporting them as it preserves our current way of life, for a while? Unfortunately we are faced with making our own decisions, or having decisions forced upon us, based on information which may or may not be totally true or accurate!    

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Max, you said it better than I could , spot on .

I do wonder exactly what the eco warriors think will alter climate change. I wonder if they know what happened in the 1600s when the world population was much smaller than now and virtually no human impact on the weather.

I also wonder if 'they' understand the repercussions and consequences of the alterations they want, ( when they actually know what they want to change). Do they even understand that the temperature may well fluctuate in the opposite direction?

Since I was a child so many years ago I have always thought that Venus is good example of what may happen to Earth. Runaway, sudden heat possibly caused by reflected heat from clouds not allowing any of the Earth's heat to escape the atmosphere...................maybe?

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Everybody's entitled to an opinion, butbI bet after carnivals, marathons etc there is a fair bit of clearing up to do.    There are thousands of ex military marching today protesting about soldier F and the prosecution to be levied against him..well done to them too.. myself I prefer to believe the opinion of one of the posters who was actually there than take the word of the sexed up media reports who are having a slack time because Theresa the terrible has gone to Wales to get her head together and plot her next malevolian move.   However, everyone is entitled to their view.   Happy Easterx

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47 minutes ago, hissingsid said:

Everybody's entitled to an opinion, butbI bet after carnivals, marathons etc there is a fair bit of clearing up to do.    There are thousands of ex military marching today protesting about soldier F and the prosecution to be levied against him..well done to them too.. myself I prefer to believe the opinion of one of the posters who was actually there than take the word of the sexed up media reports who are having a slack time because Theresa the terrible has gone to Wales to get her head together and plot her next malevolian move.   However, everyone is entitled to their view.   Happy Easterx

this is paid for activism not protesting.........same people behind occupy........


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5 hours ago, GreyWolf said:

Send Bill Dale down to give them all a litter picker to clean up the environment that surrounds them better use of there time me thinks, as the government will only pretend to listen as big corporations also have the last word would it not be better served to sit outside supermarkets takeaways etc to stop them using plastics and non biodegradable materials now that would hurt there profits then you’ll see change. Then they’ll put up prices to cover this and we will all moan again hey ho. 


Walked around Scarlett this afternoon, the two storm beach inlets which harbour plastic and have done for years are completely clear, except for wood.

Down to Bill Dale and his initiatives to recruit the public to take responsibility and clean up their environment.

The Eco Warriors would be better served by doing a similar job in their own communities to clear the environment of pollution and litter.








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23 hours ago, Uhtred said:

Agreed. Wandering around making a twat of yourself and pissing off tens of thousands of people is a poor way to bring public opinion around to your way of thinking. I often consider that protesters of this ilk, subject matter irrelevant, are simply seeking some kind of validation or attention otherwise absent from their lives.

There’s no fool like an old fool.

As for the Nation’s Station reporting her juvenile antics, they exercise no editorial judgement as to public interest, proportionality, or value with any of their news items. If someone emailed them a press release saying that Hercules Quaggin of Ballashitty had won the third preliminary qualifying heat second leg eliminator in the all-Andreas under sevens turd-sculpting tournament, against serious competition from no-one whatsoever, they’d bloody use it. (And so too would the clowns on Peel Road).

That's probably because if the local media DIDN'T report on any Manx resident doing anything even vaguely of note anywhere at any time, they would have a bagful of complaints and posts on here slagging off the 'useless local media'.

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13 minutes ago, Stu Peters said:

That's probably because if the local media DIDN'T report on any Manx resident doing anything even vaguely of note anywhere at any time, they would have a bagful of complaints and posts on here slagging off the 'useless local media'.

I suspect that’s entirely true. So the newsroom should say “Sorry Mrs. Quaggin, thanks for your email but the endeavours of little Hercules are of no significance in our news environment; we’re a national broadcaster, not a parish noticeboard”.

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37 minutes ago, enbee said:

For someone with an Oxbridge degree Ms. Thompson has a spectacular track record of illustrating that she is in fact an imbecile.

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1 hour ago, Whatnonsence said:


Walked around Scarlett this afternoon, the two storm beach inlets which harbour plastic and have done for years are completely clear, except for wood.

Down to Bill Dale and his initiatives to recruit the public to take responsibility and clean up their environment.

The Eco Warriors would be better served by doing a similar job in their own communities to clear the environment of pollution and litter.

instead they're creating it........

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5 hours ago, thommo2010 said:

This was my thinking. 


I'm not up to speed with all of this but from what history shows is that it all seems to go in cycles.

That's very true, but the problem we face is that the cycles are accelerating to the point where we, and a lot of other species, can't adapt quickly enough.  Take the IOM climate for example.  We are on the same latitude as Labrador, Canada, and by rights we ought to have the same climate as Labrador, namely, snow on the ground for much of the year.   Six feet of snow in June anyone? Read this:


The reason we don't is because of the Gulf Stream.  That is likely to break up and stop as a result of climate change, with the result that "normal" weather will probably return to the IOM in the near future.  However, that is likely to play havoc with the various things we have set up here in the expectation of a stable climate, e,g. the TT, tourism and sheep farming.  The planet doesn't care how much CO2 we put into the atmosphere; after all, we are only returning the same CO2 which was in the atmosphere 300 million years ago before it was sequestered into coal and oil, so to the planet, it's just another cycle.  We're the ones who are going to pay the price.  The consequences of rapid climate change are going to make the London protests look like a teddy bears' picnic.

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Nonsense Science!

Mankind population is doubling every 50 years - it has doubled since Attenborough made his first documentary.

If , IF , Global warming cycles (natural cycles as they are), are accelerating due to the 'Man Made' element, then unless you address population explosion, GW initiatives are futile.

Simple arithmetic. End of.

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