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Small Update On Tom

Lots of people are emailing Tom and wondering how he is. I felt it was now time to let you know that he has been saying goodbye to his family and friends individually and letting them know he is leaving us very soon. Tom is at peace with everything and is now focussed on leaving this world. He said he wished he could give just 5 minutes of the peace he has to all those who are weeping for him. He said it is indiscribable. He is sleeping most of the time and I am trying to keep him as comfortabl



The Last Chapter

36 years ago I drove up Onchan Head very early in the morning. It was summer and there was a most fantastic sunrise that caused me to stop my car and take in the breathtaking scene. What made this memory stand out so much after all those years is the fact that I'd spent the whole night ferrying people to Nobles and supporting distraught wives, husbands and parents who where waiting or who had received news of their loved ones missing or injured in the Summerland Disaster. I was a young 21 year o



Thursday 26th February

We have been to the hospital this morning for Toms check up before his next chemo cycle. The Oncologist appeared pleased with Toms improved health and the chemo will go ahead next Wednesday. Tom doesn't seem to be having many symptoms from the chemotherapy. What previously we thought were side effects were in fact caused by the tumour. Tom totally lost his voice at one point and was communicating by whispering and texting me when I was in another room or even dialling my mobile. This week his vo



A Nobles' Dilemma

I was sitting in a Nobles day ward having a test done and reading a book. Just a novel, a book whose author I have followed for over twenty years. An author who’s inspired me with his plots and paragraphs and phrases, and given me insights into different points of view. A writer who has created stories fantastically linking the everyday with a magical reality which always lies just under the surface of the mundane.   The nurse bustled in talking fifty to the dozen, reminiscing about Isle of



Saturday February 21st

Well hi there folks and welcome to a good old beef from me after a weeks silence. Today it’s the airport that is doing my head in. Well not just the airport, I guess I could say general security on the Island. Our Government has followed a policy over the last 20 years or so, that appears to be based on what everyone from outside the Island appears to know what is best for us. So, we have imported boat loads of civil servants from the UK and given them out top jobs so that they can and are free



Friday 20th February

Everything is going OK for us this week. Tom has been feeling much better despite being in the low period of his chemo. He is on large doses of steroids which will causing him to feel extra well. Also after weeks of eating very little, he has managed fish, chips and mushy peas twice this week. We were at the hospital again this morning for the anticoagulant checks. He's still not quite there yet with the levels, but hopefully when we have the test done again on Monday, there will be a differen



Wednesday 18th February

Things are ticking over quite well for Tom and I at the moment. Today we go to the blood clinic at Nobles to have Toms blood clotting checked. We went on Monday and Tom still required daily injections by the district nurse as well as Warfarin. Tom is still doing well despite his set back and is eating better and full of humour. We had a new shower bath fitted last friday and a vanity unit yesterday. Our bathroom is small and about 9 years ago we decided to get rid of the bath and have just a s



Sunday February 15th

Well yesterday was Valentine’s Day. Barbara and I have never gone in for these so-called special days. It seems to me that just about every day in the calendar is dedicated to someone, something or some event. They are nothing more than money making rackets though as far as I am concerned. Barbara and I buy presents and pull surprises whenever we feel so inclined. These days, every day I wake is a joy and usually full of surprises. Mind you, I did once have a rather special Valentines Day back i



Saturday 14th February

Tom came home yesterday afternoon and was going to write a blog today, but he's a little tired now. I know that people will be wondering what is happening and so after a hectic day so far, I will update you before I read the paper. Tom isn't too bad although the obstruction remains but is being controlled by steroids and chemotherapy which he had on Wednesday. His voice starts off well in the morning and deteriorates as the day goes on.The district nurse came today and again tomorrow to give hi



Thursday 12th February - With Update

I'm having trouble sleeping and thought now would be a good time to update you all on Toms progress. At present Tom is in ward 6 at Nobles. We will find out today if he has to fly over to Clatterbridge for emergency radiotherapy for an obstruction. Yesterday Tom had chemotherapy as planned, but whilst I was there I spoke to the nurse and told her of the troubles we have had over the past week. She questioned me further and decided that a doctor may need to check him out. When chemo had complet



Monday February 9th

I was wondering whether to write today or wait for a bit, but there are quite a few people wanting to know how we are fairing. Well we haven't had the best of weekends as Tom has been quite under the weather. We had to call the Emergeny Doctor late on Saturday for advice of how to handle the breathlessness that Tom was experiencing. He is pretty well managing at the moment and we've had the hospice nurse visiting us today. She is going to organise to physiotherapy & guidance on breathing to



Friday February 6th

Good morning folks. Well this has not been my best week. I have been so damn tired that I have hardly been able to do anything. Anyway today I am having a good day and soon I will be leaving for Port Erin. It is very cold today and at present the sun is shining however, it is also snowing, which proves our weather is very much like our government and tries to be all things to everyone but really hasn’t a flaming clue what to do next. With Christmas now well and truly astern of us, Easter is lyin



Help Required

Ok, the blood tests are back and Toms haemoglobin is very low. That explains why he has been very breathless and not getting enough air in his lungs, very tired and today faint. This morning he woke up feeling well as he slept apart from our 4 a.m cuppa. He was raring to go but then got faint just after getting dressed. He recovered and has spent his morning writing his next Manx Tails entry. Anyway, I now need your help if possible to give me some suggestions on how I can get his blood levels



Tuesday 3rd February 2009

I have been getting emails from people wanting an update, Manxbird especially and so I have put my mind to doing it. Well things have been a bit hectic the past few days and the weather hasn't helped. For people off the Island, the snow hasn't been a problem for us over here. Some places have had snow settling on the ground, but in Castletown we have had the benefit of seeing the lovely white flakes floating through the air and melting on impact. The real bug bear has been the keen North Easterl



Friday 30th January

Okay folks, I’m back for at least once a week. Barbara has been giving me a severe ear bashing all morning regarding the blog. I have had to agree to write a blog once a week and it will probably be on Fridays. Yes I really do enjoy writing the blog and I have really missed it. But I really did need to get on with other things that I have neglected. The book is now taking shape and hopefully will be out later this year. I have also had to agree to certain changes to my Manxtails articles. There



Some Encouragement

Its almost a week since Tom had his chemotherapy and after a dip, today he is starting to feel a little better. The first few days he felt quite well and he gradually got more tired and his chest became more problematic. I think Monday was his worst day and he is now improving. He was singing again this morning which I've said before, is my Tom barometer. When he initially went to the doctors in December, it was because he found a lump in his armpit. After a CT scan, it was found that the cancer



25th January 2009

I used to think Tom should think up different titles for his blogs instead of the date, but after sitting here staring out of the window as I try to dream up a title, I'm afraid I'm going to do the same. Well, Tom is doing OK after the chemotherapy. Obviously he is not as bouncy as he was the 1st time he had chemo, as his body has had quite a battering with the previous chemotherapy and especially the radiotherapy. He is eating better, but is tired and a little breathless. Apart from that, none



Thursday January 22nd

Hello folks. Yes I am back again and so soon! Well no not really, I have come out of retirement to write a very special blog dedicated to a very special person. My Uncle Norman (Gregson) or Normie as he liked to be known, followed all my blogs. He didn’t have a computer, but he made sure each week that they were printed off for him by someone in an office. Norman sadly past away on Tuesday morning, he simply never recovered from a so-called ‘not to serious’ operation. I was extremely close to my



A Mixed Day

I'm so sorry I am late with an update, but its been a busy day. Tom woke this morning and was singing in bed for the 1st time for months. For those who don't know, Tom is a happy person who loves to sing and because of the news of the cancer returning and his dip in his health, his singing has been sorely missed. I've always loved the way he rides above everything and has a song in his heart. Anyway, it was back today with the realisation that he would be taking a step towards stopping the cance



Hopefully Very Soon

Well we are not long back from the hospital where Tom had to have blood tests to check he will be OK for chemotherapy on Wednesday. This was one of the few times we could jump the queue as people who are having, or about to have chemotherapy, have to keep away from public places so they are not exposed to any colds or viruses etc. Chemotherapy won't take place if Tom has a temperature or if any of his required blood levels as too low. It's a nervous time for him which only stops when the nurse



The Right Stuff

I recently watched the movie the Right Stuff exploring how America and NASA launched their first astronauts into space. I really enjoyed it, I think you can tell it was based on Tom Wolfe's book - its well written on lots of levels.   I enjoyed the recurrent motif of Chuck Yeager who's story of breaking the sound barrier starts the film, but who is then left behind apart from continued reprises as the astronauts take centre stage. He bravely headed out time and time again to push his aircr



Humour Lifts The Moment

Well its a new day and we're both feeling better than this time yesterday. We had our usual middle of the night cuppa and then I went back to sleep. That is the bit that Tom doesn't manage. He has some discomfort that stops him staying in one position for too long. Yesterday alittle gadget arrived that I ordered for Tom last week. It is the visually impaired version of an ipod I suppose. It plays mps's, talking books, podcasts, records and can also have an addon to make labels that can be read



Thursday 15th January

Barbara has now started a blog to keep readers up to date with progress. To read it go to http://www.manxforums.com/forums/blog/barb...?showentry=834I I will be back some time soon.Tom Glassey on the banks of the Silverburn



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