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Desperate Dan

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3 hours ago, hissingsid said:

Buster on Manx Radio, talking headcases, going on about Castletown buying the fie station....what the f..k has it got to do with him, unless he has moved to Castletown, unbelievable.




You could have phoned in and made that point. Or sent a text if you're a chickenshit. My job is to get people to phone in - and I'm often grateful to regulars like Dave, Buster, Howard and Quirky for making the effort - unlike those who merely criticise them. And I know that the Island is pretty tribal, but you don't have to live in Castletown to have an opinion on what might be a good use for a redundant building.

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I think what happens in Castletown is down to the people who live there and pay rates and have a pride in the town and want to see it progress.    People who have an opinion on anything that moves or breathes generally bring sod all to the table and irritate, Quirky does not usually comment unless he has knowledge, however scarce, of the subject matter, in fact I have heard more sense and information coming from him on TH than he uttered all the time he was elected.   I have been on TH, not for a while but only when the subject matter affected me, Buster drones on and on about everything and anything whether he has factual evidence or not.

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2 hours ago, hissingsid said:

I think what happens in Castletown is down to the people who live there and pay rates and have a pride in the town and want to see it progress.    People who have an opinion on anything that moves or breathes generally bring sod all to the table and irritate, Quirky does not usually comment unless he has knowledge, however scarce, of the subject matter, in fact I have heard more sense and information coming from him on TH than he uttered all the time he was elected.   I have been on TH, not for a while but only when the subject matter affected me, Buster drones on and on about everything and anything whether he has factual evidence or not.

He's the Marje of the 21st century.

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4 minutes ago, woolley said:

I was thinking more of his inevitability in the line up. Would Roy suit you better?

ETA: I think Marje was partial to casting more than the odd aspersion in her time.

I actually had a lot of time for Roy

He had a great knowledge on a lot of stuff

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The first time I encountered her she was going on about comeovers to a mutual acquaintance and she made no allowance for the fact that we were standing there having arrived on the Island a couple of weeks before. I thought, bloody hell, what a harridan. So rude. I think she wanted you to know she wasn't afraid to speak her mind. She wasn't always like that, though. As I said, she could be lovely and charming.

You never really knew which Marje you were going to get.

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15 minutes ago, the stinking enigma said:

nhe came across as a complete fruitcake in my humble opinion. I don't think she was acting.

Marge had a good knowledge of everything Manx and had a special "perception" ? of what was going down.

Don't ever think that she was anybody's fool, because she most definitely was not.

 Marge had a hard life and did far more than her fair share to raise a family.

I have or indeed had, (as she is no longer here) 100% respect for her

Those who knock her, did not know her or did not understand her

Their loss.

 Those who mock her still need to take a good look at themselves and get a fucking life.:angry:


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