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Goat Rampage

The Phantom

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I hear reports that the wild goats from around Dhoon have invaded Laxey.

What’s the news from our embedded reporter @Roxanne

Thoughts on whether this is a good or bad thing? I quite like goats, they’re like psychotic sheep.  However, I’d obviously be pretty pissed off if they trashed my garden. 

There used to be a Farmer up around Ballaragh who used to cull (shoot) them.  But either he’s died or doesn’t do it anymore, so there is no longer a Goat Exterminator and the population has boomed.

I don't recall ever hearing of anyone hitting one in a car either. 

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1 minute ago, The Phantom said:

I hear reports that the wild goats from around Dhoon have invaded Laxey.

What’s the news from our embedded reporter @Roxanne

Thoughts on whether this is a good or bad thing? I quite like goats, they’re like psychotic sheep.  However, I’d obviously be pretty pissed off if they trashed my garden. 

There used to be a Farmer up around Ballaragh who used to cull (shoot) them.  But either he’s died or doesn’t do it anymore, so there is no longer a Goat Exterminator and the population has boomed.

I don't recall ever hearing of anyone hitting one in a car either. 

Years ago you often used to see them around  Minorca in the winter before all those houses were built so I doubt it is  a new thing.

They cause less traffic problems than the MAMILs too

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26 minutes ago, ellanvannin2010 said:


Years ago you often used to see them around  Minorca in the winter before all those houses were built so I doubt it is  a new thing.

They cause less traffic problems than the MAMILs too

At least the MAMILS don't ride around with a horn on!

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So anyway, a few years ago when I was on the trams I saw a small goat up at Bulgham with its head stuck in a wire fence on a field (a grid-type fence with about 6 inch spacing on the wires). Its head had gone through, but it could not get back out because its horns were on the wrong side of the fence.

After a couple of days it was still stuck, so after work I went up with a pair of wire-cutters. It was about the size of a small poodle but its body was like a rock (dream on) and its skull was thicker than the average MHK's. I couldn't pull it out so eventually I cut strand - and naturally the goat then shot straight on into the field.

The next day I saw it again - stuck in more-or-less the same place but this time trying to get out of the field.

I went back that evening, but it was gone. Possibly The Laxey Triangle got it.


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5 minutes ago, Two-lane said:

So anyway, a few years ago when I was on the trams I saw a small goat up at Bulgham with its head stuck in a wire fence on a field (a grid-type fence with about 6 inch spacing on the wires). Its head had gone through, but it could not get back out because its horns were on the wrong side of the fence.

After a couple of days it was still stuck, so after work I went up with a pair of wire-cutters. It was about the size of a small poodle but its body was like a rock (dream on) and its skull was thicker than the average MHK's. I couldn't pull it out so eventually I cut strand - and naturally the goat then shot straight on into the field.

The next day I saw it again - stuck in more-or-less the same place but this time trying to get out of the field.

I went back that evening, but it was gone. Possibly The Laxey Triangle got it.


Honest officer, I was just straddling this goat to remove it's head from the fence! 

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if you have ever walked the now overgrown footpath  along the coast between  lower laxey and the Dhoon   the vegetation in  the area is  thick   its only fit for goats , they were much more abundant a few years ago and during the foot and mouth scare many of the older ones were culled  as  a precaution by a professional marksman ,

they are causing no harm to anyone  and  are quietly going about their business , and in fact a pleasure  to watch and see how nimble  they are  ,some time ago  a very cruel person was shooting some of them in the gut with a .22 rifle   leaving them to suffer a painful and  lingering death  which was awful  as I now believe that are protected by the wildlife act  and the only people who can order a goat to be destroyed is DEFA

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